Hmm... what would be a good "mirror"?
umm, I would think of the I think it is called modern art but it is the blank canvas...that might work.

If you don't mind building it out a little from the wall, you could use the backside of the grey/steel wall cabinets (in the cabinets tab). Maybe make a frame with bookshelves placed so the edge shows (2 shelves embedded face to face will get rid of the books, too). If the darn cabinets didn't have those silly nobs on them, it would be great to use the glass fronts, but... *shrug*
Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

It's too bad the current game engine doesn't support 'real' reflective surfaces.
There's one in the game right now, the floor of City Hall, but that's a cheat - it's a reversed version of city hall upside down under a semitransparent floor. Used to be, you could teleport down into there.
Reflectivity is supposed to be part of the Ultra Mode update, however. Hopefully we'll see a mirror or three after that in the editor.
I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.
Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered
One of the Arcance Power devices is a mirror. It doesn't reflect but has a swirly effect.
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It's too bad the current game engine doesn't support 'real' reflective surfaces.
There's one in the game right now, the floor of City Hall, but that's a cheat - it's a reversed version of city hall upside down under a semitransparent floor. Used to be, you could teleport down into there. Reflectivity is supposed to be part of the Ultra Mode update, however. Hopefully we'll see a mirror or three after that in the editor. -np |

Enjoy your day please.
I think Ultra Mode adds several effects and they said ONE of them would not function in bases.
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Reflectivity is supposed to be part of the Ultra Mode update, however. Hopefully we'll see a mirror or three after that in the editor.
Originally Posted by Ironblade
I think Ultra Mode adds several effects and they said ONE of them would not function in bases.
BTW, I hate to be an alarmist here but... we really don't know what Ultra Mode is going to do in say a largely "stacked" base. It could be anything from: "Wow this is fantastic!" to: "Ugh, shut it off when inside a base."
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.
Since I'm not sure how fancy or large you want the mirror, I will say that a very good effect can be reached by ultra-stacking the wall object that has the fire extinguisher inside.
Once you have about ten of them placed, the surface of the glass is pretty shiny and while not actually reflective, it has the right sheen. It's not very big though, so YMMV.
I'm working on a fireplace of my own and this fireplace has been written in RP to have a mirror over it. The most obvious solution (and a possibility as this *is* in a control room) is one of the aux items that looks like a mirror. I don't know that I want to use that, though. Any other suggestions?
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