Ninjitsu...for SCRAPPERS?!




If you replace Hide with a Cloak of Darkness clone, Nin/ will be able to reach the softcap without any IOs

Blinding powder on a /x8 map is useful even if you just confuse one minion, you have added more damage not only that, it comes with a 7.5% tohit debuff, when you are at high levels of defense it makes a difference.

Okay, the knockback hole is rediculously laughable, you can easily plug that. As far as what takes it above the top is the self heal, Defense and Defense debuff resistance is nice, but the fact is that you are eventually going to get hit.

When SR gets hit, they eat all of it, SR only gets resistance when you are about to die and even if you have all 3 passives when you are in the red it is only like 25% resistance and SR and Sheild have no defense or resistance at all to toxic or psi damage types.

4) Nin has no resistances like /SR or /Shields (except 22% psi res on the mez protection toggle)
Pretty sure it is a click and it stacks with 22.5% each go, giving you a total of 45% resistance to psi and you can achieve high levels of Toxic resistance as well and there are a couple of toxic attacks with no defense tags and all mind control attacks have no defense tags

Shields is nice they have resists and a HP increase along with damage increase and a high damage AoE attack, but again what are they going to do when they get hit and they also have no psi resists or defense.

I really don't like including sheilds that much because it limits powersets

Nin on the other hand can be built for softcap, it's not easy but it isn't that hard, and to have softcap defenses, with a non interruptable self heal is pretty nice, along with that they can reach about 45% resist on psi and depending on how you slot the heal you can reach high levels of toxic resists as well. As I said before the KB hole is laughably easy to plug with or without IOs

Basically what othersets do can easily be covered in power pools and set bonuses, but the other sets won't be able to easily acheive the High psi and toxic resists, and a non interruptable self heal.

No it isn't the best farming secondary, but I bet it would solo AVs a lot better than most sets.

I guess considering how most other powersets perform I was wrong calling it OP, but I wouldn't want scraps to get this set, I wouldn't be mad if they did, but some sets should just stay exclusive to an AT.

Oh and Welcome back

"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."

"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."

-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp



Thanks for the welcoming back, Da_Captain.

Yes I'd like Nin to stay with Stalkers but I think that if a lot other people want the set on scrappers, it's good for them.

But yeah as I said, psi resistance is the one we Ninjitsu Stalkers get, and can be double-stacked for a good while on a high recharge build to 45%, but that's all (sorry for saying it's a toggle). The toxic res doesn't really get much use since it's tied to the heal. Dark armor can cap the psi res if you go nuts on the IOs, but that's not a def set

And the DDR is laughable, it's still the defense set with the least DDR of them all (at least from scraps and stalks, haven't checked ice and stone armors).

As for what you said... I can get a /SR to 43.4% m/r/aoe def with common IOs (that's taking CJ, Weave and Maneuvers), meaning you'd only need a steadfast unique to get to 46.4% and 110% DDR (I think it's capped to 95%, Mids doesn't say that). So yeah, SR does need one IO to soft cap, although 43.4% is damn fine already. Actually I can get to 44.5% if I overslot the powers with 4 lvl 50 defense IOs, but let's stay with 3-slotting lvl 50 generic defense IOs.

Let's see Ninjitsu... 3-slotting generic def IOs to toggles, CJ, Maneuvers and Weave gets me to 34.5% def, if you add 6% (5.94%) of a 3-defense slotted cloak of darkness that gets you to 40.5%, a very good number but still not close to softcapping without IOs like you said. And the DDR is only 34.6%

Sure BP can help close the gap, but bear in mind it's a 120 second base recharge power, with a base duration of only 11.9 seconds on the sleep and 23 seconds on confuse which only has the 50% chance on minions. The tohit debuff lasts for 15 seconds (had to check CoData) and the duration cannot be enhanced, only the debuffage (from 7.5 to 11.9%). I think BP should have a 60 sec base recharge, after all Shields gets the 90-sec telenuke of doom .

So I guess counting SO/generic IO builds, SR and Ninjitsu kinda even out, assuming scrappers would get a Cloak of Darkness clone. SR is a tighter build since Nin Scrappers would probably skip Smoke Flash and whatever goes instead of Caltrops, but they would likely keep the tier 9 for aditional defense and DDR, since they don't have Shadow Meld like the PPP Stalker power (Kuji in Retsu gets you to 69% DDR plus ungodly defense like Elude).

And hey, SR gets Quickness, I love that power.

But you're right about the KB hole, it's not a big deal, 2 KB IOs and you're good to go. At the time I wrote that, I was trying to accomodate enough KB IOs on my EM/Nin to get to 41 or 45 pts because of the stupid new PvP that I still haven't tried.

Although I also don't want the set ported to scrappers, I think it would be a well rounded and popular set, but not OP like high-end Shields with their +maxHP, res to everything but psi, status protection that includes fear, confuse, repel and KB, +damage aura that actually lets you hold aggro like /invul, 95% DDR and the mininuke.

And yeah it would be a good AV soloer, I got Ghost Widow to 10% health on relentless before she used black hole on me and regenerated so fast I gave up and used a Shiv (that was before the Stalker dmg and HP buff), and on an Invincible ITF with the R.Offenders the team wiped instantly at the computer on wave 3 and I soloed it on the EM/Nin, took ages but the robots didn't hit me at all. Then again, people here are soloing AVs with pratically any set.



Then again, people here are soloing AVs with pratically any set.
Yeah that is why I had to change what I said, considering all sets and what people that know how to use IOs do with them, it would probably well with the rest.

They would probably replace Caltrops with a Quickness clone and call it Ninja Training

"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."

"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."

-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp



Originally Posted by Da_Captain View Post
Yeah that is why I had to change what I said, considering all sets and what people that know how to use IOs do with them, it would probably well with the rest.

They would probably replace Caltrops with a Quickness clone and call it Ninja Training
I dont see them killing off /SR to a large amount of players by offering that power to /Nin



Originally Posted by _Lith_ View Post
I dont see them killing off /SR to a large amount of players by offering that power to /Nin
Wasn't saying that it would kill off /SR, was just offering another power suggestion to replace caltrops. As I said in my previous post, /Nin would fit well with the rest of the secondaries, I think it would be as balenced as the rest.

"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."

"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."

-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp



I'd like to see this happen. I recently made a claws/nin stalker and just didn't like it. You end up a blaster without the range, it's annoying. I'd very much enjoy the secondary as a scrapper. Hopefully this will get some attention in the near future.



Ninja Reflexes
Hardened Body (Passive: +7.5% S/L/T Resist)
Danger Sense
Kuji-In Rin
Kuji-In Sha
Kuji-In Kami (Toggle: +3.75% Defense & Stealth)
Smoke Flash
Blinding Powder
Kuji-In Retsu

There you go! Ninjitsu for Scrappers!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Cripes. You guys decided to revive a really old one there.

I still think Hide should be switched out for Quick Recovery. I think there should be at least one Positional Defense set that has a form of Endurance Recovery without a crash built into the power. Caltrops could be replaced with, well, maybe a Stealth power.

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Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Cripes. You guys decided to revive a really old one there.

I still think Hide should be switched out for Quick Recovery. I think there should be at least one Positional Defense set that has a form of Endurance Recovery without a crash built into the power. Caltrops could be replaced with, well, maybe a Stealth power.
Well, someone revived it, so I thought I'd chime in.

I don't really think it needs to have an Endurance Recovery power put into it. With my suggestion, I was trying to keep it close to the original without making Stalkers looking at it and going "That's so much better!"

No Caltrops, and invisibility replaced with a stealth power and a passive Resist power, that shouldn't be to missed by the "I'm just a stalker" players.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I bet Energy Aura will be ported before /Nin. Less work involved .... and I would rather have an EA scrapper than a Nin scrapper :P

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.



I'm actually waiting to make a Kinetic Melee/Energy Aura Scrapper.

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Remember kids, crack is whack!

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Originally Posted by _Pine_ View Post
I bet Energy Aura will be ported before /Nin. Less work involved .... and I would rather have an EA scrapper than a Nin scrapper :P
But...but...I'd rather have Ninjitsu over EA!

Not because I think EA is bad, but because it'll fit my concept better! And *glare* I want MY concept.


BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Yeah, I've got characters that could use Super Reflexes, but Ninjitsu is exactly what I need.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
But EA is so pretty
It's strong and pretty.

But it's still not Ninjitsu.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

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