Bubbawheat's adventures in colorland.




So my foray into this year's Fan Art competition has gotten me interested in art a bit more. I don't have a whole lot of skill, or any helpful tools such as a nice editing program - currently using Paint.net - a scanner, or tablet - just a plain ol' mouse and keyboard, so that's limiting me to adding colors on some nice sketches I've had done for me. But I'm enjoying it for the most part. I would like to hear any advice or tips on how I can improve. And I'm open to any criticism and critiques on the coloring I'm doing - the lines are not mine, there's no way I could do that kind of sketch work with a mouse alone.

This is what I'm currently working on:

Original Pencils by TechnicDragon.

Colors added by me:




And finished it tonight, still would like any comments/tips/suggestions.

And added a background, not sure if I like it though - that's why it gets its own spot so I can delete it later if I choose to.



Perhaps it would help a bit if you were more specific? What are you looking for comment on? The drawing? Pose? Coloring? Technique? (your title would suggest color?)
Are you wanting critique or just comments?

It could be that no one wants to step on any toes until they know what you are asking for... I have huge feet so stomping on toes comes naturally to me.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Ahh yes, silly me. I did mention it in my comments on the dA page, but the original pencils are by TechnicDragon, I merely added the color - there's a link to the original right under the first pic in the first post. And I am completely open to any and all critiques. I know I'm an amateur, and the only way to get better is to take criticism (or practice, practice, practice).



Still no comments? Oh well, here's another work in progress to show for myself, this one by OCR. Spent about 20-25 mins on it so far.


My colors:

Edit - couldn't leave it alone, spent another 10-15 mins on it, especially would like comments on the helmet shading.




And of course, once I got that far, I just couldn't leave it at that. Total time, about an hour.



Because I am a beginner when it comes to coloring digitally I don't usually give con/crit about digital coloring jobs beyond noticing some overlooked detail or general impression or choice of color palette, that said I do like what you have done with this drawing. Good colors for the flames and I like that you added a "City of" background.
The work you have done certainly adds to the piece but the original is still visually present, nicely done BW (the other, other BW ).

If I could suggest one thing for improvement it would be there needs to be finer control of your masking/selection process (most noticeable on the fringes of the fire and the occasional white specs where there should be only black) but I wouldn't know what process you are using or how to refine it.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Reviving this thread with my newest project thanks to Lady Cyrsei. Cerulean Archer this time.


Colored preview:

Colored day 1






As someone floundering in the dark and in trying to be as concise and informative as that post was Frozen, i'll just say, 'bloody brilliant, thanks'

cheers H.

My Mini-Comic
AE arc id: 464928



I agree with Henri. I've been dabbling in some digital coloring lately (Goblin Queen is one that has been posted and another waiting for approval from the owner to post). But this post helped to put things in perspective so to speak. I do wonder though, if an artist doesn't really indicate light source in their lines then is it okay for the colorist to make one?



Thanks, I appreciate that, I am actually planning on trying shadows and highlights in this Cerulean Archer piece and had considered going back to that Burnt Matchstick piece to move it past flats. Hope mine turn out somewhere near as good as that.



Originally Posted by PowerStream View Post
I agree with Henri. I've been dabbling in some digital coloring lately (Goblin Queen is one that has been posted and another waiting for approval from the owner to post). But this post helped to put things in perspective so to speak. I do wonder though, if an artist doesn't really indicate light source in their lines then is it okay for the colorist to make one?
Well the colorist pretty much has to decide where the light source is coming from if it isn't clear. Even if it is clear, there might be many options for what that light source might be like. If there are shadows trailing away from an object--does that mean it's mid-day and the sun is shining? Or is it night time on a roof and shadows are being cast from ambient light from the street.

The art part of coloring is making the choices and imposing an aesthetic on the scene. With comic style art, you're generally going to pick colors that will support the essence of the character or characters depicted, unless there's a strong narrative thread that has to be followed.

The craft part of coloring hinges on rendering technique. In general, good rendering simulates real world lighting conditions where the transition from light to dark establishes the volume of an object. Shadows and reflections help establish where object are in spatial relationship to one another. Surface highlight and texture helps differentiate materials being rendered (eg. is it spandex? Leather? Latex?) Establishing your light source(s) is basic to that. The exception would be ambient light conditions but that would be much more advanced to do well.




Originally Posted by PowerStream View Post
I agree with Henri. I've been dabbling in some digital coloring lately (Goblin Queen is one that has been posted and another waiting for approval from the owner to post). But this post helped to put things in perspective so to speak. I do wonder though, if an artist doesn't really indicate light source in their lines then is it okay for the colorist to make one?
Two ways to read that question.
1. Is it okay to go contrary to the artists intention for the piece.
2. Is it technically correct to do so.

The first depends on your relation to the artist (do you have permission to color their lines, do they mind you adding your own touches etc), too many variables to give a straight answer but the best thing is if you are unsure... ask.

For the second the easy answer is yes. If a hero has fire on their head and hands it is a light source whether the artist drew any indication for it to be or not (like the the moon in this piece). If there is no clear indication from the artist and no obvious light source exists in the piece then it's up to you and in that situation I'd say there are many ways to light a scene, be creative in choosing your light source (or sources) and then try to render the scene as realistically as you can based on your choice.

Another thing to consider is if the person who drew the lines knew it was going to be colored in advance. The one quick sketch of mine in this thread I had no idea it would later be colored so there really is no helpful information or visual cues (other than maybe the shadow on the faceplate) from me where the light and shadows are to be placed so anyone wanting to color it would have to make those decisions him/her self.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Day 2, didn't get as much done as I'd hoped, but there was a lot of line cleanup to do, and I'm slow and meticulous.



WOW! Look at you go, Bubbz!! It is looking good thus far!! I am looking forward to seeing the finished piece!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



DOH! i just realized that I managed to hit your thread with a jack and didn't even comment on your coloring! Obviously as I'm just learning myself I think you are doing a great job Bubba! I can't wait to see the finished piece!(I think I just heard an echo of VexXa in here...)



More edits, I feel kind of bad, but I couldn't really get a feel for the stars so I got rid of them all. Sorry, they look good in the sketch stage!

Day 3, a couple more hours for the bow, the glove/boot straps, and the belt. I think I'm happiest with the work from this day. I think it all turned out better than I was expecting it to. Also tried some minor highlights on the face, not sure if I like how that turned out though. BTW, all the images link to dA for the larger versions.

Also, here's Cerulean Archer, for reference.



Liking this



Final results. I spent more hours on this than I care to admit, but I'm extremely pleased with the results.



Wow Bubba!! You did a fantastic job!! This is definitely your bestest thus far!!!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



vexxxa you used that gif before. have we finally hit the bottom of your harddrive of gifs?

nice improvements.

Roxy On DA...Finally!



And my first piece done completely by myself.

Reference: Burnt Matchstick Controller

Original pencil sketch

Digitally inked

and finally colored (link to dA page)