Rage timer
Near: No (the blinking power icon is your only warning, unless you want to use the third-party Herostats).
Active/Over: Have it show your damage modification amount (Rage's crash is just a massive -dmg debuff... well, mostly).
Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!
Rage also has a -defense component, but the -damage is far more visible if you monitor it. The attribute monitor will show your damage at -9999% in big red numbers when Rage crashes so it's a good indicator.
Also on Steam
Rage crash makes a sound followed by the red downward arrows aura around you that shows DMG debuff. When they vanish, the crash period is over. Another sign of the crash starting is the endurance dive similar to hasten crash.
"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."
@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.
I use the damage bonus in the Combat Attributes.
As noted, it is bright red and, Over -9000!!! during the 10 sec Rage crash.
Usually, although I see the crash, I don't give it any thought. At most, it
extends one fight, and typically, Fury is still over 100% once again when
it comes back.
I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.
Noob brute question: In combat attributes, is there something I can see that can tell me the Rage crash is near and when it is over so I can start doing damage again?