Best duos for masterminds?




Beloved Spouse and I spent a relaxing afternoon playing our masterminds together.

It was fun. It was also quite frustrating, because TOO MANY MINIONS. So we're thinking of playing something else with each of the two masterminds. ... So what goes particularly well with masterminds? We're both pretty flexible about what we'll play. I was thinking probably a corruptor or mastermind would make a good fit, but really, I just don't know the archetypes well enough to say what'd be particularly good.



AoE damage and support are always good teammates for masterminds. Soldiers of Arachnos, Fire/dark corruptors especially, but for ranged masterminds like seebs' Bots/traps, a well-played dominator with a strong anti knockback AoE immobilize can be priceless. The dominator might not want that in a regular build. You might convince them to put that in a second build available at level 10.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



Looks like I may be getting a brute because "that looks fun to play". Beloved Spouse has a thugs/dark mastermind, I'm still messing with my options. Dark/dark corruptor is tempting to me just because I have so much fun on dark/dark defender. Also looking at things I haven't played, like rad/rad corruptor, or a dominator. Mmmm, dominator. (I like controller a fair bit... There's some similarities.)

Edited to add: Wanted a dominator, after messing around, went plant/thorny assault. Won't know for quite a few levels how helpful or unhelpful it is, but it certainly does seem helpful. Beloved Spouse is running a dual blades/super reflexes brute to ally with my mastermind; while the synergy won't be amazing, I really do like the idea of someone other than the bots soaking alpha strikes, and FFG plus various other traps stuff will help patch up any temporary limitations of pre-level-20-or-so SR.



Just to revisit a good MM duo with another AT, one good combo is a Brute and MM - especially if you mix self and player buffs. For example a Brute with a Dark/Fire/Electric/INV/Stone secondary mixes well with a /FF MM. Energy and SR secondaries mix well with Thermal. Pretty much any of the other secondaries work well with just about anything else. There are also thematic mixes, such as Fire/Fire Brute with Demons/Thermal, and so forth. Whatever you choose, I'm sure you'll have fun.

One new development for me is pets don't get in the way of players, so it's a big easier for dual MM's and beyond. That said, if you are mixing AT's, Brutes and Masterminds go well together, IMO.



Huh. My pets don't get in MY way, but they seem to get in anyone else's way occasionally, or shove people around.



Due to their unique varieties of Manuvers/Assault/Tactics, the Soldiers of Arachnos is most likely the best duo to an MM, especially if they decide to pick up the original Assault/Tactics as well. though you can't really go wrong.



Originally Posted by Pseudonym1 View Post
Due to their unique varieties of Manuvers/Assault/Tactics, the Soldiers of Arachnos is most likely the best duo to an MM, especially if they decide to pick up the original Assault/Tactics as well. though you can't really go wrong.
Yep, I'd go with this too. Probably Crab, Huntsman or Fort, unless the SoA enjoys being jousled around and barged out of the way by idiot henchmen. Your own henchies won't block you, but they can and will block other teammates (I hate demons so much because of this).

Crabs, Forts and Huntsmen have tonnes of lovely AOE. Forts can have more control, Crabs have pets and Huntsmen tend to have the Leadership Pool Powers and other support toggles (Huntsman is basically a Bane who skips almost all of the mace attacks except for Venom Grenade and Build-Up).