Bubbawheat's adventures in colorland.




You are doing really well with your coloring, Bubbz! Keep them coming!!

(endless supply of kudos gifs)

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



I wrote a journal entry on dA about my newfound artiness (aside from what I've done previously, adding to other people's work) and thought I'd share it here too.

Two years ago, if someone would have asked if I was an artist, I would have said "Sorry, I never touch the stuff." Well, that's not completely true. I did take art classes in elementary school and I remember that I had a pretty good knack for perspective at the time. When most people were drawing cubes and rectangles, I was drawing toroids and letters. And I was like 10. I didn't much keep up with it after that. From High School on writing became more my thing, culminating in an entire website during the Geocities hayday dedicated to the anti-Final Fantasy RPGs out at the time, mainly SaGa Frontier one of the earliest Squaresoft whipping boys of the internet.

Then at some point, I bought City of Heroes. Originally it was an alternative to the Sims as a character creator for my wife that I thought I might be interested in as well. That was over 3 years ago. Then some point later I discovered the City of Heroes forums. Then some time later I discovered the Screenshots and Fan art section of the forums. I soon became a lurker, checking out all the great artwork, occasionally posting my praises. And there was a FArt battle going on, which I would vote each month with my wife and I deciding which piece we liked the best. Then January rolled along and the new contest was started. I decided to play along by entering some of my screenshots, and some new ones, done up with a little generic photoshopped flair.

Throughout that year, I spent more time on each piece, and improved month to month using new techniques to improve what amounted to graphics design and screenshot manipulation. Near June, someone started a minimalist project - using minimal design to evoke an iconic CoH character. I took that ball and ran with it, using simple Paint.net tools to make basic picture. They were basic, but they were all mine. I also started coloring some pieces. It started with mostly flats, and using a recolor tool to retain the pencil shading, but in a different color. This ended up with North Star, a piece I spent hours on but turned out beautifully in my opinion.

I shared the North Star on my facebook page, the one place online where I am my real name and not Bubbawheat, and as such I generally don't talk about City of Heroes because no one would care, unless they started to worry. My sister used this as inspiration to buy me a "How to Draw Manga" book for Christmas. And I also bought a sketchbook. Now every day I do a little sketching. My current problem is my ideas seem much greater than my skill level. I have a scene in my head, but I just can't translate it to the page correctly. But I do know my limits, have been keeping to the motto of "practice, practice, practice" and even though I'm organizing this year's FArt battle myself, I'm also participating and using it to help improve my own talents as the year goes on. I hope to have a great piece to show for December!



Another Bubbawheat original on the way. This one is for the February FArt battle. The theme is ice, so I'm going back to Cerulean Archer for a somewhat ambitious piece.

The concept: Cerulean Archer is walking away from the battle scene towards camera. She's looking down and to the side, as if remorseful of what she had to do, putting her bow behind her back. Behind her is a large group of enemies encased in ice.

Step one: her face, sketched by hand. I felt I really hit her facial expression, even though I didn't get much else right, especially her hair. I tried to re-do it several times, but I could never get the face anywhere near as good as this one, so I think I'll make do for now. Click for dA page.



Step 2: Ink her face with Paint.net, also used the opportunity to try and fix her hair to be more Chun Li and less Leia. Click for dA page.



Lol I was going to say it looks kinda like princess leia. I like where it's going, keep at it

Oh, the hairline (down the middle) looks kinda weird to me with the change in hair. Maybe it's just me.



Step 3: Add colors and shading. Still pretty new to the process, but I think I didn't mess it up too badly. Link to dA page.



I am enjoying watching you hone your digital skill, Bubbz! Keep it up!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Step 4: background, bow and hand.

Personally, I'm pretty happy with how the background turned out. I really like the look of the snow against the night sky. I'm not quite as happy with the angle of her hand, or the look of her buns. They could be better, but overall I'm pretty happy with this. I might tweak it over the next week, but I'm pretty much considering it done.



Nicely done, Bubbz! What is next on your list to do?

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Hey Bubba I like what you did with your entry. The style reminds me a of a set of Russian Nesting Dolls. Nice.

You've asked for con/crit before and if that is still the case
I have three basic ideas that might help you improve aspects of this piece:

1: Her hand is a little small. With fingers extended it should be close to the length of her face.

2: Her jawline should trace up to her ear not the back of her skull. It makes the head looked detached otherwise.

3: The buns don't match. If you measure the gap between her (camera) right bun and the top of her ear and then estimate
where the top of her other ear is (about equal with the eye line) and look at how big the gap is from there to the bottom of the left bun. Do they match?

There are other minor things that could be done but fixing these three would make an immediately noticeable improvement.
Also I like what you did with the ice blocks, even being the that it's same figure (just reversed and re-sized) on all of them, it gets the job done
and the piece reads well (I can tell she is sad and guessed it was because she had to freeze those guys in blocks of ice before I read your text describing the scene) too.

P.S. It looks like the top of one of the ice blocks got cut off, third one in from the left.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Thanks for the critique. For future information, I always welcome critiques - it's a good part of the learning process.

As to VexXxa's question, I just recently got a chibified pumpkinhead matchstick from Lady LoveDie that's dieing to be colored, if I get to it before I start on next month's F-Art piece.



Updated piece above with most of CR's changes. (didn't get to the hand) Thanks for the suggestions!

edit because I didn't feel like bumping the thread and wanted a place to vent a little bit without taking attention away from other places (and this is pretty much just me venting): I let myself out of the F-Art battle mostly due to outside pressure. Overall, the points made are mostly valid ones. I don't agree that my January piece wasn't fire themed just because it didn't have "fire" anywhere in the piece. I do agree that my opinion of it and any other piece I might submit isn't objective, and any tweakings of the rules in these first couple months may appear to benefit myself more than others. I don't think this is true, as my personal skill level as an artist is right down near the bottom of the heap in the competition. I had no delusions of winning, I merely entered because I felt like there were so few entrants to begin with that having one more would benefit the competition as a whole, that and I'm using it for myself to help grow as an artist. Like I said, I know I'm near the bottom of the heap, but it does stroke my ego a bit if I would get any votes at all. And I felt like the piece I made for this month's battle is a personal best. I don't think it's better than a lot of the entrants this month, but I think it was good enough to get a few 3rd or even 2nd place votes. And now I'll never know. But that's beside the point. Like I said, I agree with the major points. I organized this year's contest and as the sole judge, I shouldn't put myself in a position to cast my role as a judge in a dubious light in any way shape or form, which could, would, or did happen while I allow myself to enter the contest.



Personally i don't think you needed to leave the competition. Although you did make rule changes, they weren't changes that only you qualified for, they were changes that apply to every competitor, so we're all still playing the level playing field in my opinion.

Obviously it's you're decision tho, and if you feel more comfortable dropping out then fair enough, shame tho. It would have been a great chance for you to see how both your style and your skill change month by month during the course of the competition.

My Mini-Comic
AE arc id: 464928



@Bubba:My goal was never to pressure anyone out, I think my constant promotion of last years (heck this years too) contest and encouragement of getting as many artists involved shows this. That said I do speak out when I see a problem/challenge but it's with working towards a solution in mind (our 3,2,1, vote system I came up with last year for example).

@Henri: There is no reason he (Bubba) cannot still do a piece each month and we can still watch him progress over the course of the competition. That was never in question.

The question as I see it is should someone who is running the contest as the host/judge also be allowed to compete for votes. If no one had a problem with it then fine I didn't object to him participating but if it is going to be a problem then I think it would be better to keep the two roles separate.

I think if the whole system was planned out in December and the numbers were run an maybe even community input/approval was had we could've set it in stone and then not touched anything... a self running system of sorts, in that kind of scenario Bubba could probably compete too without much issue. Given the challenges that have arisen year after year proper planning in advance was key I feel to pull something like that off. That's not the situation we find ourselves in so in the spirit of making the best of what we have how about this as an idea...

Here are the artists competing for votes.
pic #1
pic #2
pic #3
Everyone needs to choose from among these pieces.
Here are some other artists not competing for votes but who
want to play along and be challenged by the theme each month.
They would like to hear your feedback too.
link to pic #1
link to pic #2

By having a separate but still included section you can still get people looking at and saying what they like about your work. This may even encourage others who want to play along but don't like the competitive aspect or the pressure involved.
What do you guys think?

P.S. @Bubba: While you may see yourself as "bottom of the pack" now that doesn't mean you will stay there in the months to come. A year is a long time and much can be learned. If nothing else remember that last year I got a total of 1 vote for the first month... and the second month I got... well still only 1 vote (that's right I was bottom of the pack ) but despite that I went on to win one months highest vote count and furthermore to be one of the two finalists/winners at the end/2nd ending.
Long running contests are about endurance and planning as well as artistic ability. People who are open to con/crit and really push themselves to learn can improve by leaps and bounds.

Don't ever limit your potential based on how you "think" you rank.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Playing around with effects and layers for my March FArts and came up with this. I like it.



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
Playing around with effects and layers for my March FArts and came up with this. I like it.

Bubba! The effects and layers look really kool!!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Made a logo for my videos (On Your M-Arc) I've been doing for AE. Started with the regular AE logo and tried my best to recreate the font for my name at the bottom, and just used a similar font for the title in the middle.



Working on my contribution to this month's F-Art contest. The theme is Secret Messages, but since I'm not actually competing I figured it was ok to reveal mine early (though there's not enough information to decode it, unless you're really intrepid). Still a long ways to go, but I did make a nice step forward.



I really like how that portal turned out B.!

Looks like the code is ... from a windows font *giggles*.


CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



looking good Bubba. A tip if your going to add a background. Best way would be to paint the background on a separate sheet, then lift your image off the white and lay it over the background. Rather than trying to draw the background around your image. You may have already known that

On another note, i just spotted one of your AE arcs, ctrl-alt-del was it? Brilliant, really enjoyed it. The emotes when your collecting all the items that might be the artifact had me in stitches, favourite one, 'Y'know, I think this may just be a trash can...' lol Good stuff.

My Mini-Comic
AE arc id: 464928



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
..........though there's not enough information to decode it, .........
[O.o] - Orly?

It says "Help me Burnt Matchstick, you're my only hope"
Nice idea to use Princess Leia's secret message (pleading for Obi Wan to come and rescue her) from Star Wars by the way.

P.S. You really should use a higher resolution on the symbols Bubba as the transliteration was really the only tricky part about this cipher.
Also I believe you meant to say - "there's not enough information to decipher it" as it's not actually a code (people often confuse code with cipher ).

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post

It says "Help me Burnt Matchstick, you're my only hope"
How do you know it says that?! *looks at the artpiece again* I really have no clue where to start O.o

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post

It says "Help me Burnt Matchstick, you're my only hope"
Nice nice idea to use Princess Leia's secret message (pleading for Obi Wan to come and rescue her) from Star Wars by the way.

Nice work, I always knew you were intrepid.

DD: All he really had to do was figure out what font I used, then do a straight decode from there as I did just use a special symbol font and typed it out normally. I plan on having her hold something similar to a Rosetta Stone so it can be figured out by only using the clues in the picture.



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
Nice work, I always knew you were intrepid.

DD: All he really had to do was figure out what font I used, then do a straight decode from there as I did just use a special symbol font and typed it out normally. I plan on having her hold something similar to a Rosetta Stone so it can be figured out by only using the clues in the picture.
Lol! I must be more brilliant than I thought! That was my first interpretation...that it would be a font... *looks suprised*.

CoH Fan-Art Sale still several slots open!

Read my in-game stories and check out my DeviantART page.
- coXso - It was a memorable time filled with art!