4 AVs at once!




I was getting bored with the single AV fights and decided to spice it up and did 2 at the same time, Nightstar and Chimera. I didn't have much trouble, so I made sure they had no minion/lieuts around them so it was just me and the AVs.... still no trouble.
I then added in Siege for a 3rd AV to the mix and they fought valiantly but I still came out on top.
Finally I decided to add in a 4th AV, Marauder, to the mix. I found after a few failed attempts that if Chimera hit me with any -def debuff, they all would drop me pretty quickly. I tried again with Nightstar between me and Chimera, he was forced to use his bow the whole time and I was able to drop all 4 with no temp powers, inspirations or extra mobs in the room!
I don't have a way yet to video this, but I took some pictures when I could stop to do so.
I don't get to brag on here very often with all the other crazy achievements people have on here, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to do it this time!




Woo! Awesome scrappery goodness. Congrats!

Also, Sant - your new congrats vid gives me a chuckle.



Ya that kinda creeps me out, but then again I like it too...



I don't think I could say "gratz" better than the Santorican vid...


50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD

First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563



Good job dude. Capped energy def?



Congratz! Only way I've been able to solo an av with willpower was using DM, and that was just one.
Definitely curious about the build myself.

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



How is that possible on a scrapper!



think someone has done more than that, but it was invuln

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
Good job dude. Capped energy def?
I'm currently at 32.5% Def to energy/neg eng. 30% to fire/cold, 25.8% to Psi. The three keys to survival were 45.7% def to smash/lethal and averaging about 92hp/sec regen (while all four were alive) and about 2280hp.
I could possibly add in Nemesis, but he takes forever to solo and he has one attack that's at 60% chance to hit me.

I had more Def/resist/regen before but it was overkill, moved slots to attacks for added procs. Still a build with no purples.

Although this build can't handle defense debuff AVs, or Infernal (due to my primary), this is the first Scrapper I've made that can solo Malaise! I wish I had hasten to increase my DPS but its not bad at 170-175dps.



Nice work! I can't quite see in the picture. Are these all even level Heros at level 50?



Originally Posted by DR_EVIL_NA View Post
I'm currently at 32.5% Def to energy/neg eng. 30% to fire/cold, 25.8% to Psi. The three keys to survival were 45.7% def to smash/lethal
Damn, nice numbers man.



Originally Posted by Smurphy View Post
Nice work! I can't quite see in the picture. Are these all even level Heros at level 50?

If you click a picture, then select "All Sizes" right above it, you can see it larger. I think this link should show the lvl 50 in the target window.

Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
Damn, nice numbers man.
Thanks! And thank you for the other comments too everyone.

I might do some video, but not sure anyone would want to see that live-ish, only time its "interesting" is when my health drops in the red once on a "bad luck" streak. I suppose if I sped it up 4X and put it to a kick *** song....



Hey, not bad for a Fire/WP



Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
Hey, not bad for a Fire/WP
I'll leave the GMs to you and my Ill/Rad, but I do my best

Originally Posted by Werner View Post
Very nice.
Your DM/SR got me solo'n AVs in the first place, and I'm glad you did!



Do you use the 3% def pvp unique in that build? I tried throwing a wp build together on a brute for s/l def and only got it up to 44.something% without the pvp unique.



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
Do you use the 3% def pvp unique in that build? I tried throwing a wp build together on a brute for s/l def and only got it up to 44.something% without the pvp unique.
No, don't have any purples or PvP IOs in the build. I'd avoid Guassians too, there's a better set for to-hit for smash/lethal. Took me five sets of four kinetic combats too.



Originally Posted by DR_EVIL_NA View Post
No, don't have any purples or PvP IOs in the build. I'd avoid Guassians too, there's a better set for to-hit for smash/lethal. Took me five sets of four kinetic combats too.
I tried to get a build together in Mid's as well, but no dice.

Care to share your build?

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



Originally Posted by Gobbledygook View Post
I tried to get a build together in Mid's as well, but no dice.

Care to share your build?
I can try and post it up when I not using my phone to respond. Are you building with weave, combat jump and maneuvers?



Originally Posted by Fire_Chief View Post
hmmm...very intresting and gratz too!!! ...I've been looking for a new project!!!
Thanks! I think if I start another project, its going to be hard to top my DM/SR in most situations and FM/WP in others. I enjoy my Kat/ela a lot too for AVs. Maybe my next goal is a Scrapper who can solo Dominatrix and Diabolique, unless my Kat/ela can do it because I haven't tried.



I'm sure you can take Domi on your Kat/ELA, you certainly have the DPS. She's at 50% res, so theorically, 187+ is all you need.

I had ~202 on my DB/WP and her life went down, although way too slowly - didn't bother to stick for longer than a few minutes, I estimate it would have taken me one hour or so. I think I was just barely above her regen, with 219 (the number you reported in the rikti pylon thread IIRC) it should go much faster, albeit still slow.

Diabolique can be taken down with about 200 DPS, although this is highly dependant of your unsuppressed movement, your defense (by which I mean, does she hit with Siphon Speed and Siphon Power or not) and the environment (I find her easier to manage in the graveyard mission, it's outdoors so you can always keep up with her without bumping into corners like in that oranbega cave).



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
I'm sure you can take Domi on your Kat/ELA, you certainly have the DPS. She's at 50% res, so theorically, 187+ is all you need.

I had ~202 on my DB/WP and her life went down, although way too slowly - didn't bother to stick for longer than a few minutes, I estimate it would have taken me one hour or so. I think I was just barely above her regen, with 219 (the number you reported in the rikti pylon thread IIRC) it should go much faster, albeit still slow.

Diabolique can be taken down with about 200 DPS, although this is highly dependant of your unsuppressed movement, your defense (by which I mean, does she hit with Siphon Speed and Siphon Power or not) and the environment (I find her easier to manage in the graveyard mission, it's outdoors so you can always keep up with her without bumping into corners like in that oranbega cave).
I've only tried with my DM/SR, and she's on over 200 dps with fodder for SD so Diabolique would be rough. Same with Dominatrix. I think Ill throw them in a small map in AE, then I can see how it goes. My Kat/ela might get hit too often by Diabolique's debuffs. He's only softcapped to lethal and melee. I'd take the time to defeat Dominatrix, can't be worse then Nemesis.