Discussion: City of Heroes Going Rogue Release Date Announcement!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Yes - all the new power sets are only available with GR, along with the side switching system, Praetoria and the start of the Incarnate system.

Okay. I was under the impression that DS and DP were GR exclusive but KM and EC would be available for everyone.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Just paid a visit to gamestop to preorder this and the guy says September 2nd. I hope the record is going to be set straight and permanent, because they didn't know anything about August 17th.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
I would much rather have a delayed release date if it means the product will undergo proper testing and be less buggy.

Thank you.
That's probably why it was moved back from July to Mid-August.

At least my annoyingly optimistic side keeps telling me that.

My pessimistic side keeps saying it was just to mess with me and make me so frustrated that I quit playing the game.

But of course I could not mean that much to them as an individual.

Then my paranoid side tells me the move WAS to make sure it is a better product AND to screw with me. The monsters!

Well, at least we have a firm date that can't be changed now. OMG, it can't be changed, can it? AHHHHhhhhhhhh!

OK, I'm better now, I took my medication.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Maybe this would help. You could make a nice hat!

Thanks, but that interferes with my telepathic reception and I can't hear anything from the seventeen friends I have hiding in my head then.



Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
I hadn't read that they were exclusive to GR, I was under the impression that you would still be able to roll heroes/villains with the new sets (but not rogues/vigilantes). That sucks, so I have to wonder if this is true, then why even bother with releasing I18 concurrently and why not just call I19 I18?

Unless it's I18: Market Merge. That sounds catchy...

Edit: I almost forgot about the other huge long pushed aside event that is finally fixed (Don' think I can talk about it due to NDA). Maybe that will be what I18 is named?
Cathedral of Pain?

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



oooh, that'll make a great (kinda late) birthday gift



Originally Posted by tanstaafl View Post
Cathedral of Pain?
Are you trying to get my hopes up?

It takes a village to raise a child, and a villain to teach him the value of lunch money.



I would really like to know when the next double XP weekend is. I need more than 2 weeks notice to get my vacation in so I don't miss it. I work every weekend so I need to take vacation, and you all are real bad about giving me very little notice. I am thinking it will be in July or when Going Rogue comes out. Please let me know.

Justice Server Global Name Elfin and Elfin Too #savecoh
I could name my 50s but why? Universal Heroes SG I love this game.



It's unlikely to be July, as we're almost halfway through that now. WITH GR is equally unlikely, as GR will be doing what they usually count on Double XP weekends to...get old players to revisit. My best guess would be fall sometime.

Dec out.