Hamidon Raids




Originally Posted by Cold_Eng View Post
You guys act like it has never been done on liberty and it is an insult to those of us that lead several completed raids on this server. Thats ok we never had help from other servers and if you looked hard enough out of your own little click of players you would find ppl on the server that know how to do this and how to lead it.
Hey Old Man a Welcome back is in order. How have you been? The pup's here have only heard the legend of the Hami and have only seen a weaken Hami while fighting in Lady Grey Task Force. They have never had the pleasure of earning a Hami o. I wasn't insulted and I don't think any of the other raid leaders were, and we (the Liberty Server) have never turned away any player who wanted to come here, and I know cause I have poached several of Liberty's best from other servers. I do think one of Liberty's own should lead the raid but if no one steps up which is exactly what has been happening and that includes me. I believe they should have the right to have an experienced leader assit them, don't you Cold. Anyway good to see you back on the forums and maybe I will catch you in game.


by Star Ranger 4
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When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



Originally Posted by American_Valor View Post
Hey Old Man a Welcome back is in order. How have you been? The pup's here have only heard the legend of the Hami and have only seen a weaken Hami while fighting in Lady Grey Task Force. They have never had the pleasure of earning a Hami o. I wasn't insulted and I don't think any of the other raid leaders were, and we (the Liberty Server) have never turned away any player who wanted to come here, and I know cause I have poached several of Liberty's best from other servers. I do think one of Liberty's own should lead the raid but if no one steps up which is exactly what has been happening and that includes me. I believe they should have the right to have an experienced leader assit them, don't you Cold. Anyway good to see you back on the forums and maybe I will catch you in game.


United Powers of Paragon

"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."

-Henry Rollins

www.theirongategallery.com/ (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)



Originally Posted by Cold_Eng View Post
You guys act like it has never been done on liberty and it is an insult to those of us that lead several completed raids on this server. Thats ok we never had help from other servers and if you looked hard enough out of your own little click of players you would find ppl on the server that know how to do this and how to lead it.
Sorry if you feel like we are trying to steal your show or assuming you can't do it. None of us assumed you guys weren't able to lead a raid, or even hinted at taking lead in any way. We want to help. We have experience that i'm sure some people would like to learn and we are offering to share it. We aren't asking for anything in return.

Hazygreys came to Champion with question to learn how to raid and lead raids. We were more than happy to answer his question and if he asks us to help during a raid on Liberty, i'm sure many of us would be there.

This being said if you feel we are not welcomed, then we will not force it upon you. I'm sure you have many great leaders that can step up for this and help make it happen.




Nope im not saying you are not welcome there are many on this server that want to say it is the friendliest server and that is full of lol. I posted about 3 or 4 months ago that i may be willing to lead a raid again and got very little reaction. There is a click on this server and if you are not in the click well you don't count. Tell me it's not true all you want but it is i know for a fact that a well respected person on this server changed there name and posted something and got nothing if ppl had know who it really was a crowd of ppl would have been running to do the event.



Of course... and back on topic...

Just let me know what you need and when we're going to do this...

I would be happy to bring and Emp Fender, Fire/Kin or a Blaster of some sorts... heck, I might even dust off one of my old scrappers if needed...

Been years since I joined a Hami team...



Originally Posted by Cold_Eng View Post
You guys act like it has never been done on liberty
You act like it's never been done on another server.


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Originally Posted by American_Valor View Post
Reality of the server is how our server is. In reply to weather we are self defeating or not. On the other servers are there spot highjackers waiting for someone to dc so they can jump the spot? preventing your Team member from getting back in zone or has that stopped?
Yes. Especially if you start to have successful regular raids. It's the reality of the situation and people shouldn't take it personal - petition for instanced hamis if that'd make you feel better, but as long as it's public, then that will be a fact of life.

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[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
If you haven't joined a global channel, you're not really looking for team.



Originally Posted by American_Valor View Post
Its good to know that simple spawn clearing will generate enough EOE's to basicly complete the raid.
I wouldn't bet on that - Hami can spawn after as few as 8 GMs go down.

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[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
If you haven't joined a global channel, you're not really looking for team.



Originally Posted by Peterbilt View Post
Not a bad overview, although tactics have changed some. I would recommend adding a Yellow Mitos taunt team. This team has 6 tanks and 2 emps. Idea is to pull the PBoA away from the yellow mitos and out to the tanks, taunting at max range. Then you can swarm the yellow mitos without fear of damage, the need for CM, etc.

If you want to be cautious and don't care about time, clear the yellows, then clear the blues, then clear the greens then hit hami. But you can easily have assault teams clearing the blues while the yellows are going down then everyone concentrates on the greens. Or, if most of the characters have a hold, then you can have one assault team start working on the greens as everything else is being cleared. (And the yellow taunt team can join the fray as their taunt target is taken down.)

The vet power, Assemble The Team is great for evacuating the jello and if possible, 2 characters on each team should have one. (3 will be needed when we get faster because of the 30 minute recharge time, but to start it might go slowly so the first character's assemble might have recharged by then.) But even if there is no ATT it is very possible to run like crazy and get out of the goo before the bloom kills you, even on a flyer.

I have a bunch of EoEs so if someone wants to collect some in advance I'll be happy to email them over. I think I have 15 or 20 sitting in the storage bin.
You may also want to check out Quat's guide at http://quat.nimh.net/i9HamidonRaid.html

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[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
If you haven't joined a global channel, you're not really looking for team.



Well we have over 10 or 15 in our base that we were gonna use so maybe if we have a small team go in throughout the week to collect some more.

United Powers of Paragon

"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."

-Henry Rollins

www.theirongategallery.com/ (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)



Originally Posted by enrious2 View Post
Yes. Especially if you start to have successful regular raids. It's the reality of the situation and people shouldn't take it personal - petition for instanced hamis if that'd make you feel better, but as long as it's public, then that will be a fact of life.
Your right I shouldn't take it personal, but I would if it was my SG mate and friend who got locked out because of a poacher. I could petition but that would only annoy me more because I've been here long enough to know how the system works. Or I could not ever lead another Hami raid again since I don't like the new format and quite simply not have to deal with that problem which was created by the new system to begin with. As you said but as long as it's public, then that is the fact of life.

As for the EOE's they can be gathered in the zone or on PI monster islands. It's nice to know that we wouldn't have to kill a billion of the GM's to spawn Hami in the zone.

Have a great day and thanks for answering my questions.


by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



Originally Posted by American_Valor View Post

As for the EOE's they can be gathered in the zone or on PI monster islands. It's nice to know that we wouldn't have to kill a billion of the GM's to spawn Hami in the zone.
Well in that case... tomorrow, may 17th at 9:00 pm est I will be leading an assault team on the Monster Island in PI. If you would like to join then tell me here or in game.

United Powers of Paragon

"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."

-Henry Rollins

www.theirongategallery.com/ (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)



Originally Posted by enrious2 View Post
You act like it's never been done on another server.

Not what i am implying at all my point is and i am not the only one that feels this way is that the self proclaimed leaders of this server never saw fit to try and reach out to ppl on this server for help that have done the new raid format several times most everyone remembers the epic fails. I will still be surprised if half the ppl don't leave after the first zone wipe.



The "leaders" of this server didnt reach out to anyone, we are having a discussion and help was offered.

Cold... would you like to the lead the raid because that would be fine with me. I dont really care who leads it. I just want us to stop bickering and get back to planning.

United Powers of Paragon

"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."

-Henry Rollins

www.theirongategallery.com/ (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)



Originally Posted by American_Valor View Post
Your right I shouldn't take it personal, but I would if it was my SG mate and friend who got locked out because of a poacher. I could petition but that would only annoy me more because I've been here long enough to know how the system works. Or I could not ever lead another Hami raid again since I don't like the new format and quite simply not have to deal with that problem which was created by the new system to begin with. As you said but as long as it's public, then that is the fact of life.

As for the EOE's they can be gathered in the zone or on PI monster islands. It's nice to know that we wouldn't have to kill a billion of the GM's to spawn Hami in the zone.

Have a great day and thanks for answering my questions.

Yeah and it's happened to me several times - truth is, if you raid often it will happen to everyone, at least once.

IMO, the way to mitigate that is to do them reguarly so if it happens to you, it's not like it was the only raid of the year.

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[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
If you haven't joined a global channel, you're not really looking for team.



Originally Posted by Cold_Eng View Post
Not what i am implying at all my point is and i am not the only one that feels this way is that the self proclaimed leaders of this server never saw fit to try and reach out to ppl on this server for help that have done the new raid format several times most everyone remembers the epic fails. I will still be surprised if half the ppl don't leave after the first zone wipe.
Gotcha, ty for the explanation.

Support the Mentor Project - http://tinyurl.com/citymentorproject
[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
If you haven't joined a global channel, you're not really looking for team.



yes please, the objective wasn't to slander people or call them out >_>

As far as EoEs, they really aren't THAT important in terms of mass numbers. Yes it might be rough if we only get a few before the spawn when we first start doing it, but after a while there will be EoE leftovers, people will have them before the raid starts, etc ... So don't totally freak over it, but being prepared is always nice!

Issue 24 PPM Calculator // The Great Makeover: The Vindicators



It's a valid point and email attachments can work out well - email yourself EoEs ahead of time.

I'm not on Liberty, but I can email some to you when you actually do this, as I have 1000 in my bases.

Support the Mentor Project - http://tinyurl.com/citymentorproject
[JFA2010]Mod08: And I will strike down upon thee (enrious) with great vengence and .... oh wait wrong script
@enrious, @sardonicism, @MyLexiConIsHugeSon
If you haven't joined a global channel, you're not really looking for team.



Originally Posted by Cold_Eng View Post
i am not the only one that feels this way is that the self proclaimed leaders of this server never saw fit to try and reach out to ppl on this server.
Only ONE person went to other servers seeking help. Maybe he can come and explain his reasons.

I am interested in seeing Hami back on Liberty's event calendar and with the lack of activity working toward that, I will support anyone who is trying, no matter what server they hail from.



Originally Posted by Cold_Eng View Post
Ok here is my 2 cents on a hami raid on this server. The problem with this server is that too many ppl are about I this and I that. The last raid that i lead was private up until about 1/2 hour before it started. It was planned with SG Coalitions and friends. We had all the main teams planned ahead of time. Then when it was time for the raid one of the team leaders were not able to get into the zone because it was full. We asked serveral times for anyone that was not on a team to leave the zone. Nothing happened. So i told everyone to move to hive 2 for the raid and several ppl left and went to hive 2 but we stayed and the leader of one of the teams was able to get in. Had it just been a friend that could not get in no big deal but he was part of what we planned. Then i got several hate tells from ppl so on so forth.

One of the reasons other servers do these on a regular basis is they don't have the selfish ppl that just won't coperate, and they don't have all the chatter in broadcast that happens on this server, it is mostly quiet so everyone knows what is going on. I did 2 raids on vertue and it was ammazing how ppl listened and did what they are told. I am sure it can be done on this server on a regular basis but the right ppl need to be there and everyone needs to listen to what is going on.

It is not like a mothership raid those are mindless and i am still not sure why anyone needs to lead those. Hell a team of 8 can do a mothership raid. So if ppl wanna nut up and do the right thing I might lead one.
Originally Posted by Cold_Eng View Post
Nope im not saying you are not welcome there are many on this server that want to say it is the friendliest server and that is full of lol. I posted about 3 or 4 months ago that i may be willing to lead a raid again and got very little reaction. There is a click on this server and if you are not in the click well you don't count. Tell me it's not true all you want but it is i know for a fact that a well respected person on this server changed there name and posted something and got nothing if ppl had know who it really was a crowd of ppl would have been running to do the event.
As I am not in your SG nor am I on your globals, I had no idea that raid was even run. It is fantastic that you were successful though the problem I see is Liberty wasn't informed. I went to Champion, Virtue, and Justice raids and I got the times and dates off of their respective forums. You mention several times you would lead one, but when? Do we have to beg you to lead? The problem with that is why should we have to beg when several active leaders on different servers are more than willing to share their knowledge. Some even are willing to transfer to help. I'm trying to learn how to lead one so that I could lead one here. My ultimate goal for Liberty is to do raiding as much as any other server. Champion has theirs down to 29 minutes give or take. Obviously we wouldnt be there the first time but we have to start somewhere.

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



I would like to see Hami raids return to Liberty. It would be fun to do this. Perhaps the time has come. I hope this gets off the ground.

I'm not available Memorial Day weekend and will have very limited time until after June 5th.

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Well still plannin on raiding Monster Island if enough people are on tonight. But I might be a lil late so shoot for 930 to 10 est

United Powers of Paragon

"Hope is the last thing a person does before giving up."

-Henry Rollins

www.theirongategallery.com/ (They will do custom costumes if you ask really really nice)



DW I will be there. Maybe not with bells on, but I'll be there.

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Originally Posted by ElectroHawk View Post
Sorry if you feel like we are trying to steal your show or assuming you can't do it. None of us assumed you guys weren't able to lead a raid, or even hinted at taking lead in any way. We want to help. We have experience that i'm sure some people would like to learn and we are offering to share it. We aren't asking for anything in return.

Hazygreys came to Champion with question to learn how to raid and lead raids. We were more than happy to answer his question and if he asks us to help during a raid on Liberty, i'm sure many of us would be there.

This being said if you feel we are not welcomed, then we will not force it upon you. I'm sure you have many great leaders that can step up for this and help make it happen.
This. Please don't confuse an offer to help out as doubting anyone's ability. I would gladly help out as well, as I am enthusiastic about seeing new raiders succeed. I also understand if people want to figure it out themselves. To each their own, and I definitely respect that.

As far as leading the raid, I think Hazy should do it. He has already done a bunch of research and will do a good a job as anyone save for one of the regular raid leaders from Champion or Virtue transfering over to lead.
Of course it's not my server, but Hazy did do a notable amount of research and it definitely showed during my conversations with him. He has a good grasp of the basic teams and future options to streamline things as more people gain experience. Every server is different, and the only way to figure out what works best is to try it and see what happens.

Best of luck, Liberty. I am cheering you guys on!

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I for one miss the raids a lot but I don't want to go to raids where its full of people that are like OoOoOoO a hami raid i have never seen one I want to go and sit and do nothing. If people would just shut up and do what the raid leader says not what they want to do we would be fine but thats hard on a server like ours as wk know from the old raiding system. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help get the ball rolling on this.

List of my toons http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/1854