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  1. Mac's so mean that he couldn't even say Happy Birthday on Chao's actual birthday! D:
  2. mac has a weird screen layout! we should run more RSF's.
  3. That RSF team looks pretty amazing >.>
  4. 1. Are you male or female?

    2. What ATs do you mostly play, and for what reason(s)?
    Controllers and corruptors.

    3. Redside, blueside, purpleside, or any combination of the above?
    Redside mostly, with a bit of blueside.

    4. What are your favorite story arcs?
    Croatoa arcs.

    5. What makes you like this game?
    Customization options, and the people I play with.

    6. What other games do you play?
    The only other MMO I play is STO.
    7. How long have you been playing?
    4 or so years, on 3 different accounts.

    8. How many alts do you have, what is the average level range, and how many are level 50?
    I currently 37 alts, spread across 2 accounts, majority on Justice, with all but 6 at level 50. The rest are high 30s, to low 40s.

    9. Do you bother with softcaps, set bonuses, and all that numerical stuff? What difficulty settings to you normally use?
    I always bother with softcaps or other set bonuses on toons I like, and will be playing a lot. Generally I speed most content, but when I am soloing, I tend to solo at around +2 x8 on most of my toons.
  5. Snoofles

    Leaving the game

    Hope you find a job and get back in game soon LSK!
  6. Hi and welcome to Justice!
    A lot of people do have multiple accounts, and it can come in handy at times.
    I hope you have fun on Justice, and don't forget to join the channels and team with us all at times!
  7. I <3 my ice/dark. Amazing to solo and team with. She is currently 42, and leveling up to 50 pretty steadily.
    Endurance doesn't seem to be an issue at all, but then again, she does have some set bonuses already.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
    it is not up to NC if a store carries the game or not. it is the store that decides what it carries. all NC can do is hop up the advertising a little and even then all that will carry it is game stores and maybe top chain stores.
    Actually, for some places in Australia, it is up to NCsoft, since some of the supermarkets, and larger chains in Australia have a shelf space fee, which means that it does fall on NCsoft to make it happen.

    Advertising would also help convince more of the smaller game stores that it is a good idea to carry the game, and even if it didn't, it would at least make more Australian's, and more from other countries aware the game exists, thus expanding the population of city of heroes, even if they had to buy it off the NCsoft website.
  9. Heh, if you search you will notice there have been other threads like this
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    You do see the EU forums, yes? That we have UK, French, German, Australian/NZ players?

    You do recall, as mentioned above, "City of Hero" crashing and burning *fast* in Korea?

    It's been done, it's being done.
    We might have players from those countries, and I don't know about the other countries in that list, but I do know, that for the Australian's, the population is going down, which kinda sucks, because it was a small community to start with.
    Australian peak times are a time when it is really easy to see that there are less people around.

    One of the main ways to notice this is probably in Australia channel, which is used for making teams etc for people in that time zone. Numbers have almost halved during our peak times.

    I know that in Australia, most game shops don't even have City of Heroes on the shelves, and the chain shops that do, don't even know what the game is.

    In fact, the chain shops that do, cleared most of them out, for a few dollars, and most now have no stock, so even if we were to have more players interested in playing in Australia, they aren't going to easily be able to just walk into a store and buy a copy of the game.
    Advertising and ensuring the game is on shelves would ensure that people know about the game, and would be LIKELY to boost population.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
    then you should have emailed one of the devs or mods. just because this game does not have the numbers of WoW or other MMO's does not mean it is failing. look at the time of year it is. schools getting out, parents taking vacation time and all sorts of other things that affect the population just like during school start up and christmas and every other holiday out there where the pop seems to dip for a little bit.

    of course it would help if maybe they fixed the bugs and other problems with the game before going live rather then just pushing things through.
    Have you been in game recently? Have you looked at how less active the channels are? Have you looked at search and noticed how many less names appear? It hasn't just been a recent thing either. I've been noticing it for months, on multiple servers, at multiple times during the day/night.

    Just because you personally haven't noticed it, doesn't mean that game population must not be going down. Instead of being so quick to jump on a thread and demand proof, maybe you should take a long around in game, and realize that if more advertising was done, more players would join, which was the point of this thread.

    If we did have more advertising, maybe we wouldn't notice the population spikes as much, as we would have more active players in the game. If we didn't just concentrate on getting players from America, chances are the game would be more active at different times, throughout the day, as well as during holidays.
  12. I agree with this entirely.
    The population in game does seem to be declining, and with Going Rogue around the corner, they really should be concentrating on advertising and pushing the game to new players.
    More countries than America do exist, and do have people who would play the game, IF they knew about it.
    The population in CoX could rise dramatically if NCsoft would consider promoting the game in other countries. Just having the game on the shelves isn't going to be good enough.
    A lot of people walk into a games store to buy something they have already heard about, or buy something that grabs there interest while they are in the store, so why can't we advertise the game more to encourage more people to play it?
    I know at most of the game stores near me, the staff don't even know what City of Heroes is, nor have they ever played it, thus they would not be able to explain to a potential customer, what City of Heroes is, or what is so special about this MMO.
  13. This is the schedule of events run by the Oceanic CoH/CoV Community. If you would like to have anything added to this list, please let me know, and remember to include server and time zone information.


    S.E.N.T.I.N.E.L Mondays, Justice
    Join S.E.N.T.I.N.E.L every Monday night at 8:30PM AEST for a TF, or respec, covering various level ranges. The details can be found in the S.E.N.T.I.N.E.L Mondays thread. For further information, contact @Metacore.
    Extraordinary 8, Justice
    All the info you need is here and it's currently being run by @Final Midnight. Those of you who have been around for a while will recognize that the X8 is a long running RP group with a rich and detailed cannon. So, take up the call. Be Extraordinary. The world won't save itself.
    Currently no scheduled villian activities


    Currently no scheduled hero activities
    Currently no scheduled villian activities


    Currently no scheduled hero activities
    S.I.N.I.S.T.E.R Wednesday, Justice
    Weekly VG event night starting at around 2030 AEST, but this one is usually very latecomer friendly. Event composition can be any number of things, from SFs, to badge hunts, to base raids, GM hunts and PvP. @Lili organises this one and maintains the S.I.N.I.S.T.E.R Wednesday thread on the official forums.

    Scheduled maintenance.


    Currently no scheduled hero activities
    Friday Night Villainy, Justice
    Weekly Villian team, usually starting at around 8:00PM AEST, run by @Plantatia. It can be anything from lowbie action, to SF's, to co-op TF's. This one is RP friendly. To check out what will be happening for the current week, check out the Friday Night Villiany thread, on the offical forums.


    Currently no scheduled hero activities
    Currently no scheduled villian activities


    Currently no scheduled hero activities
    D.U.N.C.E, Justice
    Villain intensive-roleplay group run by @Lili. This is *not* a jump in and play group, but they welcome new characters. Please read here for details regarding joining this group. Game starts at around 9:30PM AEST.

    If you have any events you wish to be added to this list, or any which need to be edited, then either PM myself on the message boards, or send a tell in game to @Snoofles
  14. To be honest, most of the newer members are avoiding SINISTER, due to the inactivity of the VG.
    And the newer ones, which have gone into the VG, have ended up quitting lately.
    I honestly think the SINISTER VG doesn't play as much of a role in keeping players together, as most seem to just use Australia channel.
    The private VG's can always make a network of VG's via coalitions, but I think Australia channel plays the biggest part.
    Also, with my attempts to get more active members into Australia channel lately, and more people willing to run things, I'm finding that we are also getting more members who don't fit into the Oceanic time zone, but do play when a lot of us are on. These people are also in private VG's.
    With the fact that the channel has expanded so much in the last few weeks, I think that if we DID get everyone into SINISTER, we would reach the toon limit really fast, and the storage limit would easily become a problem.
  15. Dear Gobi,
    I miss you already. Have fun and come back sooooon!
    <3 Snoof