Fulcrum and Rain Of Arrows :D
RoA is a pseudopet. If you use FS before you hit RoA, it will inherit the damage buff from you.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Very fun combination minus the redraw issues.

"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Ouch...I still want to make one Regarless though. Would love to have my Archer Zip around at the speed of light.

I just got my Archery/Kin to 50 about two weeks ago and holy crap, it's awesome. Siphon Speed+Siphon Power+Fulcrum Shift+Aim means that you can have RoA up often and it will hurt mobs ALOT.
Seriously, roll one up. You won't regret it.
I've got a Fire/Kin Corr, which I made in Issue 5 before Archery was a set that Corrupters could use. How does a Fire/Kin compare with an Archery/Kin?
Too many alts to list.

I've got a Fire/Kin Corr, which I made in Issue 5 before Archery was a set that Corrupters could use. How does a Fire/Kin compare with an Archery/Kin?
I say that because RoA uses the pet damage cap which is lower than yours, whereas Fireball and Breath use your damage cap. RoF uses the pet damage cap but has double Scourge damage so it's all good.
For a kin having huge amounts of AoE is great but the best AoEs in Archery are Fistful and RoA. Fistful is easily one of my favourite cones, but you'll have to run out of spawns to use it (same for Breath, though). On a character as fast moving and twitchy as kins are, the RoA animation would get on my nerves. I'd rather hurl a Fireball and keep zooming around.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
RoA is a thing of beauty, pretty much regardless of what AT it's on or what powerset you pair it with. Fulcrum-shifted RoA can get scary.
However, while I adore and cherish my Arch/EM blaster, I've been reluctant to roll an Arch/Kin corruptor, for one reason. While Fulcrum Shift + RoA can let a corruptor do as much as or more damage than a blaster using BU + Aim + RoA, and do it more often thanks to Siphon Speed, the corruptor will have already engaged the enemy to fire Fulcrum Shift. They will then have to activate RoA while the baddies are aggroed; if they are sufficiently nasty or high-level baddies they can ruin your day while you're standing in the middle of them firing, and if you bounce back to get some breathing room it can get tricky to get them all to stay clumped up in one spot for the volley to hit. Kin/Arch Defenders can use Mass Hypnosis from the //Psi epic to pop an aggro-free Fulcrum Shift before engaging, but Corruptors do not get such a luxury (that I can think of tonight, at least). Of course, you can use Fulcrum Shift on one weaker group, finish them, and then RoA a second group as an opener (refreshing the buffs on the occasional stragglers) but that approach requires more maintenance and timing.
Any Arch/Kin will have jawdropping power at their fingertips, but approaching RoA from a blaster background, the key feature of it is that while the animation time is rather long, and enemies running around while you fire it carelessly can lead to missing most/all of the intended targets, using it as an opening move makes the animation irrelevant. RoA will not aggro until the arrows start falling, and you can pack an enormous amount of burst damage into that first second that they are aware of your presence, with RoA/Fistful landing almost simultaneously. Backed by BU/Aim (and possibly some red insps or other teammates' buffs), you can frequently remove all the minions from an enemy group before they get a single attack in, with the LTs following swiftly on their heels (or dying instantly as well, depending on the difficulty settings). If you have to aggro the targets beforehand to get your crazy damage buffs, you trade that damage for a lot of the tactical utility RoA brings to the table.
Rule number six of an empathy defender is NEVER underestimate a blaster's ability to die. I don't care if he has CM, Fort, both RAs, bubbles (both FF and Sonic), and is fighting next to a Storm defender with hurricane on. If there is a way to die in that situation, the blaster will find it.
Granted yes, but what makes a Arch/Kin any Different from a fire/kin safety wise? Wouldn't a Fire/Kin be the most deadliest if he can fulcrum and spam his Aoe's and cones? I know that on teams I will have the advantage...the brute will grab the aggro, I will fulcrum then RoA and start using My Cone and what not. I don't see to much of a problem with the build...plus Siphon Speed would help a bit with my Recharge so RoA is up much more often.
I would make a Fire/Kin but unfortunately you cannot let loose with your Aoes...I've seen many fire kins Face Plant from using Fulcrum then going all crazy with his Aoe's...the baddies stop, turn to look at the /Kin and throw death at him...then he crumples over like Styrofoam cup LOL.

Fire/Kin will grab more aggro because it's doing more damage. Usually with RoA the first tick will land, stuff will get mad, then the rest of the ticks land and stuff dies.
But if you're playing with Brutes who will have stuff aggroed on them, it's more or less a wash.
The difference between fire/kin and archery/kin is small, but it is there. The deciding factor is whether that difference matters enough to you to influence what you make. Fire/Kin and Archery/Kin will both be AoE and team buffing monsters. With either primary you're going to be putting out huge AoE damage, I'd say make whichever appeals to you more.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Cool. Thanks for your opinions. Sorry if I hijacked the thread....
Too many alts to list.
Fire/Kin will grab more aggro because it's doing more damage. Usually with RoA the first tick will land, stuff will get mad, then the rest of the ticks land and stuff dies.
But if you're playing with Brutes who will have stuff aggroed on them, it's more or less a wash. The difference between fire/kin and archery/kin is small, but it is there. The deciding factor is whether that difference matters enough to you to influence what you make. Fire/Kin and Archery/Kin will both be AoE and team buffing monsters. With either primary you're going to be putting out huge AoE damage, I'd say make whichever appeals to you more. |

Indeed well I am set on Arch/kin anyway just b/c I have yet to see one on red side. I've only seen Kin/Arch on Blue. I will go fire eventually I hate everything about fire b/c it's just not who I am lol. I do know though that Fire's High Dmg and Sexy Aoe's is great for taunting for your team...if only a cadaver could hold aggro :P.

How bout using stealth + SS or stealth IO to get into position followed by invoke panic from the presence pool before firing fulcrum shift and RoA?
Dark Bard, Zoobait, Debacle
Por vezes d� vontade...
speak american godamnit
How bout using stealth + SS or stealth IO to get into position followed by invoke panic from the presence pool before firing fulcrum shift and RoA?
EDIT: Oh yeah, pissed em off alright! Poor Hellions navah had a chance! > : D

Hmm, I had asked about that before (fulcrum breaking terror), somebody said it didn't.
Dark Bard, Zoobait, Debacle
Por vezes d� vontade...
speak american godamnit
I've leveled up a lot of kins in my small two years of playing but only 1 of them was a Controller (Grav/Kin) so excuse me for my ignorance. I also couldn't find info on this in any of the Kin guides (or maybe I was to lazy to give a thorough look :P). When I use Fulcrum my pets get buffed as well correct? Yesh! so here's my big question lol.
I want to make a Archery/Kin Corruptor but correct me if I am wrong isn't RoA a pet? If I fulcrum before I fire off RoA would it buff the power/pet or would it be in vain? I'm just making sure I know what I am getting into before I make this toon. TY for the advice in advance ^____^.