A simple question.

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Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
MB, I like 'ya and all, but I'd have to say to most people (especially me), that info to the left doesn't mean a darn thing "important." Anyone who points to that gives me the impression that they're a self-important pompous *****, and has some sort of self-esteem issues going on.
Do note three things:
1. I never mentioned a thing about post count, which seems to be your specific beef in your post.
2. I had specific reason for pointing out the reg date - that in my case it *is* fairly accurate and that I'm willing to give the benefit of that to others, and asking the OP if he wants to ignore that or not. (Especially given that I have tried to help him in the past, as well.)
3. I acknowledge that it tends to mean nothing and specify why in this specific part of the quote:

I don't normally bother with them, since people can leave and come back, or not come on the forums for a while (or ever.)
Originally Posted by Impish Kat
Which comment are you referring to, Bill?
The one where you jumped on a newbie's case (pulling out your "I"m a veteran" card) AFTER he made a gracious and public apology to you specifically?
Or the one where I called you out for your rudeness?
Or the one where your ego wouldn't allow you to admit you might have jumped the gun with your self-righteous response?

You have YET to acknowledge the apology in any way...
I have, and even offered my own apologies in return.

I may not be anybody's mother here, but I take pride in the CoH "friendly community" reputation we've garnered. So, when I see this kind of arrogant behavior, I sure as heck will not sit quietly.
For someone not trying to be someone's mother, you're sure trying to do a good job of it. Ego has nothing to do with it. And as far as an apology, gracious or otherwise, to me specifically? Where?

(Edit: Ah. Different thread entirely. Which, being irritated with the OP, I wouldn't have read. Very hard to acknowledge something *you haven't seen,* wouldn't you agree?)

Plus, of anyone right now, you shouldn't be calling anyone out on being self-righteous, ol' Pot.



Originally Posted by The Lone Hero View Post
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come off as someone with an attitude. To me it seemed like Memphis was trying to outdo the answers that Dechs provided, thus I viewed Memphis as someone who was rude and replied in a rude manner about him answering questions.

You have to keep in mind that I come from a community of players where people are constantly being rude to eachother, trying to out do eachother and constantly kissing up to the devs and gms of their game. I left said game because I was tired of how anal everyone was, I believed I was too nice to be there however it seems that some of their anality has rubbed off on me and due to this I have become a jerk when I did not mean to. I insure you it will be something I'll be working on improving my behavior and I'd like you guys to point out to me when I am being a jerk so I can know what to keep an eye out for. I do not want to be someone that is not fit to be a member of this community.
I did apologize on this thread...an apology which you seemed to skip.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Someone who has 825 posts may actually contribute more helpful information/content to the boards than someone who has 45,000+ posts.
The only person I know with that many posts hasn't ever contributed helpful information/content that I'm aware of.

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Lone Hero apologized in this thread, post #11 at 4:02 am PT

MB got pissy with him in this thread, post #13 at 6:05 am PT

Bill claims he *didn't see it* despite the fact that I told him about it in my very first response to him:

Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Y'know Bill, I was right with ya up until this point. I mean, the guy apologized VERY graciously 2 hours before your post. ...
Like I said, Bill, I was right with ya ... until you decided to get pissy. I do know that you bring a lot to the table here in the forums, but if you're going to treat people like that, it kinda makes things a wash.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
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Is there some history with Impish Kat and MB or something...

Here's the part I imagine is the "bad" part:

Now. Look to the left. See that reg date? I don't normally bother with them, since people can leave and come back, or not come on the forums for a while (or ever.) However, for me it's pretty accurate. I've been playing *consistently* since then (actually since Feb 2005 instead of March, but close enough.) I *predate* bases and global names. I predate villainside and PVP. Would you like to actually have me answer with that degree of experience, or would you prefer getting pissy over getting more information? If the second, I'll just say "Go here: http://wiki.cohtitan.com/wiki/Main_Page and don't ask anything that's covered there" and leave it at that.

For future reference, that *is* me getting rude, which I'd call perfectly justified in this case. Me answering a question? That tends *not* to be.
He doesn't say, "Look at my reg date... that means me more uber than you" and he doesn't say anything uncalled for.
He is trying to explain things to someone who didn't get it.

Fine, that can be my opinion and Impish Kat can have a different opinion... But eventually you have to let people be the way they wish to be.
You've brought it to MB's attention (And everyone else) already.
MB seems pretty okay with whatever he's done here and in PMs.

I think most reasonable people can be okay with that.

What exactly do you think you're accomplishing by bringing this up over and over, Impish Kat?
We have no history between us.. I have no history with MB... I don't have any problems with anyone here.

If your rules are so stringent, perhaps you really should give it a rest in trying to make others follow them. People have their own ideas and your persistence in trying to point out MB as some sort of villain here is rather odd.

Looks to me like MB was being straight forward.
If you actually read the stuff about the reg date... it is not what it may look like at first glance.

Anyway... I'm not going to get caught up in this, I just figured (Much like Impish Kat probably thinks) that I could help bring a little more understanding for the cause of pleasantness and all that.

See where simple questions lead!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I dunno EK, perhaps it's because I actually DO think MB brings a lot of good stuff here, that I was rather appalled at how he treated Lone Hero...

In general, I usually agree with MB... but in this case I really felt he was off base. I would react the same way, do the same thing, if it was a personal friend who had done this.

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What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
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Originally Posted by The Lone Hero View Post
I did apologize on this thread...an apology which you seemed to skip.
Ahh. See, I think we touched on this in the PMs (how something's read, etc.) That read, to me, as more of a "social nicety" opening (like saying "I'm sorry, what did you call me?") than an apology. (As opposed to what you said in the other thread that prompted me to PM you when I finally read it. Of course, I wasn't irritated when I read the second one, too.) It colored the entire tone of the post, for me, into one of "making excuses" rather than an apology - which didn't, quite obviously, go over well with me.

So I'll offer you an apology of my own for completely misreading both what you wrote and the intent behind it (as I think we've handled everything else in PMs) - though I have to add, without certain parties dragging this out, the issue would have been long dead and buried IMHO. Any irritation at you is long gone.



Well anyway... My apologies if I contributed to dragging things out unnecessarily with my couple of replies.

Lonely hero... I recommend you consider what I said about Super Groups.
Seems like you might benefit from some time to take things in.

Don't get me wrong... I happen to be a fan of trial by fire and learning on the fly. However, I don't ever subscribe to one method for, just about, anything.
So, find what works for you and all. Taking time and meeting others and working your way up, both in social circles and in experience, can be a good thing.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
- though I have to add, without certain parties dragging this out, the issue would have been long dead and buried IMHO. ...
But then the resolution would have been quite different.
Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
So I'll offer you an apology of my own for completely misreading both what you wrote and the intent behind it (as I think we've handled everything else in PMs)
This could have ended things a long time ago.


Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
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Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
But then the resolution would have been quite different.
Are you psychic now? Precognitive ability being announced to the world?

No, Kat, you can't say that with any certainty. To be quite honest, your actions in this thread have made me generally more irritated with you and your butting in (and now apparently trying to claim some sort of credit, which I find highly offensive) than I *ever* was with the OP.

Resolution? I have no issue with the OP. I was irritated, it wore off. I believe I stated that had happened anyway - not "would have," but already had. If anything, your continual harping on it *lengthened* the general irritation by bringing it back to mind. That sort of behaviour does nothing but get my Irish up. And you say you're like this with your personal friends? How do you keep from getting decked?



I started a hero side SG, Tokusatsu Hero Force, which is themed after shows like power Rangers and Kamen Rider and so on. My first, and currently only other member, was kind enough to donate a good deal of influence, giving me enough to get up a decent sized base with a salvage rack and work table. So soon I'll be able to make a basic telepad and other base items with the worktable which is a very good thing. He also used his vet rewards to allow the use of weapon racks. I'll be keeping in mind what I've been told here and thanks to those who offered help.

To Impish and Memphis: I'd like it if you two stop bickering and simply let things be. It's fixed now. That means Impish, would you kindly stop pushing Memphis buttons? Memphis, the best thing to do is to step away and settle down. ^_^

However, I do agree with Memphis on the situation, no offense meant Impish. While I understand you were defending a new player, said player being me, I do feel you caused this to drag out, even though it was unintentional.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
God created the Irish to rule the world, he did.

Germans created beer so we couldn't!
Funny... I happen to be both.
Which is how you get a red-headed German.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
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Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Funny... I happen to be both.
Which is how you get a red-headed German.
I happen to be both as well.

Which is how you get a ... brown haired... Irishman? Oh hell, I don't know.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



sorry but this has to be done...

A Complex Answer!



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
The only person I know with that many posts hasn't ever contributed helpful information/content that I'm aware of.
lol, I wondered if anyone was going to "get" that....


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

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