What is NOT soloable?
Did you use Touch of Lady Grey: Chance to One-Shot, or did you use Touch of Lady Grey: Chance to One-Shot Self?
I soloed Jurassik with a DB/WP Scrapper, actually one-shotting him, but I freely admit that a) it was on Test, and b) I exploited a bug to do it (having the Touch of Lady Grey: Chance for Negative Energy Damage proc for "4.08311 e+006" points of damage, it being bugged to deliver a huge multiple of the target's base HP when it went off -- 'Touch of Lady Grey: Chance to One-Shot')
or alternatively...
You're quite correct - it can't be done by any one person. I heard it takes about 3.1412 people to tackle pie. |
3.14159265358979323846264338327950288 people, to be more accurate... although that's only to the limit of what I memorized...
TBH it's a practical miracle the boards got any sense out of me 10 hrs ago, never mind now when I've been lubricating my throat for another 10 hours...
By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
I've seen someone come mighty close to soloing a cake before, though.
Proud member of Everyday Heroes (Infinity Heroes), Dream Stalkers (Infinity Villains), Devil Never Cry (Freedom Heroes), Enclave of EVIL (Pinnacle Villains), Phobia (Infinity Villains), Les Enfant Terribles (Freedom Villains), Gravy Train (Virtue Heroes), and more!
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There was no one else on the ship. Just Rikti and two very, very addicted gamers