Since when did this AT become so fun?




I recently got on my Peacebringer again after a 628 day hiatus. Partially intrigued by the updates I had been hearing over the years to Kheldians, and deciding whether or not to delete the character, I hit up a team and was pretty happy with how I was doing. My single target blasts didn't feel so anemic, and my melee attacks felt freakishly deadly. I was only 18, but I could tell this guy had potential.

So I started making a build for it, ultimately decided to just scrap Nova altogether, as I was able to achieve pretty similiar damage without it. Focusing mostly on recharge set bonuses, and taking advantage of Dwarf's naturally high resistances, I pieced together a build I was pretty happy with. All that was left was to play the damn thing.

The human form, as mentioned, is a blast. I only have Incandescent and Radiant Strike, but both make the enemy hurt and both usually knock the enemy on it's back. While I would find this annoying on a scrapper or tanker, I found it offered pretty good mitigation with my PB, especially since I could then just shoot at the enemy until he got up again.

I hit 22 tonight and unlocked Dwarf, and even without any slotting in the thing I already love it. It is very nice to be able to switch into dwarf form if the pressure is a bit much, or I get mezzed. I usually open up the form with that foot stomp clone, and then proceed to beat enemies faces in. Usually on the second footstomp I'll drop back into human form and use my melee attacks to finish whatever I'm fighting off before it can get back up. It's ridiculous fun.

The Voids don't seem like a huge deal to me either. Perhaps it's because I'm used to fighting Malta Sappers (I completed every single mission in Indigo and Crimson's arc because I thought the Malta were a refreshing challenge on my scrapper) or maybe because they do reduced damage than during my initial introduction. I typically find that hovering above them, dropping down, hitting build up, and smashing their faces works pretty good, and is incredibly satisfying. On teams I like to charge at the Voids, splattering them across the wall with my ridiculous amount of KB effects while my team looks at me with what I can only imagine is concern.

I'm also midly roleplaying my Kheldian as a ridiculously naive and polite person, which is fun for me while I'm vaporizing people's faces with solar energy.

I wasn't really expecting to ever like this AT, but I have to say, it's quite fun.



One of us! One of us! One of us!

Welcome to the community. As you've already noticed, Kheldians have changed quite a bit since their inception. It's unlikely that anything short of a boss-class Void will give you much trouble, and those only spawn in 7-8 man teams (keep this in mind when upping your difficulty and realize you'll face them if you set yourself to x7 or x8).

Have you teamed much with your PB yet? Cosmic Balance now works in all the forms, and you may find its contribution quite noticeable on larger teams. IO Set bonuses also carry over to all forms.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



Let me just emphasize the amount of pure unadulterated WIN that the change to Cosmic Balance has made for teaming as a peacebringer. The only reason I keep my peacebringer as a Triform is because Nova Form becomes a MONSTER with Cosmic Awareness and the right team that grnts bonuses to damage and resistance.

Also, the Dwarf Form can have as much resistance as a Tanker, etc. The formation of the team really influences which form my PB uses at any given time.

Too many alts to list.



I got most of my levels on a team. I beleive I picked Freedom specifically so that I could team on my peacebringer. Most of my solo stuff has been for the Kheldian Specific Missions with Sunstorm so I could appreciate the story without being rushed. Yes, Cosmic Balance is pretty kick ***. Yesterday I was teamed with about 6 defenders, a blaster and me. When I punched things they died.

It seems like any team make up would be good for my dwarf form. Assuming a lot of blasters or scrappers my resistance goes up, assuming a lot of defenders I'm probably getting buffed anyway, and controllers will be holding things all over the place to mitigate damage further. Seems like a win in my book.

I'll probably make a dual build at some point that focuses mostly on Nova and Dwarf, just so I can fully appreciate Nova. I'm sort of in the transitioning phase of DO's -> SO', so I'm a little too broke to be slotting up another independent build at the moment, but I'm definitely interested in it.

On that note, a mighty thank you for whoever made up dual builds. I think one of my biggest hang-up's with the AT is that I couldn't figure out where to put a focus. Now I don't have too~



I agree. I too have been having fun with my human/dwarf after a long hiatus. Voids seem like wimps now but loving the changes, especially to cosmic balance.



Human-form PB is hilarious when you have 4 Blasters/Scrappers on the team and are nearly invincible. If they'd just axe the KB from Solar Flare I'd have no complaints.



Originally Posted by Vermain View Post
Human-form PB is hilarious when you have 4 Blasters/Scrappers on the team and are nearly invincible. If they'd just axe the KB from Solar Flare I'd have no complaints.

Oh please please please please I wish they would get rid of the KB on Solar Flare..

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by Airhammer View Post
Oh please please please please I wish they would get rid of the KB on Solar Flare..
If and until they do, just get into the habit of doing the "Solar Flare Shuffle." Run up to the mob, side-jump, stomp. Unless you're on a catwalk, this generally knocks them into a wall. And if you're on a catwalk, well, there'll be no side-jump-stomp anyway unless you can figure out how to stomp the air.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Answer to the title: For some of us, the day we rolled them - I4 for me.

That said, there have been many changes over the years (such as being able to shift to Dwarf while mezzed, and neutering Voids, on top of just plain game changes - especially IOs and their effect on slotting) that have had quite an impact on Khelds.

When you finish the PB, roll a WS. Learn the zomgwow that is double-mire. >.>



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Answer to the title: For some of us, the day we rolled them - I4 for me.

That said, there have been many changes over the years (such as being able to shift to Dwarf while mezzed, and neutering Voids, on top of just plain game changes - especially IOs and their effect on slotting) that have had quite an impact on Khelds.

When you finish the PB, roll a WS. Learn the zomgwow that is double-mire. >.>
I still love everytime I get to Eclipse in a large group and double mire and nuke and Stygian Circle to full end/health.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Answer to the title: For some of us, the day we rolled them - I4 for me.

That said, there have been many changes over the years (such as being able to shift to Dwarf while mezzed, and neutering Voids, on top of just plain game changes - especially IOs and their effect on slotting) that have had quite an impact on Khelds.

When you finish the PB, roll a WS. Learn the zomgwow that is double-mire. >.>
Not so much zomgwow as 'Souls! Kill! Crush! Maul! *chitter krrrk*'
*ahem* Yeah, I really enjoy my Triform Shade now

Although IMO 'neutered' is a bit of a strong word for Voids. More like 'made less of a complete 'lolfail' button for the enemy. Untyped damage is fine...when facing an 'end game' boss like Hamidon. Against things that can spawn in any mission at all? Not cool.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.