Sisterhood Sunday Event - August 8, 2010




The Sisterhood Sunday Event for August 8, 2010 is the same bat time, same bat channel as this week's event.

When: Sunday, August 8 2010
Time: 12:30 PDT, 12:30 MDT, 2:30 CDT, 3:30 EDT
Where: The Hive

Meet in the Hive commence the Monster Hunt!



If EoE was an issue today, spend some time farming Monster Island. The Sisterhood will be forming teams and farming MI off and on this week.

Thank you to all the heroes that came out for today's Raid, last week no one believed we were doing it and we had 16 people in The Hive. This week we spawned a Hive 2, major improvement!



Originally Posted by Green_Eyed_Lady View Post
If EoE was an issue today, spend some time farming Monster Island. The Sisterhood will be forming teams and farming MI off and on this week.

Thank you to all the heroes that came out for today's Raid, last week no one believed we were doing it and we had 16 people in The Hive. This week we spawned a Hive 2, major improvement!

And took Hami down once. It is only a matter of a bit more timing and patience and Hami will be ours.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



Sisterhood invites everyone to join us in The Hive on Sunday, August 8, 2010 for our Sisterhood Sunday Event - Hami Raid at 3:30 PM EDT



Looks like another fine event planned by the Sisterhood...

It's been many years since I was at a Hami...

With any luck, I'll have time this Sunday to participate. If not, hope all who have a chance at Hami the best of luck and a wonderful time!



Originally Posted by Cold as Ice View Post
They did Hami raids the past two weeks just didn't bother to post about those for some reason.
Your first post is inaccurate. Ten days ago, Sisterhood posted The Hive as its Sisterhood Sunday Event in our global channel MoTD and our forums. We were intent on having Hami Raids back on Liberty, but we needed to "relearn" how to do it.

We went into The Hive with a single team, which turned into two teams, and we spawned Hami. Not much else can be done with sixteen heroes after that. Okay, we decided that we would try again on August 1st to expand our knowledge and experience. Again, it was posted as the Sisterhood Sunday Event in our MoTD and on our forums. Both locations are very public and very visible.

On August 1st we went into The Hive with the plan of forming a taunt team and learning to keep that team alive. We never dared think that support for our attempts would be much over the two teams we drew the week prior, let alone the fifty plus heroes that did come out. However, to our delight and surprise, we did draw enough heroes to max the zone and spawn a Hive 2. Though our initial planning and preparations were for a training session only, we decided that a Raid was in order with that kind of a turnout.

We cleared the Mitos and dropped Hami down to 75% at which time the first bloom spawned. At that point, some odd behavior overtook everyone and chaos ensued, we were never able to launch a coordinated attack against Hami after that.

That brings us to today. We are now aware that support for our efforts is enough to get the job done and we are intent on continuing what we started.



Originally Posted by Green_Eyed_Lady View Post
That brings us to today. We are now aware that support for our efforts is enough to get the job done and we are intent on continuing what we started.
Continuing and Finishing!!!



Originally Posted by CA_Outlaw_Woman View Post
Continuing and Finishing!!!

Positive attitude... always a bonus!!!



Here is some cut outs of Virtue I9 Hami Raid Tactics I use.

Hamidon Mitos
Each Mito has a PBAoE auto power and a targeted power, in addition to their standard “Resistance” and “Fly” powers.
• Yellow mitos have a 45 foot PBAoE damage/stun that activates every 4 seconds. Their targeted power is a 45 foot AoE damage/stun with 600 ft range. Each blast does approximately 500 points of untyped damage and the stun has enough mag to break through Scrapper toggles, hence the need for Clear Mind or Clarity casters tending to the scrapper teams. Yellows need to be melee’d due to high resistance to ranged attacks.

• Blue mitos have a 15 foot PBAoE fear/debuff power that activates every 2 seconds. Their targeted power is a single-target damage/mez with 300 ft range, 1.87 second cast time and 6 second recharge. Blues have a fear and endurance drain attack. They are also the source of the chain lightning you will see shooting from player to player. The chain lightning is little more than a tickle, but you will see orange numbers floating up from your fellow heroes. The Blue mitos make Dark Defenders with Shadowfall running very valuable to the assault teams for fear resistance. Blues must be attacked at range as they will drain the endurance or anyone in melee range.

• Green mitos have a 150 foot PBAoE damage/debuff power that activates every 6 seconds, but can only affect one target per activation; they also have a 70 foot PBAoE heal power that activates every 7 seconds, healing all allies within the radius for 321 HP. Their targeted power is a single-target heal for 1205 HP with a 300 ft range, 1.0 second cast time, and 5 second recharge. They have an additional self-affecting auto-power called “Regenerative Aura” that activates every 10 seconds and appears to grant capped regeneration (500% HP/ minute) and high resistance to damage; the effects of this power seem to have conditional statement attached to deactivate the effects while held. The base “Held” attribute protection for Boss_Mito class entities is -100. Greens have a -heal attack which will practically cancel out all healing in a few hits. This is the reason Tanks can not be kept alive by healing, they must be teleported out to recover while another Tank steps in. Greens also have a powerful force field that must be dropped by holding them prior to all out attacks. The weakness of the greens is they heal the closest damaged target first, so by assaulting the greens directly, they will focus on healing each other rather than healing yellows.
Hamidons’ AoE attack also has a –heal or –regen effect, which further complicates the Tanks job.
Mito Blooms
Mito Blooms/Spawns occur when Hamidon reaches 75%, 50% and 25% health. Each bloom only happens once at the specific percentages, so there are a total of 4 mito phases. When a bloom occurs the entire raid must make a speedy strategic withdrawal (run away screaming like little girls). A little tip on getting away faster, the goo provides all within it with Super Jump.

1. Spawn Hamidon
2. Clear initial mitos (1st mito phase)
3. Fight Hamidon to 75% health
4. 1st mito bloom
5. Clear mitos (2nd mito phase)
6. Fight Hamidon to 50% health
7. 2nd mito bloom
8. Clear mitos (3rd mito phase)
9. Fight Hamidon to 25%
10. 3rd mito bloom
11. Clear mitos (4th and last mito phase)
12. Defeat Hamidon
Teams and Roles

There are 3 primary roles that teams will play in the raid.
• The Tanker/Empath Team controls Hamidon aggro.
• Two Scrapper/Empath Teams control aggro from and attack yellow mitos.
• The remaining raiders form a large Assault Force to directly attack green, then blue mitos.

Tanker Team
1 Kinetic
1-2 Empaths
5-6 Tanks One of the non-tanks needs Recall Friend. Any tank type will suffice. Tanks will need about 4 EoEs each per Mito bloom (about 16).

Scrapper Teams
3-4 Empaths
3-4 Scrappers Two teams consisting of at least 3 flying scrappers and 3 empaths (flying preferred), Initially we gave scrappers about 2 EoEs per bloom, but a recent tweak in strategy has scrappers not using any EoEs. Some breakfrees are a very good idea for all members of the scrapper teams.

Assault Teams
The rest of the raiders should form teams as balanced as possible, damagers and support to keep everyone going. A perfect scenario is to have someone with Recall Friend on every team. Holders play an important role since green mitos must be held before they can be defeated. No EoEs are required for the assault force.

The Strategy
Tanker Team – sets up in a safe area outside of Hami aggro, out of line of sight of the Hamidon. Typically, Tanker Team will form at North Saferock (away from the rest of the raid). Here, the empaths and kin will buff the tanks with every buff they have. Status resists are paramount, as the blasts will overcome the status protection for an unbuffed tank. Empaths AoE auras are saved for the signal from the raid leader doing the countdown in the request channel. The tanks must communicate and coordinate closely to transfer Hamidon aggro as the current target tank nears death. The damaged tank will be ported out and patched up by the empathy, with the assistance of a kin (speed boost).
Scrapper/Empath Teams – each empath should be assigned a specific scrapper to look after. Each scrapper must be assigned a different yellow mito as their target. As with tanks, the scrappers must have all the buffs the empaths can provide, especially Clear Mind. CM should be spammed on the scrappers as much as possible, and the empaths should CM each other occasionally. The scrapper/empathy teams form up on saferock with the assault force.
Coordination between scrapper/empathy teams is essential for precise targeting of the yellow mitos. The team leader will assign the scrappers their target and coordinate with the other team leader to verify the targeting. After the assignments, the team leaders report ready to the raid leader. This step is vital, as one missed assignment can wipe the assault team, cascading into a full wipe. In practice, it is best for the raid leader to identify the center mito for each scrapper/empathy team leader, and the team leader then assign left/center/right to their scrappers.
On the start signal, scrappers (with empaths following) will fly to their assigned yellow mito and attempt to kill it. Their primary goal is to stay alive and keep the mitos attention, but they should try to kill it as well. Once the green mitos attentions’ are drawn away from the yellows, most scrappers have a good chance at defeating their yellow solo. If the scrapper kills their mito, immediately move to the next closest yellow mito on the team and assist in killing it (empaths follow your scrapper). This will allow a cascade of damage as the scrappers double and triple team the yellows.
To assist in keeping the empaths alive, scrappers should approach and attack yellows from the outside edge of the goo. This is a little tricky as scrappers are all coming from saferock, essentially the empaths must stay at max range for CM and Heal Other to avoid splash from the AoE blasts. The scrappers should remain stationary once engaged with a mito. Too much movement may cause the empath to come closer to remain in range and get hit, stunned or worse.
Assault teams – Much like old Hamidon raids, have a designated targeter that everyone targets off of (either friend them or make a macro/bind). Someone on each team with Group Fly is also helpful. After giving the Tankers and Scrappers a few seconds to acquire aggro, the assault force plunges in en mass to take down green mitos first. Holders must spam holds on the green mito to drop the shield, then the assault force kills the green mito as fast as possible. The assault force will range around Hamidon killing all of the green mitos, then start on the blues. Range attacks are best for the blue mitos as they have a powerful PBAoE endurance drain. Any AoE mez resists are helpful (especially fear resist from Dark Defenders Shadowfall). All members of the assault force must be mindful of the yellow mito and Hamidon AoE blasts (meaning tanker and scrapper locations), simply putting the targeter on follow and blasting away without a care can get you stunned or worse real fast.
Key binds the lead must need
(Clear Mind, Clarity, Fortitude and Speed Boost buffs at this stage)
(Regeneration and Recovery Auras, Oil Slick for Fulcrum Shift buffs at this stage)

**You can go any direction you want, but usually STICK together ONE way.**


Working on more information and tactics for Hami Raid.



My gut response is "what a bunch of self important schmucks..." but that's not a nice thing to say.

Good luck on Sunday. I'm crossing my fingers hoping that Wednesday's attempt fails so the Sisterhood (and friends) get the credit they truly deserve.




Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
My gut response is "what a bunch of self important schmucks..." but that's not a nice thing to say.

Good luck on Sunday. I'm crossing my fingers hoping that Wednesday's attempt fails so the Sisterhood (and friends) get the credit they truly deserve.


Fitz, any win over Hami is a win for Liberty. I hope Hazy wins on Wednesday and then we all get together again on Sunday for a second take down. Now, wouldn't that be grand.

Wonder Arrow, Hazy will be using a slightly different tactic where he will use tanks to draw the yellow blast away from the mito so the scrappers can attack without worrying about the damage. With this tactic you get all the scrappers on one team to attack the same yellow mitos then move on to the next. The advantage of this is once the scrapper team gets good, they can take down all the yellows in a minute or two.

Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity



Yes, Fitz, Petebilt is right. It's a win/win for Liberty. I am sick of your attitude and your veiled disrespect for anyone and everyone that has even a modicum of enthusiasm around here. Either take whatever pill you take to chill or come out and freakin' say what you mean. The whole bashing positive attitudes thing is old.

I want Hazy to take Hami down on Wednesday Night, I am just heartbroken I can't be there to help. The fact that there are people moving into The Hive is nothing but great news and it can only get greater from there. It is ALL a win for Liberty. I said as much to Peterbilt in a PM just this morning.

I am enthusiastic and I am supportive toward Hazy and his efforts, he supported me and was in The Hive on Sunday when we got to the first bloom and I will do no less when he tries. I just won't be able to be there in person.

It's a Liberty thing, its a community thing. I don't expect Fitz to even come close to comprehending that concept.



Originally Posted by Cold as Ice View Post
I didnt find the posts on these forums about the Sisterhood Sunday events for 8/01 or 7/25. I can find most other weeks though.
We didn't post them here. As I said, it was posted in our channel and our forums. We were not ready for a mass announcement, but the information was seen by hundreds of heroes.

On 7/25, a team went into The Hive for the first time in years. We had no idea what we could accomplish, but we were going to find out. There were 16 of us when we spawned Hami.

The following week, the same drill, a training exercise. Only this time, support showed up in spades and we went for it.

If you want to say we hid from the server and tried to sneak into The Hive, then go ahead and say it, don't be scared.



Originally Posted by Green_Eyed_Lady View Post
I want Hazy to take Hami down on Wednesday Night, I am just heartbroken I can't be there to help. The fact that there are people moving into The Hive is nothing but great news and it can only get greater from there. It is ALL a win for Liberty. I said as much to Peterbilt in a PM just this morning.

I am enthusiastic and I am supportive toward Hazy and his efforts, he supported me and was in The Hive on Sunday when we got to the first bloom and I will do no less when he tries. I just won't be able to be there in person.

It's a Liberty thing, its a community thing. I don't expect Fitz to even come close to comprehending that concept.
I was there both times on my emp hoping we would take Hami down. I figure when Hami is taken down once more people will want to join in. Now that interest is there again we have to act fast because GR is right around the corner. Before there was interest then i17 came out and people stopped caring.

So join me if you can on Wednesday, 8/4, at 9 pm Eastern if you wanna try and take down Hami!

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



Originally Posted by Green_Eyed_Lady View Post
Yes, Fitz, Petebilt is right. It's a win/win for Liberty. I am sick of your attitude and your veiled disrespect for anyone and everyone that has even a modicum of enthusiasm around here.

There's enthusiasm and over the top enthusiasm. Or maybe it's just corny. I was being sarcastic when I said I hope the Wednesday attempt fails, duh. However I wouldn't be surprised if a small part of you wants it to fail. Bad GEL, bad GEL!

Either take whatever pill you take to chill or come out and freakin' say what you mean. The whole bashing positive attitudes thing is old.

I was pretty clear in the THANKS!!!! thread. Be positive all you want. Just don't be positive to the point where it's sickening. And it may just be my low level of tolerance for happy people. I know, it's my problem. I am a grump. But I'm a grump with both feet planted firmly on the ground.

I want Hazy to take Hami down on Wednesday Night

I want Liberty to take down Hami on Wednesday night. I win. You see it's not about individuals, it's about the community!

I am enthusiastic and I am supportive toward Hazy and his efforts, he supported me and was in The Hive on Sunday when we got to the first bloom and I will do no less when he tries.

I had to work on Sunday but even if I didn't I wouldn't have known about this happening unless I happened to catch it in LB.

It's a Liberty thing, its a community thing. I don't expect Fitz to even come close to comprehending that concept.
Oh stop. If it were a Liberty or community thing you'd bring more of your events to LB despite whatever problems you or your gaggle of friends may have with it. LB is the channel people associate the server with. You may not want to admit it, but it's a Sisterhood thing.

I've updated my Calendar.




Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post

Oh stop. If it were a Liberty or community thing you'd bring more of your events to LB despite whatever problems you or your gaggle of friends may have with it. LB is the channel people associate the server with. You may not want to admit it, but it's a Sisterhood thing.

I've updated my Calendar.

ALL of Sisterhood's events become part of LB's MoTD. Of course, you knew that, right? You're just being sarcastic again.

Tell me, why would The Sisterhood have anything against LB? LB was started, way for it.....a Sisterhood Officer! That's right, LB was started by none other than Kimi Hisakawa. A long time player, dear friend and Officer of The Sisterhood. But, you knew that, too, right? I see, sarcasm again.

I know you have seen the posts here at the forums where I promote membership in LB....oh, sarcasm again. Gee, I keep forgetting. You're just joking!

My "gaggle of friends"? You're being sarcastic, right? Nothing personal toward me and the people that Sisterhood associates with?

I really need to get tuned in to this whole new sense of humor you've developed.



Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
There's enthusiasm and over the top enthusiasm. Or maybe it's just corny. I was being sarcastic when I said I hope the Wednesday attempt fails, duh. However I wouldn't be surprised if a small part of you wants it to fail. Bad GEL, bad GEL!
What is wrong with enthusiasm??? Even "over the top enthusiasm".
It's important to get excited about the little things.

Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
I was pretty clear in the THANKS!!!! thread. Be positive all you want. Just don't be positive to the point where it's sickening. And it may just be my low level of tolerance for happy people. I know, it's my problem. I am a grump. But I'm a grump with both feet planted firmly on the ground.
So you're saying that anyone that is positive can't also have "both feet planted firmly on the ground" ?? I don't find that to be true.

Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
I want Liberty to take down Hami on Wednesday night. I win. You see it's not about individuals, it's about the community!

"I win." That attitude is not about community!!!

Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
I had to work on Sunday but even if I didn't I wouldn't have known about this happening unless I happened to catch it in LB.
If you want to know what Sisterhood has planned then you need to visit We post all of our events as well as Liberty server's events on our calendar and Upcoming Events board.

Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
Oh stop. If it were a Liberty or community thing you'd bring more of your events to LB despite whatever problems you or your gaggle of friends may have with it. LB is the channel people associate the server with. You may not want to admit it, but it's a Sisterhood thing.
I've updated my Calendar.
FYI, the original Liberty Badgers channel was started by one of our Sisters, Kimi Hisakawa a member since 9/27/2005. We have no problem what so ever with LB channel, most of the Sisterhood belongs to LB channel.

There were threads going back for an entire year discussing doing a Hami Raid.**see below

The two most recent threads, had a lot of people showing interest, including people willing to transfer toons over from other servers and still no one would step up and get the ball rolling. One of the threads it was stated that Hazy would be leading Liberty, so Sisterhood didn't schedule a raid, so as to not interfere. After well over 2 months and still no one was scheduling a raid, Sisterhood scheduled a couple of expeditions into the Hive to establish the best strategy for taking Hami down. The first week we only had 16 Heroes show up, but we managed to spawn Hami and try out some strategies. The second week, this last Sunday, the same drill, a training exercise, but we filled the Hive and spawned a Hive 2 and with that show of support, we went for it.

We are happy and yea, a little bit proud that Sisterhood's training expeditions have stirred enough interest that there is other groups that have the enthusiasm and are going to give it a shot.
I am positive that you will find fault with my entire post and that's ok, you have the right to your opinions.
If you really want to update your calendar visit SH Events Calendar or our Upcoming Events board.

** Thread dated 2/19/2010
started by Shirai-Ryu

** Thread dated 5/10/2010
started by Arkyaeon



Thanks for the history lesson ladies! A lot of people don't read the motd, I miss it more often than I notice it and I refuse to look at a girly girl website or join another chat channel.

I have a pretty good memory unless I've been drinking and I believe there was a whole LB blowup where ya'll were cribbing about LB.

Post that on your calendar!

I'll be there on Sunday unless I have to work.

EDIT: Oh and God bless the Sisterhood for creating LB! And God bless America.



Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
Thanks for the history lesson ladies! A lot of people don't read the motd, I miss it more often than I notice it and I refuse to look at a girly girl website or join another chat channel.

I have a pretty good memory unless I've been drinking and I believe there was a whole LB blowup where ya'll were cribbing about LB.

Post that on your calendar!

I'll be there on Sunday unless I have to work.

EDIT: Oh and God bless the Sisterhood for creating LB! And God bless America.
Fitz, your memory failed you. We stayed silent on the depravity in LB channel for a very long time, never saying nary a word. When we did speak up publicly was after we were asked our opinions. Then we gave them.

Of course, like every other damned time we gave our opinions around here, some yahoo with a thorn in his side about strong-willed women or happy people or generally helpful people forced us to have to defend our opinions over and over and over and over...



Originally Posted by Lady_Liz View Post
The Sisterhood Sunday Event for August 8, 2010 is the same bat time, same bat channel as this week's event.

When: Sunday, August 8 2010
Time: 12:30 PDT, 12:30 MDT, 2:30 CDT, 3:30 EDT
Where: The Hive

Meet in the Hive commence the Monster Hunt!

Woot! Denver gets the event 1 hour early. (Now all I have to do is buy plane fare to Denver to earn my Oro portal!)



It's a joke, don't listen to fitz... not worth it on the forums... tells... pms... like this can hurt a sg when some new people want to join and they look at this =/

I'm ready for sunday Shf hami... I have my macros ready.

Largest and Most Active Group on Exalted! Daily Teams, events, raids, trials, task/strike forces! /chanjoin OOCIC - 7Servers, 20bases, 8 bases in top 100! - We have ventrilo and forums!



Ok, it's just a game people... Some take it a little more serious than others as far as the social aspect. Some take making uber-builds to an extreme... some just like to play casually... some... are just here to blow off steam from a hard day at work or school...

Whatever your reason to play the game or how you play the game is a personal choice and no one should have the right to inflict their opinion as to how you play the game, unless your game play directly impairs their gaming (let's not even go down that dead horse road)...

After all these years I still enjoy the game... some for the social, some for the teams and some for the hell of it... just because I pay my monthly fee, I have a right to play how I want as long as I do not affect the game or other players... If I want to be overly happy about teaming/gaming I can be, if I want to be an old sour puss, I can be that too...

Either way, it's a game that many of us enjoy for one reason or another...

Have fun, Kill Skuls and HAMI!



Originally Posted by Its_Me_Matt View Post
It's a joke, don't listen to fitz
This is the best advice ever.

Matty you missed a great raid yesterday. It started a few minutes after you left.



1, this took a long time to start. 2, I knew like 10people from liberty.

Largest and Most Active Group on Exalted! Daily Teams, events, raids, trials, task/strike forces! /chanjoin OOCIC - 7Servers, 20bases, 8 bases in top 100! - We have ventrilo and forums!



Originally Posted by Green_Eyed_Lady View Post
At that point, some odd behavior overtook everyone and chaos ensued, we were never able to launch a coordinated attack against Hami after that.
I think this further illustrates a previous point that was made, and one that you, GEL, reiterated. "Relearn".

I'm sure I was not the only person who had been gone from the game since prior to issue 9. And I'm glad of it!

First, let me thank the Sisterhood collectively for getting the ball rolling, and you GEL for being the impetus behind that ball.

Still, by design I'd say, this is a server event. If there are successes, the credit goes to those that were in the hive, contributing - and those that helped with monster mash parties prior to the actual raid.

And if the raid should ever fail, we won't worry about placing blame, just solving the problem. (especially since if it's my fault)

I learned a great deal from the "training/relearning" exercise. I learned never to follow a scrapper team into the goo without proper status protection and to quit being cheap and go ahead get a few IO sets that will help with global recharge speed.

I'm sure many of us learned some things. Maybe even some lessons that would apply to everyday life. Hmm. Food for thought.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese
