cordless keyboards




Hello everyone,

Not really sure where to put this so i will post it here.

Does anyone seem to have any issues running a cordless keyboard with CoH ??

I ask because I have a Kensington Pilotboard wireless keyboard and man oh man it hates CoX.

I have no issues with it at all until I run COX.

Then it freaks out. I lose control of the character, he runs either around in circles or starts jumping down the street turning left and right, Agroing everything along the way of course , Then of course, I end up in the hosp.

now during all this in local and broadcast It types out either in local or broadcast ( it surprises me)

[Local] Crimson Skylark: <color white><bgcolor #2222aa><scale .75>level 11 Blaster

[Local] Crimson Skylark: <color white><bgcolor #2222aa> Looking for team

[Local] Crimson Skylark: <color black><bgcolor #aaaa22> HELP!
but I did not type that MYSELF.

Now at this point in time the mobs are laughing as me while they roast me and the pedestrians shuffle by and laughing and forming an L on their forheads with their thumb and index finger.

My batteries are fresh, I have no other wireless anything in my room and it only happens in CoX.

Any idea what the heck is going on ??

Perhaps I have a few of Gismo's friends in my keyboard.

If anything else, perhaps Mr. Keyboard will meet Mr. Hammer

We shall defend our game, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the forums, we shall fight on the news, we shall fight on Facebook and in twitter, we shall fight on the internet and at the corporate offices; we shall never surrender.

-Inspiration from Winston Chruchill



I don't know what it is but I had a similar problem on my keyboard, less dramatic of course, where I would hold down"w" and as soon as i pressed any other button I would have to repress "w" to move not really that bad but annoying as hell when you are escaping

In the beginning the universe was created, this upset many people and is widely regarded as a bad idea.

Dont hate the minty freshness



Could be you need updated drivers for your keyboard. I'm assuming it's USB and technically plug and play, but sometimes your OS just doesn't have a generic driver to cover it, and odd things can happen.



I use a basic Logitec cordless keyboard to play CoX on my laptop, and the only time I have problems is when the batteries are running down. If I press a button and nothing happens, I know it's time to change the batteries. That said, I don't create hotkeys or do any other kind of "fancy stuff" that is keyoard related. I mainly use it to mash the Q-W-E, Tab, and Space Bar, and to chat.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



I have a wireless keyboard and mouse combo. I only have some issues when my receiver is not in the proper place, and then the button presses are really delayed, or sometimes I cannot even type normally. I adjust my receiver position and it works.
In the game, I get some issues if I press a button while zoning. Then my character continues with that button being held down, until I press it and then it works fine again.

ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker



Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
I use a basic Logitec cordless keyboard to play CoX on my laptop, and the only time I have problems is when the batteries are running down. If I press a button and nothing happens, I know it's time to change the batteries. That said, I don't create hotkeys or do any other kind of "fancy stuff" that is keyoard related. I mainly use it to mash the Q-W-E, Tab, and Space Bar, and to chat.
When I had a logitech cordless keyboard. I found this to be my only problem as well. Low batteries.

And I used keybinds.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Kensington Pilotboard Wireless Keyboard (K.P.W.K)

K.P.W.K passed away in a most violent manner on On Sunday April 18th at the age of 2. Beloved life partner of wireless Mouse of 4 months (2008) K.P.W.K will be sadly missed by it's Great friend the computer and best friend to 24" HDTV, acquaintance to many a USB key and Dell 944 printer.

Friends may send their condolences to: My Curb, Mississauga, Ontario, Tuesday April 20, 2010 for memorial visitation from 11-11:30am

In keeping with K.P.W.K wishes, there will be no funeral service. Instead, a representative of the city will come that morning with a very large,smelly, noisy truck to take it to it's final resting place.

We shall defend our game, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the forums, we shall fight on the news, we shall fight on Facebook and in twitter, we shall fight on the internet and at the corporate offices; we shall never surrender.

-Inspiration from Winston Chruchill