Comrade Hero Sculpture Project




Comrade Hero Character Reference Template by the very talented Scott Turk (aka Graver). Will be used for base reference for the sculpture I'm getting done by Shanon Brocas.



Uniform Details: A mixture of real world and conceptual US and Soviet-era/Russian Law Enforcement and Military Equipment.



Face/Physique Details: Finding a mixture between a commanding and intimidating presence.



First sculpture images from Shannon. April 10, 2010. Nothing fancy - just a work in progress!



VERY interesting process.



Yeah, and a rather long process. Shannon has basically scaled Arnold's competition era measurements and started building Comrade Hero with Scott's image references.

The arms will eventually go down past the waist. I weighed up full figure vs. torso and went with torso for practical reasons (primarily I'm prone to breaking things).

Working with Scott to get the costume/uniform right was a challenge. Gloves, Boots, Mask and Belt were fairly easy to get reference images for, but the actual outfit had me scratching for a while.

I didn't want solid body-sculpted armor ala the Batman films, X-Men movie style leather uniforms, nor the standard "my uniform is painted on" spandex/latex.

Opted for a composite of layered 'soft armor' currently in existence/being developed. The end result isn't shiny or pretty, but then again the Russians tended to favor function over style.

ACU Tight Combat Shirt.

Kazak 4 Armor Vest

Dyneema Polyethylene Armor Vest



It's cool. Once you get the right reference and the finished piece, future works are easy because you have exactly the right look you need.



This is definitely the coolest thing going right now...

Hmmmm... wonder if my tax return would be big enough....



I'm expecting a rather nice refund based on my Tax Return this year as well.

I had to save up for the sculpture and am still saving towards getting sequential pages done as part of my Manuscript Project for a Diploma in Creative Writing.

It's meant I've had to stop chewing at the bit and restrain myself every time an artist comes along with a sale or promotion.




Meh, I'm not all that good on the restraint thing...

throw in that I tend to buy in three's (I should kill off a character to save money maybe?) and maybe my sculpture craving will have to wait...

Personally i think I'd prefer more the type done by angelsrflamabl for my characters... Though I think your choice works perfectly for yours. Hey, how large is the final piece going to be anyway? Approximately?

Anyway, really enjoying getting these peeks into the process



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
Personally i think I'd prefer more the type done by angelsrflamabl for my characters... Though I think your choice works perfectly for yours. Hey, how large is the final piece going to be anyway? Approximately?
Minus the pedestal the actual height of the bust is going to roughly around 20cm to 25cm (7.9in to 9.8in).

I can't guesstimate the width without the shoulders and arms (which will be full length). Arnold Schwarzenegger's competition era physique was used as the basis for scale modeling of Comrade Hero, although I took liberties with the Arnold's height compared to Comrade Hero's.

Height: 1.98m (6ft 6in)
Arms: 55.9cm (22in)
Chest: 144.8cm (57in)
Waist: 86.4cm (34in)

The completed piece will be primed and painted as well.

And yeah, Comrade Hero's outfit was designed to make him look somewhat like an anachronism to those bygone days of masked mystery-men and women.



Shanon just posted this. Arms are attached. Musculature size isn't proportionate at this early stage.



looking good, but I htink his back could stand a bit more beef.



Originally Posted by Juggertha View Post
looking good, but I htink his back could stand a bit more beef.
I'm following the guy over at DA now and he said he was going to be beefing up the torso.

Looks really cool so far, CH! I wants one!

Attache @ deviantART

Attache's Anti-401k Art Collection



Ayup, Shannon was mentioning bulking Comrade Hero up to increase his beefcake quota.

On a completely different tangent. I know a lot of people who work with Poser/DAZ and Maya, but I always admired the jaw-dropping work that can be done in ZBrush. If I knew a decent modeler who worked in that format I'd also get Comrade Hero done in that.



Give me a year or two... maybe I can help ya out on that.



Originally Posted by Juggertha View Post
Give me a year or two... maybe I can help ya out on that.
I'd buy that for a dollar!



Very cool looking so far. I'll definitely be keeping my eye on this thread.



And I'll keep updating... Shannon confirmed the process will take a while. Basically adding layer upon layer to build up the physique and add the costume details.



The difficulty in trying to get the head to body proportion ratio right. Shannon's still working on this. Progress update as of April 25, 2010.

Current progress:

And what the proportions should come out like:



Dude!! That is BAD !#@!!!!! I'm so jealous!



The photo manipulated one on the right *almost* looks right but I think the shoulders need to be built up a little and broadened. It looks awesome as is and the proportions are great for a regular guy...they're just not quite superheroic.

Attache @ deviantART

Attache's Anti-401k Art Collection