Ideas for Future Acivities
Yes to all
mscats - Amen to the Villain side SF's!
I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.
I'd be down for that.
Edit: Also...I'd be interested in all sfs. They're fun!
Yes, I absolutely want to do the Villain Strike forces. Keep in mind that some of the TF/SFs are co-op, so when we do the villain SFs we can do an ITF and a Lady Grey, too. I believe there is a villain version of Reichsman/Khan too.
As for the double xp weekend, I don't see why we can't just do Statesman or Reichsman or Lady Grey. Why would the ITF be better than one of those?
Oh wait, you said ITF on March 6? That would be an extra on on Sunday then? I'd be okay with that.
March 6 is a Saturday. So it would be like any of our Sat. tf's.
I don't have any villains on Infinity (they are all over on Triumph), so I wouldn't be joining any of the SFs except for those that are coop (unless you wanted to limit them only to villains.
It's not a binary choice, though. If there was interest, you could run both, or perhaps as alternating weekends.
Have fun, though!
Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!
Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon
"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."
I just transferred over from champion and I used to run every villain sf every Saturday on champion. Now that I'm on infinity, I was planning on starting SF Saturday again red side. I usually start around 9 or 10 am EST and finish around 5-6 pm EST. If you need any help with villain sf's let me know mscats. You can reach me in game at global @Dat Boi Zo or @Zo aka Dat Boi. I pretty much got all vill side sf's down so hit me up if you need to know anything or whenever your running them and i'm in.
Dat Boi Zo
Champion Server Villains
Zo the Mind Freak lvl 50 Mind/Energy Dom
Black Creature lvl 50 Dark/Dark Stalker
Plant-Master lvl 50 Plant/Thorn Dom
Doc of Darkness lvl 50 Dark/Rad Corr
Zo's Mastermind lvl 50 Necro/TA MM
Infinity Server Villains
Beastly Zo lvl 50 Claws/Willpower Brute
Aztec Zo lvl 50 DB/Regen Stalker
Satans Law lvl 50 Fire/Rad Corr
I just transferred over from champion and I used to run every villain sf every Saturday on champion. Now that I'm on infinity, I was planning on starting SF Saturday again red side. I usually start around 9 or 10 am EST and finish around 5-6 pm EST. If you need any help with villain sf's let me know mscats. You can reach me in game at global @Dat Boi Zo or @Zo aka Dat Boi. I pretty much got all vill side sf's down so hit me up if you need to know anything or whenever your running them and i'm in.
I am in for the SF's. I made a new villain on Infinity just for that purpose. Raven Araneae is a Widow. I will level her to 15 and put her on hold til we start the SF's.
I like the idea of doing some TF on double xp weekend. Doing a lower level one like ITF would allow more opportunities to participate. Mighty Taxi could use some love. He is only 27 and he needs to do the missions to get into Cimerora, but that would be my choice.
9:00am est would be way too early for me. That would be 7:00am in AZ.
Hope this is helpful input. Thanks for your efforts on our behalf.
Every day I wake up is a good day.

I'm glad to hear someone else also is trying to drum up activities aswell. We are also trying to get Hami Raids back in full swing. My vision is to Hami's alternating weekends between Blu/redside. First Raid is March 6th at 8pm EST. With the caliber of players we have on Infinity we should pull it off with no hitches. Raids can go from anywheres from 30-60 minutes. Our first in a long time so we should be near the 60 mark. Due to the explanation of attack and what not. So I guess what I'm getting to is...Can we count on Taxi's to fullfill the support role in the Hamis. It would be great to have you all there!! Thanks for what you all do! To support not only the game but players aswell. Good Hunting......Wolf-ire
"Show Them No Mercy!!"
Founder/Creator of Dragonians Dynasty
Retired First Seargeant (Vet)
I'm glad to hear someone else also is trying to drum up activities aswell. We are also trying to get Hami Raids back in full swing. My vision is to Hami's alternating weekends between Blu/redside. First Raid is March 6th at 8pm EST. With the caliber of players we have on Infinity we should pull it off with no hitches. Raids can go from anywheres from 30-60 minutes. Our first in a long time so we should be near the 60 mark. Due to the explanation of attack and what not. So I guess what I'm getting to is...Can we count on Taxi's to fullfill the support role in the Hamis. It would be great to have you all there!! Thanks for what you all do! To support not only the game but players aswell. Good Hunting......Wolf-ire
....the Hami Raid is even going to be blue side. Please keep Hami Raid discussion to the other threads about it.
I'm glad to hear someone else also is trying to drum up activities aswell. We are also trying to get Hami Raids back in full swing. My vision is to Hami's alternating weekends between Blu/redside. First Raid is March 6th at 8pm EST. With the caliber of players we have on Infinity we should pull it off with no hitches. Raids can go from anywheres from 30-60 minutes. Our first in a long time so we should be near the 60 mark. Due to the explanation of attack and what not. So I guess what I'm getting to is...Can we count on Taxi's to fullfill the support role in the Hamis. It would be great to have you all there!! Thanks for what you all do! To support not only the game but players aswell. Good Hunting......Wolf-ire
Shut. The. ****. Up.
Gods above and below, Wolf-ire, you're worse than ******* Hercuies.
*will attempt to leech/grief Hami raid now*
I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.
I can be up for villains.. I currently have villians of all lvls.. so once we kick in.. I will be in line with the Cootie cat :P
Founder of Life and Death Brigade
Infinity and Exalted
"Doc has a sexy voice" - L'amara
I'm glad to hear someone else also is trying to drum up activities aswell.
We've only had a Saturday afternoon event going on for, oh, I dunno, over a YEAR maybe.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
Just wanted to post an apology to everyone that's a part of this thread on behalf of the cross posting earlier. I was supposed to lead the raid that was mentioned, but have since cancelled it for many reasons. I never knew it was gonna get this out of control, and I never wanted to cut in to what you guys are trying to do. I wish you all the best of luck, and hope there's no hard feelings.
Not quite a hero;Not yet a villain
Just wanted to post an apology to everyone that's a part of this thread on behalf of the cross posting earlier. I was supposed to lead the raid that was mentioned, but have since cancelled it for many reasons. I never knew it was gonna get this out of control, and I never wanted to cut in to what you guys are trying to do. I wish you all the best of luck, and hope there's no hard feelings.
No, but seriously, I'm down for anything you post up. ANYTHING.
Hey folks..this Saturday starting at Noon est gonna start the Villains Strike Forces. Gonna start with Cap sf, (would like to do silver mantis but since new sg and still building up prestige, would need a sg with computer to run that one.) leviathan strike force, ice mistral, lord recluse, Cuda sf and teams choice of ITF or LGTF. Would like to keep same players for all strike forces, but will keep everyone posted in game if we need new players to fill players leaving. Also was wondering if there is a villains channel that is being used? I play vills about 99% of the time and really don't enjoy being on hero channels, since it's mainly blue side chatter. (nothing against heroes, just personal preference). If so please let me know. If not, I might be starting a villains channel primarily for teams and strike forces. Just need to know if anyone would be interested in an primarily villain channel if one doesn't already exist
Thanks again
Dat Boi Zo
Champion Server Villains
Zo the Mind Freak lvl 50 Mind/Energy Dom
Black Creature lvl 50 Dark/Dark Stalker
Plant-Master lvl 50 Plant/Thorn Dom
Doc of Darkness lvl 50 Dark/Rad Corr
Zo's Mastermind lvl 50 Necro/TA MM
Infinity Server Villains
Beastly Zo lvl 50 Claws/Willpower Brute
Aztec Zo lvl 50 DB/Regen Stalker
Satans Law lvl 50 Fire/Rad Corr
I would be down for a villains channel. Mainly because everything I've got on Infinity is a villain.
Global Channel "Infernals" created.
I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.
Hmm wish I could get in on this. I work Saturday afternoons though.
Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!
A few of us Taxibots have been discussing running the strikeforce series on villain side. There aren't nearly as many as we have on hero side. We'd run them in place of the current hero taskforces after we complete the cycle. We still have the Lady Gray TF, Reichman and the Statesman TF to do. Some have expressed interest in the respec trials - esp. the last one.
I am not familiar with these strikeforces, but I have many villains (low level except for my mastermind) and would love to do them. Let me know your preferences.
Also, double xp weekend starting on March 4th, and Issue 17 additions are things to consider when planning for the future.
Taxibot Chelle expressed interest in doing the ITF again on March 6 for max benefits.
Once again, let me know what you woul like to do.