Dbl Raid THURS Ngt
This Thursday night we will be having a double raid night.
It will be starting with the Hami, then headed to do the normally scheduled Mothership Raid. We will be starting at the regularly scheduled time for the mothership raid, at 8:30pm EST but we be starting the Hive for Hami first. |

The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Yep, be sure to meet up at the Hive tomorrow at 8:30 P.M. ET / 5:30 P.M. PT, not the Rikti War Zone. After the blue side Hamidon raid is complete, we will move on to the Rikti War Zone for a mothership raid.
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
I should be able to make it.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
I'm EMPING!!!!
I'll be on .. being so Rad!
Champion Server-"Play like a Champion today!"
"True courage is not the brutal force of vulgar heroes, but in the firm resolve of virtue and reason." - Sir Alfred North Whitehead
I'll try to make it.. I'm bring a scrapper fer the Hami, or my tank.. Or my Fire/kin... I dunno, you choose.
But my SS/SD for Mothership raid, need the shield.
Edit: Silly me, I put SS/WP instead of what I really have, SS/SD..
Reminder that this is tonight. See y'all in the Hive at 8:30 P.M. ET / 5:30 P.M. PT.
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
I'll bring my Tank just for you.
This Thursday night we will be having a double raid night.
It will be starting with the Hami, then headed to do the normally scheduled Mothership Raid. We will be starting at the regularly scheduled time for the mothership raid, at 8:30pm EST but we be starting the Hive for Hami first. |
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
Good times. Thanks for the merits (both kinds) everyone.
Since I-3 I have been running on Protector. I finally branched out and leveled a scrapper to 50 and at the prompting of a friend, I decided to join the Hami Raid last night. I guess Protector spoiled me, because never before have I met more arrogant, ignorant players than I came across last night. Being a so called "leader" of a raid makes you no better than anyone else. Because someone chose to bring a toon that didn't match up with stereotypical builds should not prevent them from being able to join a team and participate in the raid. Yes, I stuck up for the player, after asking him some questions through tells. I'm just shocked that no one else did.
The player did find a team. The majority of players were great. The raid was successful. I just expected a whole lot more from players on a server like Champion. This isn't the Freedom server.
Blue Manchew Fire/Fire/EM Tank Level 50 (997 badges and counting) Protector
Brandvlieg DB/WP/BM Scrapper Level 50 (Protector)
Captain Constitution WP/EM/EM Tank Level 50 (Protector)
Blue Thingy Fire/Rad Controller Level 50 (Champion)
Onderdrukker BS/SD/BM Scrapper Level 50 (Champion)
You did not just compare Champion to Freedom.
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
I'm not aware of the issue you're talking about, but that's unfortunate to hear about and should not happen in my opinion. Our team still had 3 spots left and I would've gladly picked up anyone.
Since I-3 I have been running on Protector. I finally branched out and leveled a scrapper to 50 and at the prompting of a friend, I decided to join the Hami Raid last night. I guess Protector spoiled me, because never before have I met more arrogant, ignorant players than I came across last night. Being a so called "leader" of a raid makes you no better than anyone else. Because someone chose to bring a toon that didn't match up with stereotypical builds should not prevent them from being able to join a team and participate in the raid. Yes, I stuck up for the player, after asking him some questions through tells. I'm just shocked that no one else did.
The player did find a team. The majority of players were great. The raid was successful. I just expected a whole lot more from players on a server like Champion. This isn't the Freedom server. |
We dont care who or what your bring, but, it is up to the main raid leader to decide the best team make-up for a hassle free raid. if youre on a toon that doesnt meet what the raid lead requires for a particular team, you'll be placed on 1 thats more suitable for your toon. we have never told people they couldnt participate, thats flat out wrong.... Things are done certain ways for certain reasons... but, by all means, if you think it could be done better, feel free to lead 1 and let us know the results.
Champion or gtfo.
Since I-3 I have been running on Protector. I finally branched out and leveled a scrapper to 50 and at the prompting of a friend, I decided to join the Hami Raid last night. I guess Protector spoiled me, because never before have I met more arrogant, ignorant players than I came across last night. Being a so called "leader" of a raid makes you no better than anyone else. Because someone chose to bring a toon that didn't match up with stereotypical builds should not prevent them from being able to join a team and participate in the raid. Yes, I stuck up for the player, after asking him some questions through tells. I'm just shocked that no one else did.
The player did find a team. The majority of players were great. The raid was successful. I just expected a whole lot more from players on a server like Champion. This isn't the Freedom server. |
Of course though, how you interpret what happened and what actually did happen appears to be two different things entirely. But by no means does that suggest you should assume that everyone on Champion - or even most people playing champion - is arrogant and ignorant. It's an affront to me and others who didn't even get involved. And if by doing nothing is worse; so be it. But assumptions are just worse. It isn't fair to judge a server by simply one occasion.
If I were to go to Protector with a char and had something similar happen to me, would it be fair for me to judge the server as having a population that's mostly full of individuals that are arrogant and ignorant? By judging one server as much, it proves that:
A: I am arrogant enough to believe that one small selection of the server is adequate for judging the temperaments, opinions and playstyles of all members of the server.
B. I am ignorant enough to believe that someone saying something like "tanks are nearly useless without taunt" is a serious insult and for saying it, that person is arrogant and ignorant.
It's just an opinion of the Tanker archetype. Now, if you were to respond with something like this: "well oh master of the Hami...thats his only high level character on this server, so shut your pie hole", wouldn't that be a far greater offense than the person who initially spoke? I would think so.
Regarding the raid...
Enjoyed it - I initially was on a fire/kin but had switched to an ill/emp due to an emp shortage. I ended up getting a healing badge on that raid, but it was fun

To everyone that has posted: i apologize if you thought my broad statements were aimed at the community in general. I took offense last night...did make snotty comments after comments were directed at me (at least in my opinion). There ARE good people on champion. Again, just sticking up for my friend and went about it the way i thought appropriate. Forgive and forget!
Blue Manchew Fire/Fire/EM Tank Level 50 (997 badges and counting) Protector
Brandvlieg DB/WP/BM Scrapper Level 50 (Protector)
Captain Constitution WP/EM/EM Tank Level 50 (Protector)
Blue Thingy Fire/Rad Controller Level 50 (Champion)
Onderdrukker BS/SD/BM Scrapper Level 50 (Champion)
Since I-3 I have been running on Protector. I finally branched out and leveled a scrapper to 50 and at the prompting of a friend, I decided to join the Hami Raid last night. I guess Protector spoiled me, because never before have I met more arrogant, ignorant players than I came across last night. Being a so called "leader" of a raid makes you no better than anyone else. Because someone chose to bring a toon that didn't match up with stereotypical builds should not prevent them from being able to join a team and participate in the raid. Yes, I stuck up for the player, after asking him some questions through tells. I'm just shocked that no one else did.
The player did find a team. The majority of players were great. The raid was successful. I just expected a whole lot more from players on a server like Champion. This isn't the Freedom server. |
Ignorant? No. I know our strategy. Arrogant? Yeah, I've been called worse.
Edit: I'd also like to say that I'm not a Raid Leader. I'm just the targetter on occasion. Nor am I the 'oh master of hami', as it was said last night.
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
Perhaps this is a good time, then, to work on inter-personal communication skills (goes for all those who chose to lead in some capacity).
You may not think that what you're saying is offensive, or rude, or whatever, but to those who don't know how you operate (which in this case is what happened), you sure do come across as all those things. And for folks that are front and center as "community leaders" of Champion, that's not a good impression to make on folks that are new to the server.
Leaders don't have to be pricks to get their jobs done. Followers don't have to be pricks when they don't get their way.
This observation comes from someone who hasn't led big raids, but has been a part of enough of them to know what's going on during them, and has witnessed poor behaviour in the chat channels from both sides.
Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.
Perhaps this is a good time, then, to work on inter-personal communication skills (goes for all those who chose to lead in some capacity).
You may not think that what you're saying is offensive, or rude, or whatever, but to those who don't know how you operate (which in this case is what happened), you sure do come across as all those things. And for folks that are front and center as "community leaders" of Champion, that's not a good impression to make on folks that are new to the server. Leaders don't have to be pricks to get their jobs done. Followers don't have to be pricks when they don't get their way. This observation comes from someone who hasn't led big raids, but has been a part of enough of them to know what's going on during them, and has witnessed poor behaviour in the chat channels from both sides. |
And yes, the irony is overwhelmin' and isn't lost on me.
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
To everyone that has posted: i apologize if you thought my broad statements were aimed at the community in general. I took offense last night...did make snotty comments after comments were directed at me (at least in my opinion). There ARE good people on champion. Again, just sticking up for my friend and went about it the way i thought appropriate. Forgive and forget!
I noticed he was level 45 and without Taunt. Now, I believe you can build your toon the way you want and that's your business. However, in a raid situation, it becomes increasingly important that Tanks that are in charge of aggro control have Taunt, mostly because the damage being dealt is of an AoE nature and can wipe a group of people (ie, the assault team, Scrapper team, etc.) In order to best control aggro, it should be directed *away* from other raiders. Taunt, without question, is the most effective means by which to do this. We have used Tauntless tanks in the past for Hami taunt, but it's not the most ideal situation for various reasons.
Since most of the teams were more or less set up with Tanks at that point, I asked if your friend had any other toons he'd like to bring. He said this was the highest toon he had on the server and explained he was from Protector. I ended up finding him another team I believed would work out better for him. (Yes I agree that people should be able to bring whatever they want, but at some point a raid might be in need of certain ATs and less need of others. We do try our best to be flexible.)
Overall, your friend was extremely cordial, co-operative and understanding of the fact that his Tank was not ideal for Hami taunt and willingly switched to another team. I was definitely appreciative of his attitude and I hope he enjoyed himself at the raid. He mentioned picking up Taunt in the future, so I hope he decides to come to more raids.
Point of this story: just because one person spoke out in Broadcast does not mean that other people aren't working to try to make the teams work behind the scenes. We try to do the best with what shows up. If you do not wish to appear to be making broad statements towards the community, then I suggest you either a) allow your friend to consult the offending party himself if he was, in fact, offended, or b) speak directly to the person you took issue with. As far as I was concerned, the issue was resolved once him and I sorted out the situation and I found him a suitable team.
On another note: I am currently trying to work in a better role for Tauntless Tankers or excess Tankers at the raid to see if we can use them more effectively while still keeping it fun.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
Since I-3 I have been running on Protector. I finally branched out and leveled a scrapper to 50 and at the prompting of a friend, I decided to join the Hami Raid last night. I guess Protector spoiled me, because never before have I met more arrogant, ignorant players than I came across last night. Being a so called "leader" of a raid makes you no better than anyone else. Because someone chose to bring a toon that didn't match up with stereotypical builds should not prevent them from being able to join a team and participate in the raid. Yes, I stuck up for the player, after asking him some questions through tells. I'm just shocked that no one else did.
The player did find a team. The majority of players were great. The raid was successful. I just expected a whole lot more from players on a server like Champion. This isn't the Freedom server. |
Bite him Nibz!
*slides out he back door*
Points have all been read and noted. I apologized and should have either: a) let my friend worry about himself or b) taken up issue in tell. Again water under the bridge. Live and learn.
Blue Manchew Fire/Fire/EM Tank Level 50 (997 badges and counting) Protector
Brandvlieg DB/WP/BM Scrapper Level 50 (Protector)
Captain Constitution WP/EM/EM Tank Level 50 (Protector)
Blue Thingy Fire/Rad Controller Level 50 (Champion)
Onderdrukker BS/SD/BM Scrapper Level 50 (Champion)
This Thursday night we will be having a double raid night.
It will be starting with the Hami, then headed to do the normally scheduled Mothership Raid. We will be starting at the regularly scheduled time for the mothership raid, at 8:30pm EST but we be starting the Hive for Hami first.