Vid Card question..

Father Xmas



Will a Nvidia 9800 1GB GT get me ultra mode maxed out? Right now Im on a nVidia 8800 GTS 512 and its all maxed out except ambient oclusions are set for (slight) and AA at x4.

CPU: Wolfdale e8400
Ram: 4GB
OS: Vista 64



9800GT < 8800GTS 512MB.

9800GT - 112 SPs @ 1500MHz
8800GTS 512MB - 128SPs @ 1625MHz

9800GT has only 80% the raw compute power of an 8800GTS 512MB.

More memory won't help you here.

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Originally Posted by THE_PAIN View Post
Will a Nvidia 9800 1GB GT get me ultra mode maxed out? Right now Im on a nVidia 8800 GTS 512 and its all maxed out except ambient oclusions are set for (slight) and AA at x4.

CPU: Wolfdale e8400
Ram: 4GB
OS: Vista 64
Oh look. Sai's posting in a thread with an nvidia card. Who wants to lay odds Sai explodes again about how Nvidia's line-up of cards are rip offs!

Okay, right now, if you are maxing all Ultra Mode options on an 8800 GTS I'm guessing you are running in a really low resolution, probably 1024*768 or maybe 1280*1024, but no higher.

I say this because a Geforce GTS 250, which is basically an overclocked version of the chip behind the 8800, struggles to do Ultra Mode at low settings in 1680*1050 against an A64 6000 which also carries a 3ghz clockspeed.

In this low resolution zone, yes, a 9800 GT would give you about the same performance figures as an 8800 GTS. It would actually be a little bit lower as the 9800 GT's performance numbers are slightly lower than the 8800 GTS, but it'd probably only be a couple frames difference.



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Sai... how much does AMD pay you? I could use some money for a 360
They don't. Although I could use a job.



Currently running @ 1680*1050 on a Samsung SyncMaster 2253bw



Originally Posted by THE_PAIN View Post
Currently running @ 1680*1050 on a Samsung SyncMaster 2253bw
then there ain't no way in hell you have ultra-mode options maxed on that graphics card.



Have to say je saist is more than likely correct. I have a 512MB 8800GT, a small step below your card and i can't run Ultra mode with all the bells and whistles. Sure I can enable some things but if I try to up the AA or enable some of the more intensive options then it's 1FPS time.

Defiant 50's
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@Miss Chief



Originally Posted by Miss Chief View Post
Have to say je saist is more than likely correct. I have a 512MB 8800GT, a small step below your card and i can't run Ultra mode with all the bells and whistles. Sure I can enable some things but if I try to up the AA or enable some of the more intensive options then it's 1FPS time.
Honestly have no reason to lie, I'm trying to get help and if I lied then the help I wanted really wouldn't help me in my situation. Maybe my card or ram or something else is a little bit better dont know.