? regarding Thugs Tier 2




Are the Enforcers' leadership powers supposed to show up in the buff interface? Mine aren't; I assumed that they didn't get them until the second upgrade, but I just got it and noticed that it still wasn't showing up. Is this a bug?



Check there combat attributes for your pets see if it show up there. (Right click on them its at the bottom.)

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ahh, ya it's listed under combat attributes. I guess I assumed it would be more readily apparent; I haven't played in awhile so didn't think to look there. Thanks for the help.



Originally Posted by D4nnYb0Y View Post
ahh, ya it's listed under combat attributes. I guess I assumed it would be more readily apparent; I haven't played in awhile so didn't think to look there. Thanks for the help.
If you click the arrow button on the right hand side of the window with your pets' names on it, all the icons associated with the effects on your pets will be listed. There should be some purple ones associated with Enforcer leadership. If you right click on one of the purple ones, it will list what the effect is doing. I just logged on with my Thugs MM to be sure, and that's what I'm seeing.

Let me know if you have any trouble finding it.



hmm, see for me they don't show up in the pet window's interface. My thermal buffs do, however. I wonder why? I looked to see if something was checked under options that would cause this behavior, but didn't find anything.



You may have the "hide autopowers" option selected for your pet window.

Sidenote: I did not know until just the other day that buffs from Enforcers belonging to MMs not on your team will still buff your pets.

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Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Sidenote: I did not know until just the other day that buffs from Enforcers belonging to MMs not on your team will still buff your pets.
That's what I love about Enforcers. They'll buff every Thug in range




Yes they do.




Well, mine don't show any difference in the combat attributes window when they have no defense enhancement, when they have an SO defense enhancement, when they have a non-set IO defense enhancement, or when they have an HO that enhances defense. At 50, all those scenarios are showing me the same defense numbers from their maneuvers.

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Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
Well, mine don't show any difference in the combat attributes window when they have no defense enhancement, when they have an SO defense enhancement, when they have a non-set IO defense enhancement, or when they have an HO that enhances defense. At 50, all those scenarios are showing me the same defense numbers from their maneuvers.
You might have to resummon them to get the enhancement changes to actually reflect in their powers (zoning will do this too).

Also, are you looking at your combat attributes, or theirs? Because their bonuses don't apply to you, just your pets.



Looking at their attributes, not mine. Also, the first time I noticed this I slotted them and then summoned them, then resummoned them to check, and checked all pets that should be affected by it; 8.43% defense from each (the base for the lvl 49 lieuts) every time. At the moment, I have removed all defense enhancements since they were not working, but I do have a Lysosome in there for kicks. Because of the way HO's work, this should affect both the -def values from their attacks and the +def buff from their maneuvers, but the latter is still not affected. The Lysosome actually should also affect their tactics for the same reason, but I haven't checked that yet...

Edit: Tactics aren't showing any change in value either. Interestingly, the stats from the "Detailed Info" in the enhancement screen are showing the expected enhancement to the lieuts' maneuvers, it's just the combat attributes window that still shows the 8.43%. (Their tactics value is showing the flat base 2.5% in both windows). Could just be a glitch in the combat attributes window, but it could also be that somehow the enhancement isn't actually applying as the game expects.

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Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
Because of the way HO's work, this should affect both the -def values from their attacks and the +def buff from their maneuvers, but the latter is still not affected. The Lysosome actually should also affect their tactics for the same reason, but I haven't checked that yet...
Lysosomes do NOT affect Enforcers. I'm not sure what other "this should work through the HO exploit but doesn't" instances there are, but I know Lysos in Enforcers does not work. Use Membranes or Cytoskeletons.




Just pulled out my Thugs to check; my Enforcers have two generic defence IOs slotted, and their manoeuvres deliver 12.41% defence each. Their Tactics are granting +3.08% to hit each as well, with a single generic to-hit IO slotted.



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Lysosomes do NOT affect Enforcers. I'm not sure what other "this should work through the HO exploit but doesn't" instances there are, but I know Lysos in Enforcers does not work. Use Membranes or Cytoskeletons.
I had a cytoskeleton in before, it was the first HO I tried.

Eiko, are you seeing their defense modified in the enhancement screen or in the combat attributes window? Mine will show up in the former but with no change to the latter.

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Those are the values on the Combat Attributes screen.



I think maybe having any HO in it might mess it up, since every time I tried I had either a Cyto or Lysosome in one of the slots. When I get access to test server again I'll try to figure it out, thugs are softcapped without the enhancement anyway.

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Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
Looking at their attributes, not mine. Also, the first time I noticed this I slotted them and then summoned them, then resummoned them to check, and checked all pets that should be affected by it; 8.43% defense from each (the base for the lvl 49 lieuts) every time. At the moment, I have removed all defense enhancements since they were not working, but I do have a Lysosome in there for kicks. Because of the way HO's work, this should affect both the -def values from their attacks and the +def buff from their maneuvers, but the latter is still not affected. The Lysosome actually should also affect their tactics for the same reason, but I haven't checked that yet...

Edit: Tactics aren't showing any change in value either. Interestingly, the stats from the "Detailed Info" in the enhancement screen are showing the expected enhancement to the lieuts' maneuvers, it's just the combat attributes window that still shows the 8.43%. (Their tactics value is showing the flat base 2.5% in both windows). Could just be a glitch in the combat attributes window, but it could also be that somehow the enhancement isn't actually applying as the game expects.
That is weird. You say you're resummoning the enforcers after each change in their IO's? That was what solved my problems with it. I forgot that my current pets's stats were still based on the IO's they had when I first summoned them.

edit: Also I just confirmed this: Def debuff enhances show up in your enhancement screen as increasing the Enforcers' defense, but they don't. Only def buff enhances actually increase it. I just tried the two different kinds of enhancement on my level 13 thugs mm.

With nothing slotted, I re-summon the enforcer and get 7.21% defense bonus
With 2 generic def debuffs slotted, I re-summon and get 7.21% defense bonus
With 2 generic def bonus slotted, I re-summon and get 8.00% defense bonus.