



Hi all,
What would work best with Dual Blades? I haven't played hero-side since CoV came out so I'm absolutely in the dark as to how scrapper secondaries perform and what meshes with what.

There are three types of people in this world: Those who can count and those who can't.



The thing I'm told is most commonly irritating about DB is that the combo system is a bit counter intuitive to sets that require a lot of click powers, such as the Regeneration secondary. While I do think the moaning is a bit exaggerated, I'll admit it has, once or twice, messed up a combo.

That said, it meshes pretty well with most secondaries as it's knock down abilities will give you breathing room regardless of how else you like to mitigate damage. My personal favorite is Willpower because I feel like the taunt effect in Rise to the Challenge helps bring more fodder into my bladed circle of death.



Willpower, Inv, and SR have relatively few click powers to cause redraw/interrupt combos. From my experience with an Inv/DB tanker I'd highly recommend it.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Dark Armor has one click power, and Dark Regeneration fires off quickly enough to not interrupt a combo.

Electric Armor has two, Power Sink and Energize, which might interrupt combos. (Well, and the tier nine.)

Fire and Regeneration are click-heavy.

SR is a good one, you only have to worry about Practiced Brawler.

Willpower is also a good match, with only the tier nine as a clicky.

Invuln has only Dull Pain and the tier nine.

Shields, of course, are unavailable.

I've played a DB/SR scrapper and a Dark/DB tank to 50, and I can say that both are quite solid choices. If I had to choose between the two, I would say the SR was more fun, but I think that has to do with Dual Blades' lackluster abilities for a tank.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Originally Posted by Hostillian View Post
Hi all,
What would work best with Dual Blades? I haven't played hero-side since CoV came out so I'm absolutely in the dark as to how scrapper secondaries perform and what meshes with what.
Regen = lots of redraw for a primary that redraw can cost you on the combo.

Inv = 1 clickie that isn't to bad.

DA = 1 clickie that can be used a little to often, but not to bad.

FA = 1 clickie that will be used alot.

SR = 1 click that like FA will be used quite a bit. You want that mez protection, and in end builds, it tends to have a pretty fast recharge, but not as bad as say Regen or FA, or even DA.

WP = 1 clickie, you'll usually want to use before the fight.

Elec = 2 clickies that you'll likely want to use often.

My suggestion...WP or INV.

And this doesn't count the end crashing tier 9s.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
SR = 1 click that like FA will be used quite a bit. You want that mez protection, and in end builds, it tends to have a pretty fast recharge, but not as bad as say Regen or FA, or even DA.
There's no law saying you have to put it on autofire. If you hit it when it's recharged and you have a second to spare (like before the fight) it'll never interrupt a combo, and if you forgot to hit it there's a ten-second warning with the flashing icon, plenty of time to finish your combo.

SR is about as clicky as Invul. Less so, if you're using Dull Pain as a heal rather than preemptively.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



I have a dual blades/super reflexes that i LOVE. it's super easy to softcap SR on a budget, so i like to use him to speed through missions. just make sure you have alot of recovery, and you're golden.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
There's no law saying you have to put it on autofire. If you hit it when it's recharged and you have a second to spare (like before the fight) it'll never interrupt a combo, and if you forgot to hit it there's a ten-second warning with the flashing icon, plenty of time to finish your combo.

SR is about as clicky as Invul. Less so, if you're using Dull Pain as a heal rather than preemptively.
This is true. I guess it's just in my playstyle that I prefered to keep it on auto and go

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



DB/WP is extremely good, as it has very few click powers, good mitigation, and endurance recovery.

Steer clear of DB/Dark unless you have tons of money to blow on it. DB/Dark is incredibly endurance intensive.

Super Reflexes, Inv, and Electric are also great choices. I'm not a fan of /Regen or /Fire because you will be redrawing alot.



Loving my DB/DA scrapper, tears things up and knocks them down. I originally designed him to be a challenging character but it turned out to be pretty much easy mode.



I like Inv with DB. Tough as nails (except for PSY) and the +to hit in invincibility helps reduce the misses in your combo strings.



I'd probably say Electric Armor and take the whole thing. You get a bonus to recharge, resist -Recharge, and don't have too many clicks (all very important to DB). Endurance problems should be null. Add the whole Fitness pool (double-slotting each) and use Ninja Run + Sprint for a great travel combo. Add Tough from the Fighting pool to help S/L resist (take your pick of Boxing or Kick, but leave it alone in slotting). Assuming seven powers from Dual Blades (Attack Vitals & Sweep combos, plus Blinding Feint), you've still got two power choices left to play with.



Thanks for all the responses guys! I think I'm going to go with Super Reflexes as the recharge you get with Quickness is very appealing and it only has one click with PB. 2 if I go with elude, but that's still up in the air.

There are three types of people in this world: Those who can count and those who can't.