Blaster Idea?




Hmmmm, iv been reading what you guys are saying.

Got another question.

Wouldnt the Regen get a boost if I increase my HP cap with Accolades and other IOs that do just that?

By the way, yes, Regen is more effected by higher HP.



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
Hmmmm, iv been reading what you guys are saying.

Got another question.

Wouldnt the Regen get a boost if I increase my HP cap with Accolades and other IOs that do just that?

By the way, yes, Regen is more effected by higher HP.
Yes, you are correct, the more HP you have, the greater your regen rate will be. Although not built for regen, my AR/EM blaster is just shy of the HP cap, so if you build for it, you should be able to cap HP with accolades and sets.



Yeah, +Regen and +HP work well together, since your Regen amount is calculated as a fraction of yout total hit points.

Here's the HP for each archetype.

You'll still cap out at less than an unmodified Tanker, but could have 60% more HP than my Controller did if you get +33% hit points. (20% from Freedom Phalanx, TF Commander and Portal Jockey accolades, 13% from set bonuses, it probably doable)

I guess the only way to really find out if it works is to try it.



I gotta throw my hat in with the FB/EM crowd. I'm currently rocketing around freedom with a reckless attitude that can be backed up by an unyielding amount of damage. I giggle when a Tank tells me to wait until he grabs all the aggro. Any decent Fire blaster knows a Tank is no protection from the aggro Fire can draw.

As you might be able to tell, I also play along the lines of "defense, what defense" tactics. We're blasters!! Our defense is unapologetic DPS.



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
Does anyone know of a build other then Fire/MM that id possibly have success with?Because from where im sitting, this is the choice I may go with.
I've played a Sonic/MM Blaster all the way to 50, and it was a hoot the entire way. It could solo very well and really threw out AoE damage debuffs, especially after I went for the Electricity Mastery Epic Pool and snagged another cone attack, giving me a full chain of nonstop cones, plus the protection, healing, and mezzes you get from MM. The Fire/MM blaster that I'm currently leveling has more attack power, but Sonic/MM has a bunch of cool powers and debuffs in exchange for less raw damage.

A Radiation/Mental Blaster might be an interesting choice. Irradiate, World of Confusion, Drain Psyche, and Psychic Shockwave, along with Cosmic Burst and other ST attacks, would make for a pretty sturdy AoE Blapper.

Psychic/Mental or Psychic/Energy blasters have nice ST damage, and they solo very well.

Too many alts to list.



Building for regen is fairly pointless on a MM blaster. Whatever regen you get will be completely dwarfed by Drain Psyche. You would end up with better regen by building for recharge just to get Drain Psyche up more. Build for regen if you want, but I promise you it will not be as survivable as a defense build



Originally Posted by DrMike2000 View Post
Yeah, +Regen and +HP work well together, since your Regen amount is calculated as a fraction of yout total hit points.

Here's the HP for each archetype.

You'll still cap out at less than an unmodified Tanker, but could have 60% more HP than my Controller did if you get +33% hit points. (20% from Freedom Phalanx, TF Commander and Portal Jockey accolades, 13% from set bonuses, it probably doable)

I guess the only way to really find out if it works is to try it.
HP capping a blaster is easy. Really easy.

But, since the hard cap on blaster HP is 1606, it doesn't have as huge an impact on regen as capping a scrapper, brute, or tank. Scrappers cap at around 2400, tanks and brutes both cap at around 3100 or so.

With all the agro you're likely to draw, regen alone will NOT keep you alive. It will extend your lifespan, but if you hit a spawn with an AoE and don't kill all or most of them the return alpha will shred you.

Add some defense so that regen has a chance to DO something and you'll be in better shape. Regenerating 100 HP a second does no good at all if you take 3000 damage in 5 seconds, which large spawns in the late game are capable of producing.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
However, if you really think you are a better player than all those poor blasters you see. I'd recommend going Fire/Fire instead.

If the OP has played an AR/Dev and knows good tactics, there is no reason a Fire/Fire should be a problem.


Founder of A.G.O.N.Y. Supergroup on Victory
Member of Thought Sanctum VG on Victory
Member of St0rm Batallion SG on Guardian



Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
Iv got a question or so.

At what point does Fire/ not have as much AoE as Archery?
With decent recharge you can fire off Rain of Arrows every 20-25 seconds. You can also alternate Aim and Build Up so one of them is always ready to use with Rain. Do that and every minion in a spawn (even at +2 or so) will usually die without firing a shot. Sure Fire can also kill them fast with an Aim / BU + Fire Ball + Fire Breath combo, but that requires moving into cone range and will probably result in someone shooting back at you. Archery can do the same damage every spawn from 80 feet away (or more, if /Energy with Boost Range) using a power that doesn't even require line of sight... thereby eliminating a large chunk of an enemy group's firepower before they can ever even attack.

For a good survivable AoE Blaster that isn't FotM or Archery, I'd suggest Fire / Ice. You get great AoE and ST damage in your primary plus very good mitigation in your secondary. Shiver and Ice Patch by themselves are enough to leave a group flopping around on the floor and seriously slowed, and you also get a melee hold for when something gets too close to you. Add an ancillary pool with a hold like Fire or Electric and you can stack them to hold a boss. I'd personally go Fie / Ice / Flame for the second hold and Rise of the Phoenix... all Blasters faceplant sooner or later, and having a self rez that actually hits harder than some nukes is way too fun to pass up.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



I personally had a lot of fun with Elec/EM, not sure if that sounds appealing to you.

Not a big blaster player, but Fire/MM sounds good to me!

There is some youtube video floating around of one soloing some Av's...



Iv decided on a Rad/Ice Regen Build.The regen might make me more survivable when the Damage and Recharge of the enemy is dwarfed.

If im wrong, then oh well, its a odd combonation, and may be fun.