Greetings from Adelaide!

Disappearing Girl



Hi fellow Oceanics!

I just wanted to say "G'day" on behalf of the students who will be playing City of Heroes as part of their PC Gaming class here at Thebarton Senior College.

As part of our new Certificate of Education here in South Australia we are able to offer students their requisite literacy and numeracy credits through a course of study that focuses on games and gaming (you can read about the course here).

They will be playing and studying City of Heroes this semester and, as an option, they can create their own mission through the Architect system as an assessment later in the year.

So, if you see anyone in the Supergroup TSC running by on the Liberty server, that's us! Feel free to say g'day!



Originally Posted by TSC View Post
So, if you see anyone in the Supergroup TSC running by on the Liberty server, that's us! Feel free to say g'day!
If u want them bumping other Aussies u should make TSC on Justice

@Hoey Moey - Retired



I agree, if you want them to run into some other Australian's then Justice server would probably be best
Feel free to get them all to join Australia channel. We love fresh meat



Unless they're playing during school hours, which isn't really conducive to meeting Aussies on any server. Evening hours are always hopping on Justice these days, though.

An interesting idea, good luck with the course!



Awesome idea, wish I could have done that in school!

What time of day will you guys be playing? You are welcome to join us on Justice, and I'm sure some of you will want to make multiple characters anyway.



Thanks for the Justice tips guys! We might have to start some toons on there too.

They will be playing during school hours - although some of them might actually play in the spare time!



Another vote for justice, although I'm just a pom who plays in my mornings with all the above posters.

I recall an instance of playing on a pickup group with somebody who said "I'm now off to teach class, one of my students will take the toon over in a few minutes".

It appears to have been part of some sort of reward system ...

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Welcome, good to see more from adelaide.

Dont forget there's more the the Australia presecne than Justice.

Virtue has a lot of people on during Adelaide daytime, and evenings too



If you haven't already, when the student MA missions are up speak to Paragon Studios about spotlighting them for players to go through. It will attract some negative attention, sure, but if these students want to develop games they'll have to learn exactly what they'll be in for! ;-)



That's a great idea UnSub! Thanks for the heads-up