Very Nice to meetcha...
Interesting read and a few LOLs
Welcome to the game/server
Whats your global btw?
You manage and DJ at a strip club in Fargo, ND. And play MMOs. wow. Welcome.
Sounds like fun times. I usually team with the SG but feel free to yell at @Disciple of Horus, I'm usually good for a team on either side. Just don't take any of my sass or sarcasm to personal. It's just sorta my thing. <_<
I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

Welcome to the game and server. If anyone hasn't warned you yet..
Beware of the Pingus.
Going to hijack this thread to point out that two of the best forum avatars are displayed here by Demobot and Horus. Good work.
Welcome again to the server.
I am out there running around someware most nights.
I solo a lot but also will jump on teams as they get rolling. If you get me as a leader I tend to turn up the diff and charge into mobs (debt is just a speed bumb on the road to 50 and hardest part on it is the run from the hospital back to the mission).
I am currently working on a trebuchet made out of legos (I need more legos).
I dont like the standard square computer case, always room to cut something off of it or add something to them (getting a custom made piece tonight).
I have more than one computer.
I dated a stripper for a while.
I will stand and fight in a PvP zone.
I am either on as prvt slacker or slackers twin.
Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643
Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.
Welcome again. Good to hear you are still enjoying yourself.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
Welcome. If you are looking for teams I really pride myself on playing with several of the best players on the server and PUGing the rest of the team just for flavor. Also if you have interest in PvP at all @MAH, @Mebs, and I are often in arena or zone for a match or ten!!
All in...glhf
Your PvP host with the most.
4shes and Enigma 2v2 PvP
Open your Eyes to I13 PvP
An Introduction to I14 PvP
Minnesotans are evil.
I know, for I too am a Minnesotan.
I've seen you on BMT a few times- good to see you fitting in with us nutjobs on the forums too.

Originally Posted by DOH;
Just don't take any of my sass or sarcasm to personal.

Nice to see some more fellow Minnesotans.
Welcome to Champion.
Funny story about that............................
Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...
Welcome to the game/server.
Champion is the best MMO server that I've ever been on. Period.
The people are friendly, there's a tightknit community, and events are being run all the time.
If you ever need help, look up anyone from this forum, or ask anyone in BMT, and they'll probably help you, or direct you to someone who can.
That said, learn the social code of BMT, it's a bit... non-intuitive... at times. It took me a while to stop putting my foot in my mouth only to be taken aside by Cobalt... but, I got better... mostly.
Give love, and you'll get it back.
Welcome to the family.
~Mary / Elizabet / MS / Lon-Pii
Welcome! I am intrigued that you've been playing for three weeks, but you have a registration date from 2004...
At any rate, feel free to contact me in game if you ever have any questions, or if you're looking for a teammate.
Having played on a number of servers now, I can honestly say that the best (both in skill, and in friendliness) players I've played with are on this server.

Thank you, Champion.
Ah, yes. I was around during the beta, and have played off and on every few years, but never really lasted more than a few days. The last time I played was last summer, for about 10 days, I think, on the red side. Don't remember what server it was, but I was in an SG where the only way I mattered was if I was providing prestige (or whatever it was then) for them. When I finally got into a group, I was pretty much berated at one point because of my robots (can't remember what the problem was, had something to do with fire.) Didn't really enjoy that, so I rerolled my MM, and lost interest.
--@Hallow Hal--
So I got a friend to join on the 14-day trial, and he's been having a good time with just me, so he bought the full version today. His global handle is @Raithyre, and I'm hoping he'll get a good introduction to the Champion community. If any of you happen to see him on, see if you can fit him into any groups or give him a hand* (read "correct anything I've gotten wrong.")
He has a blaster and a scrapper he's been fumbling around with.
Thanks again, and perhaps the two of us will be in YOUR groups in the next few days... God save you all...
*Because I'm away for the next two days, so he'll be on his own.--HH
--@Hallow Hal--
He will, but I think if he got an invite without someone explaining it to him, he might be a little lost. I did tell him about the channel, so he might remember to look for the invite.
--@Hallow Hal--
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
Groovy, thanks!
--@Hallow Hal--
I'll keep an eye out for him, see if he needs any help.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
Thanks Amy. You're the best.
--@Hallow Hal--
And welcome to the server Hal, saw you pop on our vent the other day, we pretty much have an open door policy on it so feel free to pop in anytime.
Member of The Stoned Templars
"If you can't eat it or smoke it, I'm not paying $100 for it" - Cherry Cupcakes
Greeting fellow Champions.
I've been playing CoH now for about three weeks, and have been having a blast with you all. I've noticed that so many of you seem to know a lot about each other (in BMT), which only seems weird because none of you know very much about me. So I figure I'd take (read "waste") a little time telling you all about myself. Without further ado, here's a list of items about me you can read over. Or ignore altogether, too.
1. Music enthusiast that prides himself on the long list of useless music trivia items forever lock away in his brain. Willing to talk about music anytime, any day.
2. Favorite band: Nine Inch Nails
3. Favorite comic book hero: Deadpool.
4. Favorite comic book villain: The Joker.
5. Loves writing.
6. Also plays World of Warcraft. Level 80 Holy pally on Horde side of Azgalor named Falanx. (I'm used to people there knowing me, hence the reason for this post.)
7. All my heroes are basically curmudgeons: Gordon Ramsey, Lewis Black, George Carlin, Dr. House.
8. Celebrity lookalikes: Oliver Platt or Jack Black, depending on who you ask.
9. Got a degree in English, yet I manage and DJ at a strip club. Go figure.
10. Casual MMA fan. Cro Cop was once my favorite, but he's not as good as he used to be.
11. From Minnesota.
12. Blogger.
13. Has Vent (if anyone ever wants to chat.)
14. May be getting a friend or two to join in on CoH/CoV.
15. Once put Nair on my head. Bad idea.
16. Will be inclined to make many jokes in just about every team or channel I'm in.
17. The name "Hallow Hal" is from a character I created, but have yet to put into a story.
18. Evil in thought, not in deed.
19. Strangely obsessed with the effects of natural disasters and historical warfare. Latest study: Chernobyl and everything on Deadliest Warrior.
20. Believes in ghosts.
That's a little about me. Hope to chat with you more in the future.
Hallow Hal.
Errant Black, 21 Scrapper
Zerowave, 29 Defender
and many more to come, I'm sure.
--@Hallow Hal--