Bane can't solo but Crabs can?
...last I checked, the game wasn't designed with a standard of "Can solo an AV" in mind.
I'm pretty sure a Bane, Crab, or even a Huntsman can take on an Elite Boss solo. It will be a tough battle, but a possible one. Taking on an AV? Get a team.
-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-
I'd imagine a perma pet build could at least technically do enough damage to kill an AV. Crabs aren't known for their st damage though.
Banes can easily put out enough damage, but survival is a different matter.
...last I checked, the game wasn't designed with a standard of "Can solo an AV" in mind.
I'm pretty sure a Bane, Crab, or even a Huntsman can take on an Elite Boss solo. It will be a tough battle, but a possible one. Taking on an AV? Get a team. |
Heck, a few people solo GMs
Don't know if you've heard, but people solo AVs all the time, Masterminds do it easy, Ill/Rads do it easy aswell.
Heck, a few people solo GMs |
As for your examples, you picked some outliers. Masterminds are designed around mechanics that make the task easier. Bodyguard mode distributes damage across a wide area and thus alleviates the main problem for most other ATs, surviving the massive spike damage. Ill/Rad utilizes debuffs combined with multiple invulnerable pets to take damage. It's hardly a norm.
Crabs are built for AoE damage so I wouldn't expect them to solo an AV. As another poster said, Banes can put out the required damage especially with the Resistance debuffs they can put out. But, as with all other builds trying to solo AVs, if you're not softcapped for Defense you're running a very serious risk.
The ability to solo extremely hard targets is the realm of a select few builds. It's not something anyone can just pick up and do. Therefore, the game is not and should not be balanced around said capability.
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Or, to put it another way, "ability to solo" =/= "soloing AVs".
Plenty of builds, Crabs included, solo just fine.
Generally speaking, builds which excel at AOE aren't going to be your first choice for single hard targets like AVs.

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
*eyes the original poster*
Seems like somebody got Monster Hunter Tri confused with City of Heroes.
Anyways, to reiterate what others have said: the game is not balanced around being able to solo specific tasks. The game is balanced around the weaknesses and strengths of each archtype: inherent imbalance
Also, to break the misconception: players don't solo Giant Monsters / Arch Villain's all the time. As already clarified by other posters, the specific archtype / power combinations listed are the rule breakers. Even then, most builds need extensive Invention Origin Slotting in order to sustain the endurance / recharge / health recovery ratios needed to last a fight out. Most of these builds take months of solid work to put together. For the most part, most players don't say "I'm going to hunt an Arch Villain" and then promptly make a big-game hunting build out of whatever they wish.
Don't know if you've heard, but people solo AVs all the time, Masterminds do it easy, Ill/Rads do it easy aswell.
Heck, a few people solo GMs |
A vocal minority solo AVs and GMs. (quite rightly vocal too, it's a decent achievement to pull off). Soloing the PvE game is nothing like soloing AVs.*
And nothing solos them "easy". Ill/Rads are probably the best at it but even they need help for when PAs are unavailable (either through Temps or IOing themselves so that PAs downtime is minimal).
Crabs definitely have what it takes to solo AVs. I'd use a Crab rather than most melee ATs (outside of a few specific builds) for that task, actually.
Crabs do enough DPS by themselves to overpower AV regen, although not by much ; their real strength is their capability to keep -40% res all the time (Venom + Shatter Armor) while having five or six pets whacking on the AV, and also having the survivability to be able to take the aggro and keep it.
A vocal minority solo AVs and GMs. (quite rightly vocal too, it's a decent achievement to pull off). Soloing the PvE game is nothing like soloing AVs.*
And nothing solos them "easy". Ill/Rads are probably the best at it but even they need help for when PAs are unavailable (either through Temps or IOing themselves so that PAs downtime is minimal). |
With way more patience than I have. =)
"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.
Those are darn skilled players too. |
Be well, people of CoH.

Once you understand the mechanics of an AV encounter most of them are pretty much identical. In that regard many many different power set combos can be built to defeat at least some AV's without a lot of player skill required.
When you start getting in to some of the AV's that present a lot more challenge like Positron, Infernal, Recluse and such, is when you see how well a build holds up under the challenge of solo'ing AV's and you start to see a lot more technique, or skill if you will, enter into the picture.
Or at least that has been my take on the process and I'm approaching the 100 AV's badge (not that it exists outside of my mind), no temps/insp/clicks accolades/no aideself, with my fire/traps corr.
I was looking at the damage the Crabs put out, and it looks like they wouldn't have a chance at killing an AV, Can someone Enlighten me?