i19: Incarnates Suggestion

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Even if six hours is an exaggeration, it's pretty much a fact that the Shadow Shard TFs are the longest in the game, with Dr Q taking the cake.

And that's not a good thing. The Shard TFs were designed with an assumption that ultimately proved to be wrong: That players will do TFs in multiple sessions. Except, due to the nature of TF, doing one in more than one session would be a greater hassle than doing it in one session. You'd have to organise multiple playing sessions and that involves matching up the schedules of up to eight people, hoping that there won't be any short-term complications. That'd also make it pretty much impossible to do TFs with people other than close friends or reliable SG-mates.

So naturally, instead of several 30 minutes to one hour sessions, people just did TFs all in one go. That's why SFs are so short compared to TFs. They were actually made with the idea that people will do them in one go. Now, instead of generic missions meant to pad a TF, you get to do unique stuff like entering a hellish dimension, poking ancient beasts in the eye, utterly wreck an enemy fortress and visit a cave full of pink explodey crystals. You know, things that are actually fairly unique and you don't see everywhere else in the game.

With that said, I honestly cannot support NOT trimming down the Shard TFs. The only way to even justify their length would be to make them normal story arcs. Without the limitations of TFs, there's no pressure to do it all in one go, what with being able to freely form a new team or even just solo. Of course, that won't change the fact that the majority of the level 40-50 blue-side content is seemingly filler and padding missions, but hey.



Originally Posted by sworsman View Post
what if you could email your self sg invites so your other charecter can get in on your own solo sg base.
myst of time mission 1865 war between the state stop shapchanging villian from changing time line. your only way to find him is you super pet with some shape changing counter power fore this zone only you can get a third power set and a pet of your choses.

power set protect and interfear great for scraper tactical power
disruption nock out super powers
30 second. shockwave disrupter nockback multable target, suprusion power of the last two into one power , counter force shiled, inbodyment waring epic power you destroy every thing around you and return 10 day later. random powers from other set that effect endurenc

futer city moon base hireing hero to gaured.

dark moon riseing mission villian try to destroy moon base

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Originally Posted by prvtslacker View Post
I think the creator of the Dr.Q and numina could be very well be the same person with all of the hunts (sorry I am now so detailed on the creators of what content). I would have said Numina needed a revamp before posi. But I do know the biggest issue with posi is the lack of fire power at the lvl.
If you think the Numina TF needs to be revamped, you don't understand the point of it.

Originally Posted by White Hot Flash
To address the "Devs wouldn't withold content" line of thought: Sure they would. If big picture plans change, or if the staff gets reduced (which happened) content that made sense to put in before but no longer fit the current vision could be held back until there was time and/or people to tweak them. There's no way they made such a huge area for such little current content. War Witch, among other Devs past and present, have stated in old posts that the Shadow Shard was an unfinished product, and they've just been waiting for the right time to add to it. If you pay attention to the stories in there, there's a lot of hints about stuff that we haven't seen yet. Why get so in-depth if you don't have stuff in the works, or content to tie into it?
Except there's a big difference between "we had/have plans for the Shadow Shard" and "we've been sitting on already-completed work for 5 or so years". Keep in mind that even during the days of the Freem 15 we were getting stuff like Faultline. If they actually had more parts of the Shadow Shard completed, I can't see why they'd just ignore them, especially if it would only save them some of the workload.

And let's keep in mind that the Shard comes from an era where the lead designer hinted at epic ATs that barely ever made it towards development, if at all.

My point continues to be that whatever's unreleased from the Shadow Shard is largely if not purely excerpts from the Story Bible and the design document. I think I'm basically done arguing about it, since I doubt we'll get an official answer on it.

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Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post
First, what is an Incarnate? I'm sure this is highly debateable, but I think I'll go with the human embodiment of a deific being with a portion of it's power. Tartarus for Lord Recluse and Zeus for Statesman, to name the two most prolific. There's another deific being in the game already, but I'll get to that.
I'm sorry to sidestep basically the whole idea, but I really can't go with this. We already have enough of a restricting storyline with City of Villains and its "Destined One" crap, plus those horribly intrusive Patrons. I'd rather not have whatever the Incarnate levels are consist of even more limitations. Retroactively, it's fairly easy to claim that Incarnates are just exceptionally strong beings defined as such by power level (OVER 9000!!! as it were), rather than specific concept. The Statesman and Lord Recluse can then be easily explained to be incredibly strong because they got their power from the gods, but other people could be just as strong for entirely different reasons.

In fact, call it a rarer version of a standard origin. If your character is Magic because he found A magical artefact, he becomes Magic Incarnate because either he found or it turned out his was THE magical artefact. If a character is Technology because he devised A suit of power armour, then he will become Technology Incarnate when he invents THE suit of power armour to beat all others.

I realise that "Incarnate" may or may not have been intended to be a wholly different origin, but the phrasing Something Incarnate actually has tangible meaning, so I don't think it needs to be tied to the gods to the exception of everything else. As with origins, let ME decide what I'm a physical incarnation of.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



As with origins, let ME decide what I'm a physical incarnation of.
Yes, that's the idea. Another option. Within the framework of possible system implementation.

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Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
how about we wait and see what the developers plans are for Issue 19 before trying to make the plans for them?

therefor: /unsigned to an extent I'm not sure can be communicated in any known language.
It's a suggestion. The thread is titled as such and it's in the 'Suggestions and Ideas' forum.

I don't think it should be that difficult to appreciate it for what it is.

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Amen sistuh!

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Originally Posted by ElectroHawk View Post
By this logic only people in an SG/VG would be able to unlock the Incarnate power? I'm not sure how well this would be received by people who mainly solo or don't feel the need to join an SG/VG.

Beside that, revamping the Shadow Shard is way overdue IMO. Should it be linked to the Incarnate.. maybe but I think at this time we are speculating WAY too much on what the system is and what it means to our precious lvl 50.

this is what i was thinking. i only solo, and do not belong to any sg/vg's. how would i be able to unlock the incarnates?



Originally Posted by GlubGlub View Post
this is what i was thinking. i only solo, and do not belong to any sg/vg's. how would i be able to unlock the incarnates?
As previously stated, namely in Step Four titled the Rularuu Incarnate Patron Arc, you would run that for your Incarnate status. The Cathedral of Pain trial would be for those in SG/VGs additionally. It'd just be a thematic way to reintroduce it to the game, along with base raids.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



I understand where you're coming from CA, and your suggestions are good.

The problem lies with how the incarnate system will actually work. Are we actually getting new powers and slots for them ? Are we getting global slots that can be slotted with global enhancements that affect all powers that was mentioned in the survey from a few years ago ? Are we getting special enhancements to slot into powers that can effect attributes of powers that weren't modifiable before (eg a taunt target increase) ?

Unfortunately, only the Dev's know how the system works at this stage, and while your suggestions are great, we don't have any information to start making suggestions on how the incarnate should work as opposed to how it is currently being made to work.




Originally Posted by Cobalt_Azurean View Post
My thought is, you've lumped several quite common suggestions (and a couple uncommon ones) into one mass and tried to weakly tie it into a system we don't know anything about yet.

There's very little in your post that has anything to do with post50 advancement and a lot to do with revamping and expanding old or backburnered content.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



I actually think this sounds pretty solid.



My thought is, you've lumped several quite common suggestions (and a couple uncommon ones) into one mass and tried to weakly tie it into a system we don't know anything about yet.
Except for the whole 'thematic' thing, but yes, I figured it was a good way to go about expanding content with bringing back stuff in the game that people want, and give new content along with it, such as the Incarnate System and giving an option within the canon of the game not tied solely to the Well of the Furies.

There's very little in your post that has anything to do with post50 advancement and a lot to do with revamping and expanding old or backburnered content.
If you don't include the whole Incarnate System, then yes.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by ReclusesPhantom View Post
I actually think this sounds pretty solid.
Thank you.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by BigMoneyHustla View Post
I understand where you're coming from CA, and your suggestions are good.

The problem lies with how the incarnate system will actually work. Are we actually getting new powers and slots for them ? Are we getting global slots that can be slotted with global enhancements that affect all powers that was mentioned in the survey from a few years ago ? Are we getting special enhancements to slot into powers that can effect attributes of powers that weren't modifiable before (eg a taunt target increase) ?

Unfortunately, only the Dev's know how the system works at this stage, and while your suggestions are great, we don't have any information to start making suggestions on how the incarnate should work as opposed to how it is currently being made to work.
Thanks for your feedback, Mo, and I tried to head that off with pre-empting my post with 'If they implement it like so...'

As for the special enhancements, I have a feeling that only Incarnate Enhancements (or something along those lines) will only be able to go into the additional slots possibly given out by the Incarnate System but, again, this is all guess work at this point.

"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer