Enhancing= A confusing system for Newbies?
BZZZZZZZZT! Wrong Answer.
Both cannot and can not are correct spellings. The problem comes in knowing when to use them.
Here's the explanation: If I can not do something, then I can also do it. I can not write these words if I choose (and you may think I shouldn't), but I also can, and am, writing them. What I cannot do is know who will read them, or what they will think. I can imagine such things, but I'm limited by my experience and perceptions. So this is the rule: if you either could or could not do something, then you use two words, because you can leave out the second word if you so choose. If you could not do something no matter how much you desired or tried, then you use one word, cannot. There is no other option.
Oh yeah sorry. I didn't know I wasn't allowed to say tut instead of Tutorial. I must of missed that in the forums rules.
You have no one to blame but yourself if people can't understand you when you mangle the language.
It has nothing to do with forum rules it's about making up your own abbreviations and expecting complete strangers to automatically know what you're talking about.
You have no one to blame but yourself if people can't understand you when you mangle the language. |
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Tut isn't that hard to understand. If i was talking to someone about the tutorial. How do you not know what I meant by tut?

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Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Well maybe if the Tutorial had a Little Video Flash where the Example Images are you could cover both bases, where people read stuff, and where some people refuse to read but will watch a little video thing. Or atleast add some tutorial videos to the website, they did it kind of with the Invention system (Or atleast there is a video marked Invention Tutorial, I couldn't view it because my Flash Player is for the 64bit system and it is still in beta, Need to download the 32bit again I guess)
I guess it is only a matter of time before Going Rogue comes out and we get to see what they did with the Praetorian Tutorial which I imagine will be much the same as the Hero/Villain cloned tutorial. But who knows, they have surprise me before those Tricky little Rednames!
Well maybe if the Tutorial had a Little Video Flash where the Example Images are you could cover both bases, where people read stuff, and where some people refuse to read but will watch a little video thing. Or atleast add some tutorial videos to the website, they did it kind of with the Invention system (Or atleast there is a video marked Invention Tutorial, I couldn't view it because my Flash Player is for the 64bit system and it is still in beta, Need to download the 32bit again I guess)
I guess it is only a matter of time before Going Rogue comes out and we get to see what they did with the Praetorian Tutorial which I imagine will be much the same as the Hero/Villain cloned tutorial. But who knows, they have surprise me before those Tricky little Rednames! |
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There IS a tutorial about enhancements available in-game. It's available via Menu -> Help -> Rewards. There's also a help file on Inventions and about five help files on the Architect. And let's not try to bring up the "people wouldn't know where to find it" argument. It's an option called HELP in the frikkin' MAIN MENU. Where else would it be?
They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!
If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville
I suspect one of our biggest features keeping the unwashed dorkheaded masses away from the gates is how complicated some of the systems are, including the enhancement system.
Personally I'm grateful that portions of this game require a certain level of intelligence, diligence, and care, as I'm convinced it's one of the things keeping the average I.Q. around here as high as it is.
If one (present company excepted) can't be bothered to read through the tutorial and/or do a little poking around online in order to grasp the concept, maybe they're just not cut out for the CoH community in the first place.

It already has a couple pictures in the tutorial. I don't see why they shouldn't add more examples. It's quicker than having to sit there and read a bunch of text. I bet more people would pay attention to visuals instead of all texts
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