Make Hell on Earth Cooler!
I don't think it's a good idea.
For one, I think it fits the power's flavor better to use it on a demon - besides the buff, the target is calling forth Living Hellfire.
Second, your pets are both your damage and your defense for a Mastermind. Buffing one of your pets is akin to buffing yourself. And the buff given by Hell on Earth is extremely useful for you to have.
Third, I believe "ally" allows you to use the power on someone who isn't on your team (which is definitely a bad idea), while "teammate" doesn't allow you to use it on a pet. Please correct me if I'm wrong about that.
Finally, the only other Mastermind T7 power which does not directly affect your pets is Gang War, and Gang War summons more pets.
This idea is a rather serious misreading of what the Mastermind's "pet utility power" is supposed to do. Look at ALL Mastermind primaries and you'll notice that they all follow a very rigid, very specific framework:
1. Light attack
2. Minions summon
3. Heavy attack
4. First Upgrade
5. AoE attack
6. Lieutenants summon
7. Henchman utility power
8. Boss summon
9. Second upgrade.
This is true for every Mastermind primary, and the only power which differs much is the pet utility one. And even then, one key aspect of it remains the same. Let's examine the other pet utility powers and see:
Soul Extraction: You cast this power on YOUR OWN dead henchmen to create an Extracted Soul henchman.
Serum: You cast this power on YOUR OWN henchmen to make them much harder to kill and deal slightly more damage.
Smoke Flash: You cast this power on YOUR OWN henchmen to cause them to assume the Hidden status, giving them one hit for double damage immediately thereafter.
Repair: You heal YOUR OWN henchmen for their entire health bar regardless of what their current or maximum health is.
Gang War: You summon a gaggle of pets that fight for you but last only a limited time. This doesn't require a target.
Other than Gang of War which cannot be cast "on" anyone, all of the other pet utility powers are cast on pets, and only your own pets. You can't use Repair on other people, other people's henchmen, or even other people's Robotics henchmen. You can't toss Serum to your team-mates, and even if you could, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want you to. You can't extract souls out of anything but your own fallen henchmen. Basically, there is no reason to make Hell on Earth affect team-mates, at least no more so than there is reason to make upgrades affect other people.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Edit: Pointed out a typo that has since been fixed.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Also, Hellfire can be used on ANY pet you own. Including things like Dark Servant.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Also, Hellfire can be used on ANY pet you own. Including things like Dark Servant.

... now I want a DS/Dark MM, but that's simply too many powers that I'd want to take
Hell On Earth is already a nice hybrid of Serum and Gang War (and, as a bonus, it's a Serum-like effect on a petset that would actually benefit from the Serum.) It's already really cool. Making it cooler would just be imbalanced.
I like the power but it doesn't fit my idea of Hell On earth. I would change it from a pet buff to a foe debuff:
You target a foe and when it goes off it immediately drops a patch on the ground and generates an aoe enemy fear inside the patch.
Tiny demon-sprites start to rise up randomly and target the foes inside the patch.
I would like the sprites in this case to be more powerful but last a shorter time and the number of sprites is determined by the number of enemies inside the patch.
Of course this would mean that the devs would have to drop the funny squirming demon animation.
I think they should change Hell on Earth for Demon Summoning into an "ally buff" instead of a pet buff. I just think it would be awesome for you to engulf another player in hellfire and give them a glimpse of your world. With the ally tag, you could still use it for pets, but I think in most cases another player could use the buff better than a pet could. That's it for the idea. I don't really have anywhere to go with it, other than that. I hope it makes it in-game one day.