Recruiting for new VG & SG on Pinnacle
lol prestige. It's all about the wall torches.
Leader of the NITES of DARKNESS VG
Rank 1 on Pinnacle
Season 1 Pinnacle Cup Champion
The King of TF/SF speed runs
Have you joined the X-Funk fan club yet? I bet you have.
MPQs (Minimum Prestige Quota), ahhh fond memories of TAZZ's recruitment of new members, back in the day, "Only Good Earners Need APPLY".
Radion-50 rad/rad
Dyre Knight-50 ill/storm
Shadow-Fall-50 kat/reg
Iceomatrix-50 ice/nrg tank
Goth-Chylde-50 dark/dark scpr
Stealth Man-50 fire/dev blas
Old Dirty Blaster-50 Rad/Rad
Vampiro-50 SS/Nrg
Repo Man-50 EM/Nin
Under Boss-50 Thugs/Dark
Violet Burn-50 Fire/Psi
(54 other lvl 50 toons)
Leader of the NITES of DARKNESS VG
Rank 1 on Pinnacle
Season 1 Pinnacle Cup Champion
The King of TF/SF speed runs
Have you joined the X-Funk fan club yet? I bet you have.
i set my bar of achievement low ...that way i dont need a prestige requirement
Good luck in your recruitment of new VG & SG members.
But as a word of advice... If you wanna reel em' in.... think of sexy female SG/VG costumes. That'll get em' in. For the female contingent... just make toons that look like Hugh Jackman, Brad Pitt, or Sam Worthington. (I am just kidding of course... sort of.)

Dear Johnny,
On behalf of the silent majority who do not wish to draw unwanted attention to themselves by aggrivating the crazy people, I wish you good luck. As evidenced here anyone wishing to show their indivuality and leadership will be heckled, shouted down, and called an idiot.
My group has long since stopped liking this game, dispite the insane rantings of some people, we left the game because we no longer liked it. One person cannot take credit for another group leaving no more than I can take credit for the 100,000+ people who left the game befor we did. If I did I would be locked up in a room in a little white jacket where I could spend all day telling people I had screenshots of other people's fictional private emails.
Please kids, get over it, give it up, the community at large is embarassed by your behavior and would rather sit by and not say anything out of fear of becoming a target of your immaturity. I left this game about two years ago, but left my account active to drop in from time to time, funny how the only thing people really know about me is the lies these guys tell about me. I played this game for maybe 4 years, I played a lot fo PVP, and I made a lot of friends. When I can walk away from a game for two years and find out that I still own the action here without even playing, now thats what I call getting my money's worth out of my $15.
I'm glad you all still think about me. Now back to farmville.
Dear Johnny,
On behalf of the silent majority who do not wish to draw unwanted attention to themselves by aggrivating the crazy people, I wish you good luck. As evidenced here anyone wishing to show their indivuality and leadership will be heckled, shouted down, and called an idiot. My group has long since stopped liking this game, dispite the insane rantings of some people, we left the game because we no longer liked it. One person cannot take credit for another group leaving no more than I can take credit for the 100,000+ people who left the game befor we did. If I did I would be locked up in a room in a little white jacket where I could spend all day telling people I had screenshots of other people's fictional private emails. Please kids, get over it, give it up, the community at large is embarassed by your behavior and would rather sit by and not say anything out of fear of becoming a target of your immaturity. I left this game about two years ago, but left my account active to drop in from time to time, funny how the only thing people really know about me is the lies these guys tell about me. I played this game for maybe 4 years, I played a lot fo PVP, and I made a lot of friends. When I can walk away from a game for two years and find out that I still own the action here without even playing, now thats what I call getting my money's worth out of my $15. I'm glad you all still think about me. Now back to farmville. |

The only thing you own is a place as the BUTT END OF JOKES. If that's something to be proud of...then..hey..that's your prerogative. LOL
Leaving your account active for a game you bashed is pretty....well.....idiotic. Thanks for clarifying that.

You will always be remembered as a joke.

How about this, you're all ridiculous.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
Somewhere long ago you guys crossed the line into something resembling mental illness. There is a person claiming to have supposed screenshots of emails off of my personal computer. This does not strike anyone as odd ? Judge Judy wouldn't consider that proof of anything, not even if you went around calling yourself a private investigator could you pull that off.
Any method of actually taking information, supposedly, from my computer would have been done so illegally.
kwervo, please, get over it, you guys are living in something that is just self destructive. You are sitting around making up lies about a guy from a video game who hasn't played it in two years. People see you guys go off on your rants and don't want to speak up. Enough of them have told me personally, they don't speak up because they think that if they do they will become targets of your immature personal attacks and harassment in-game or at their home. Because if you think people don't know what you boys did to me and to Envy you are living under a rock.
To clarify, you are liars, and there is something profoundly wrong with a community that calls itself "heroes" and fears the threat of being bullied over doing the right thing. The only thing you and others know about me is the lies fed to you by one very sick person. If you want to curse at me and call me names, I am a big boy and I can take whatever you have to say, but young man you seriously need to grow up and get a life. At this point I interviene out of pure pity, as if I were a bystander who just saw a dog get hit by a car "sad, the poor dumb animal didn't know the car was coming". Please get help, you are still young, I really do wish you the best.
Leader of the NITES of DARKNESS VG
Rank 1 on Pinnacle
Season 1 Pinnacle Cup Champion
The King of TF/SF speed runs
Have you joined the X-Funk fan club yet? I bet you have.
oh good I was jsut wondering when PA was going to remind me he exhisted and would come back and troll and get a rise out of everyone then blame them for it....speaking of letting things go......
Actually, I should amend the Prestige requirement, and will do so after I post this....
Playing in SG mode is only required until the character reaches level 25, since, up to that point, earning Prestige does not affect the toon's personal influence/infamy earning potential. After level 25, playing in SG mode is completely optional. Characters joining who have already reached level 25 would not be required to play in SG mode. ![]() |
Leader of the NITES of DARKNESS VG
Rank 1 on Pinnacle
Season 1 Pinnacle Cup Champion
The King of TF/SF speed runs
Have you joined the X-Funk fan club yet? I bet you have.
Prestige gets people here into a tizzy. See a long time ago, some of the SG/VG's here decided that they all wanted to be number 1, as a status symbol. A certain Vg decided that the best way to get the most prestige was to pretend to be nice to people and get them to join and then milk them for all of the prestige they could, and kick their members when they weren't producing enough. but after a while, people got fed up with that system and decided to join fun groups and enjoy the game. That VG has long since failed, of course rather than admit failure, they still troll and lurk, trying to drum up as much drama as they can, popping in to say "Hey look at me! i used to be relevant!" but really it's just just sad. Funny how we've gone from 3 big sg/vg's in the last few years to only two, and those two are the ones where the members enjoy playing as a team and taking the game lightly. The same two sg/vg's that are contributing members of the Pinnacle community, well respected and known for in game accomplishments, unlike others that had megalomaniac dictators imposing rules and quotas on it's members, keeping lists of "enemies" and disrupting people's fun. what i'm trying to say to the original poster, is try to form a good fun group of players, but don't recruit people just for what you can get out of them, or else you'll wind up like a certain little troll who has flared up in this thread like an unwanted std. Take a look at this screenshot and try to be like the top 1 and 2 sg's on there, then you can skip down to 4 and from 4-10 are pretty good too. Those are examples you should try and follow. Good luck to you. |
Since my whole point in starting these groups was to form a group of players who like to play, I have decided to completely remove the Prestige requirement. It was never my intent to simply milk people for Prestige...but simply to form a group here on Pinnacle that was fun to play with.
All are welcome to join either group regardless of experience. If anyone is interested, please look me up in-game (@Johnny-Johnny)

Glad to be of help. In the meantime i would suggest joining Pinnacle's public channel, pinnbadges and next time i'm on i'll shoot you an invite to my private channel.
Leader of the NITES of DARKNESS VG
Rank 1 on Pinnacle
Season 1 Pinnacle Cup Champion
The King of TF/SF speed runs
Have you joined the X-Funk fan club yet? I bet you have.
It's not a terrible idea to ask people to play in SG mode until you at least get base TPs up. Maybe base storage too. It's not like prestige all gets directly funneled to the SG leader and the members get no benefit from it.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
It's not a terrible idea to ask people to play in SG mode until you at least get base TPs up. Maybe base storage too. It's not like prestige all gets directly funneled to the SG leader and the members get no benefit from it.
I play this game to have fun and enjoy doing so with other like-minded people. Yes, I would like both groups to have functional bases, and it is my sincere hope that others who join either group feel the same and will opt to play in SG mode. But, if members choose to not play in SG mode, then that is their choice and they will not be excluded from the group for making that choice. It is more important to me that the members of both groups have fun and enjoy the camaraderie of their fellow members.

Somewhere long ago you guys crossed the line into something resembling mental illness. There is a person claiming to have supposed screenshots of emails off of my personal computer. This does not strike anyone as odd ? Judge Judy wouldn't consider that proof of anything, not even if you went around calling yourself a private investigator could you pull that off.
Any method of actually taking information, supposedly, from my computer would have been done so illegally. kwervo, please, get over it, you guys are living in something that is just self destructive. You are sitting around making up lies about a guy from a video game who hasn't played it in two years. People see you guys go off on your rants and don't want to speak up. Enough of them have told me personally, they don't speak up because they think that if they do they will become targets of your immature personal attacks and harassment in-game or at their home. Because if you think people don't know what you boys did to me and to Envy you are living under a rock. To clarify, you are liars, and there is something profoundly wrong with a community that calls itself "heroes" and fears the threat of being bullied over doing the right thing. The only thing you and others know about me is the lies fed to you by one very sick person. If you want to curse at me and call me names, I am a big boy and I can take whatever you have to say, but young man you seriously need to grow up and get a life. At this point I interviene out of pure pity, as if I were a bystander who just saw a dog get hit by a car "sad, the poor dumb animal didn't know the car was coming". Please get help, you are still young, I really do wish you the best. |

To play with honor & respect for all other players |

EDIT: Now having read the thread... I obviously missed a bunch of drama while soloing so much. I don't even know who this PureAmerican dork is... but I have to agree... anyone that keeps paying a subscription for a game they haven't played in two years has some rather serious retardation issues going on. Although I'm sure the devs dig the free money.
Be well, people of CoH.

there is something profoundly wrong with a community that calls itself "heroes" and fears the threat of being bullied over doing the right thing.
Johnny_Johnny, if your VG needs a coalition partner I can offer up my personal VG, Thraxis Industries, I have porters to all the zones you and your group can use while getting on your feet, in game email or PM me if your intrested.
Oh and countdown for the jibberish-filled self-congratulatory post about how it's just a game, "my point is proven" and the same tired troll mantras the steaming pile of fail comes up with. and don't forget a plug for the new best game ever! Champion onl...oh wait, that's not it. Star Trek....nope that didn't quite pan out, oh DC online! that's so much better than this blablabla.
you're a punchline and the server is a better place without you. /thread
Leader of the NITES of DARKNESS VG
Rank 1 on Pinnacle
Season 1 Pinnacle Cup Champion
The King of TF/SF speed runs
Have you joined the X-Funk fan club yet? I bet you have.
This was my initial thought in having a Prestige requirement. However, given the responses I have received on this thread and taking into account my overall goal (to form a cohesive group of players who enjoy playing together), it has forced me to reconsider that particular requirement.
"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...
I am fairly new to Pinnacle, but have many alts on Justice (where I also have both an SG & VG).
I am currently recruiting members for a new VG (Villains Involved in Lacivious Entertainment - a.k.a. V.I.L.E) and a new SG (Pinnacle's Titans) on the Pinnacle server.
Both groups are fairly casual with the only requirement being:
Other than that, as I said, both groups are designed to be fairly casual. Promotions will come with group loyalty. I would like to get both groups as active as possible so that we may do group activities.
If you have any questions, or would like to join either group, please send me a PM here on the forums or look me up in-game (Global: @Johnny-Johnny)