Fellow WS Tri-Formers!




So, I play CoX off and on for periods of time, comming back when I feel the urge or something new to toy with, but my favorite AT is always the WS. Its just so pretty and diverse, and I love my forms, both Squidie and Lobster. My only issue is, as long as i've been playing, ive never found a build I truly like, I spend so much time in forms, i've no real use or appreciation for my human powers besides Stygian Circle and Eclipse. I ask you, what can I do to learn to love my other human powers, or could I slow my human powers to further buff my forms, because as a Tri-Former, I spend like 80% of my teaming time as a Nova, or when solo, a tie up of nova/dwarf, doing burst attack as nova, then dropping to dwarf to tank the remaining baddies.

Advice for what I should do to make better use of the large clump of human powers I never touch.



Um, you do use the pets, right? If not, that would be #1 - they are the most damaging pets blueside, and will do their work in whatever form you're in, and even if you're dead.

Quasar is grand fun. Human Mire -> Dwarf Mire -> Quasar -> blue -> Stygian and you're back, with buff time to spare from human mire to go into Nova to mop up any mobs missed.

Gravitic Emanation might help. It can be perma'd easily (just use some triple IO's and 5/6 slot it), so you can run up to a group, stun them all...and then switch to Nova to blast in safety. When stun is about to wear off, back to human to use it again. Yeah, I suppose that really doesn't help much, considering you'll be back to Nova in no time. :P

Gravity Well, Inky, and Emanation go together well when you're up against the really tough/annoying bosses/mobs. Up against, say, Vanguard, who's nasty debuffs will easily rip a Dwarf apart? (Well, the bosses at least) Grav Em, run in with Inky, then start layering holds with Well (will need some Rech and Hold enhancement for that though). It also does nice ST damage to boot.



Nebulous Form is my Warshade's fourth form. I use it to activate Eclypse in the middle of a group with ease, In conjunction with Shadow cloak for stealthing missions, escape from fights....EVERYTHING! It's like Phase Shift, only you can use your human form powers to fight and heal while it's active. It also has a jump boost that works pretty well with Ninja Run when you have to escape a wipe and teleportation or flight would be cumbersome, like in caves. It's a great swiss army knife power that makes almost any human form tactic much easier.

Too many alts to list.



TP -> Eclipse -> Mire -> Target Minion -> Gravity Well -> Shadow Blast -> Unchain Essence (on now-dead minion) is great fun too. A lil crashless mini-nuke, although I didn't take Unchain and Shadow Blast until the 40s. Then I'd usually go Nova form, fly straight up and unleash the AOEs straight down (so the knockback becomes knockdown).

Gravitic Emanation and Inky Aspect is your "I want to play Controller for a bit" combo. Knock them into a wall and stun the majority then jump in so Inky kicks in and use Grav Well on a choice Lieut. I tend to then flick to Dwarf to start scrankering (did I spell that right?), spamming Mire every 10 seconds and using the melee attacks. If I see that my nuke is recharged while I am then Dwarf Mire, flick back to human form and Quasar, blue, Stygian for the hilarity.

I can't wait for i17 *and the chance to remake a WS again (switching from EU to US means they're currently locked on me again). So many options and things to do in combat with them.



I use Gravitic Emanation and Gravity Well constantly. I always open a fight with Gravitic Emanation and then pick the hardest target in the group and Gravity Well them (I have it slotted for both damage and hold). I think it's too strong to pass up. It's the single hardest-hitting attack a Warshade can get and is also an easily permable mag 3 hold.

Otherwise, I largely just use the standard human-form powers: Mire, Stygian Circle, Dark Extraction, and Eclipse. I'll drop to human regularly for any of these.



What are these human powers you never touch?

I have skipped Ebon Eye, Gravimetric Snare, Dark Detonation and Essence Drain from the primary.
I use Starless Step when the team is waiting for something and I want to keep my pets up, or a mob is stuck in the wall etc. Shadow Blast is for the single target damage needed to quickly fire off Unchain Essence and catch runners. No useless powers there.

From my secondary, I have skipped Penumbral Shield, Twilight Shield and Nebulous Form. From what I have chosen, only Orbiting Death I can label as useless for me, but it looks cooler than Gravimetric Snare. Gravity Shield is binded to my form drop key, so it gets used a lot. The only toggle I manually (would ever) use is Inky Aspect, very useful when you need to mezz a boss, way faster than 2 applications of Gravity Well. PPs come to mind, Carnie bosses.

Warshades are a lot of work, especially if you have a trifrom mentality in the play. You will never be able to go back to thinking that you`re 100% effective in human, but once you realize that you can`t be 100% effective without the human powers, you`ll get over it. But if you do indeed have powers that you never use, maybe you should try to make a new build in Mids to see if you could get some pool powers that might be more useful.



I rarely play in human form other than to mire, eclipse, summon extractions, stygian circle and gravity well.

However I took the human shield powers to put in Impervium Armors, one of the Psionic Resistance plus one other cheap one to get the Psi resistance plus the increased recovery (2.5% per pair).

In absorption I put in Steadfast Protection's KB prot and res/def plus the Psi/status protection IO (Aegis).

In a couple human blasts I put in 2 devastations to get 12% regeneration per pair.

In the teleport powers I pop a pair of the Time and Space sets to get the 8% regen per pair.

Basically I use the powers to boost my stats: endurance/recovery, hitpoints/regeneration, damage, and recharge.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I went all out recharge, My forms are my attacks, human for buffs, big aoes, and pets.
I didn't take any human blast attacks besides whats forced, well, and detonation(its weak).

The form powers are superior...so why not use them

Took shields for fillers for IOs like others have stated...

ecli > mire > d mire > pow pow pow in w/e form or AoE thats going -- SC as needed and your a god and have perma everything -- I find it a lot of fun. However in case of death, the rez is wickedly useful

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