The end is near




The difference between 43% and 45% (or even 44 and 45) is huge for me, provided I'm in a situation where I do need the survivability, especially in situations with significant defense debuffs as, even with capped DDR, cascasding defense failure can happen and will happen more often and faster as defense gets lower.

It was really obvious for me when I was leveling on my ElM/SD, being at 31% defense one luck gave me 43.5% and sometimes it wasn't enough and I had to pop a second luck. On the other hand, if there was any minor defense buff on the team I'd be fine all day just using one luck. Of course, a leveling character has less HP, regen, DDR than an IOed out one, but then again, at this point that same character wasn't solo fighting +4/x8 arachnos or something like that.

For most "normal" gameplay situations, it's probably not worth it to go all out with defense. Just to take one example, to sacrifice damage for defense doesn't strike me as efficient for a solo /SD farmer, as you're going to get tons of insp drops. On my ElM/SD I have enough to keep one luck up at all times *and* enough rages to more or less stay at the damage cap. It can be convenient though as clicking insps is one more thing you have to manage, and let's face it most people just don't like using insps (anyone's who tried to pass a wakie to a dead teammate only to get the "can't give, inspirations full" message, raise your hand).



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
The difference between 43% and 45% (or even 44 and 45) is huge for me, provided I'm in a situation where I do need the survivability, especially in situations with significant defense debuffs as, even with capped DDR, cascasding defense failure can happen and will happen more often and faster as defense gets lower.

It was really obvious for me when I was leveling on my ElM/SD, being at 31% defense one luck gave me 43.5% and sometimes it wasn't enough and I had to pop a second luck. On the other hand, if there was any minor defense buff on the team I'd be fine all day just using one luck. Of course, a leveling character has less HP, regen, DDR than an IOed out one, but then again, at this point that same character wasn't solo fighting +4/x8 arachnos or something like that.

For most "normal" gameplay situations, it's probably not worth it to go all out with defense. Just to take one example, to sacrifice damage for defense doesn't strike me as efficient for a solo /SD farmer, as you're going to get tons of insp drops. On my ElM/SD I have enough to keep one luck up at all times *and* enough rages to more or less stay at the damage cap. It can be convenient though as clicking insps is one more thing you have to manage, and let's face it most people just don't like using insps (anyone's who tried to pass a wakie to a dead teammate only to get the "can't give, inspirations full" message, raise your hand).
There's another solution to dealing with these types of issues. When I can't find a way to get to 45% defense on a build... i just think to myself... "hrmm.. ok.. at level 50, what's the penalty for dying again? Oh... yeah.. that's right there isn't one.... ok where can I get more damage."

Sometimes not caring about a problem *IS* the best solution.

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



WAAAH! I'm LOSING %2! whoa is me, damn the devs!

Ware ni tatenu mono mashi!!
[There are none before me who have not been cleaved!!]



Im over soft cap and i dont have one botz on my build. Darn it devs.



Originally Posted by ChiosuBlues View Post
WAAAH! I'm LOSING %2! whoa is me, damn the devs!
This is the kind of posts that belong in this thread.

Thank you

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Werner View Post
The difference between 45% and 43% is taking 1.4 times as much damage, comparable to losing almost 30% resistance.

If you CAN'T tell the difference, then you aren't playing at the edge of the envelope, and you need to crank things up a notch.

Sorry, Werner, they won't let me push it past +4/x8.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Sorry, Werner, they won't let me push it past +4/x8.
then take on some longbow at +4/x8



Originally Posted by Kahlan_ View Post
then take on some longbow at +4/x8
It's Arachnos and Carnies that beat the crap out of me at +4/X8. Longbow have to hit to be a problem.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Werner View Post
The difference between 45% and 43% is taking 1.4 times as much damage, comparable to losing almost 30% resistance.

If you CAN'T tell the difference, then you aren't playing at the edge of the envelope, and you need to crank things up a notch.

Ah but I do push the envelope to the same realm as pretty much everyone around here (I know this wasn't about me specifically). Like I said though, the only time I shy away from inspirations is when specifically doing things like AV's and the occassional RWZ test. On the toons that are just shy of softcap my success or failure has never been determined by the slightly enlarged probability of being hit. As mentioned I scour the logs after such runs.

I know over enough time it would statistically hold true and if you are looking for an iron man type of build that never uses insp when doing any content then it would probably be of value sooner rather than later. Granted my insp combining is almost always of the red variety, but I will combine them as the situation sees fit, unless as mentioned it is a "no insp" challenge.

All that said, I know I have a different personal design goal than many people. I push for "enough" survivability and then dump everything into offense. A couple of my projects are pushing for sub 2 min defeats of easy AV's without any -regen. So I attempt to lower the statistical probability of the RNG being against me by lowering my exposure to it. And as mentioned, I don't make the choice cuff my hands in normal missions, but I applaud those that do.



Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
You know who'll nerf stuff?

Your mom with a few drinks in her.
Ill drink to that!



Newest Scrapper Challenge: Deal with the pending IO set revamp of the borked sets.

BTW, I got my 69mo vet badge, I think I'll beat this challenge, too.

Start slotting coping skills.

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
It's Arachnos and Carnies that beat the crap out of me at +4/X8. Longbow have to hit to be a problem.
Arachnos make me rage, and so do triple stacked vengeance'd nemesis.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
It's Arachnos and Carnies that beat the crap out of me at +4/X8. Longbow have to hit to be a problem.
I'm reminded of a post you made a long time ago about the time you discovered that Mask of Vitation had to make a tohit check. I was in a similar boat last week, and had the same heart-in-throat moment in response. Good times.



Oh no, we'll only be way better than we were in i9 when we did just fine, instead of ridiculously better, assuming we actually spent the billions on botz sets!



Originally Posted by Talen_Lee View Post
I'm reminded of a post you made a long time ago about the time you discovered that Mask of Vitation had to make a tohit check. I was in a similar boat last week, and had the same heart-in-throat moment in response. Good times.
It's the stupid pets and their base 75% chance to hit. I really wish castle would fix that.

Be well, people of CoH.



hrmm.. ok.. at level 50, what's the penalty for dying again? Oh... yeah.. that's right there isn't one....
Downtime is the worst penalty for me. Loading hosp -> running back to mish -> loading mish -> running back to the point I was... Meh.

I'm not even talking about efficiency here, I'd rather play something dealing, say 200 DPS all the time than something dealing 250 DPS all the time but going to hosp once per hour, yet objectively the 250 DPS thingy is likely to go faster. It's just not fun to get interrupted by something as pesky as death while in the middle of scrapperlock.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
True. As they should be. Support classes and glass canons aren't supposed to have melee level mitigation.

Yea, I know, I'm mean, but if anyone didn't see this coming, they've been wearing blinders.

*glances around nervously*

My glass cannons still totally have melee level mitigation after the "nerf".



It's easy to confuse "enough" with "the same", considering it's easy to reach "enough" for most situations, but really, given the same investment, no blaster can come close to scrappers when it comes to damage mitigation.