Originally Posted by treyhead
-Kayotica, i think. He wasn't on vent or anything just a pug
Southern Comfort: Official Roster
soo do we fight opus today or shuld i just go out
i havnt playd in awhile but im duelin true dark lord 2 get ready for tonight!
We're not Opus, but I'd like it if you could be there for tonight, Hot (if you can). We're wanting to try some different line-ups.
has anyone actually been on test?? check out the new ab stuff and the mega powerboosting crap (i forget it's name)...
A little late but bye Trey.
@Ra Ra
there was some of it that was percentage not affected by DR so I am guessing it will
arent you a soldier lols
That was ED, not DR. And I'm sure it'll all work in arena but by that point no one will be around to care.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
so edr...?
Yea cause you know. The screenshot is wrong. Barrier you have gotten rusty since being gone. I am disappointed, get your **** together. It's just not the same. <3
EDR is what happens when you slot more than 3 SOs worth damage into a power.
goddammit divine are you really that dumb?
he is right it was me that said dr but I only saw it for like a second and I was drinking vodka...
All of you... Get the **** out of my thread.