The Official Rep Westley Thread




After moving to the new forums, we got this nifty thing called "Reputation" which allowed people to literally vote their approval or disapproval about a post and to leave a comment. All the comments that you received were automatically added to a neat little list that looked something like this:

Sorry about the highlighting, that picture was the only picture that I had from the Rep comments list, it's from my "EZ Rep Posting Guide".

However, about a month or so after moving to the new forums, some whiny-pants wussies that didn't know how to CONTROL THEIR OWN EYES started complaining en masse to the moderators that the rep comments were bypassing the moderation code of the boards.

Okay, if you are a "sensitive" type and think that you MIGHT be offended by some comments that appear on one specific part of one screen on the forums.... wouldn't you be smart and choose to not GO to that page? Or even if you do go to your User Control Panel, wouldn't you be smart to just not LOOK at the part of the page which you KNOW would probably OFFEND you?

Jesus, learn some self control people!

Anyways, since those people that couldn't learn self control were whining so much to the mods, the mods took away the list. So now the ONLY way that you can see your rep comments is by trying to "rate yourself" by clicking on the button next to your own post. And even that will ONLY show you the reputation comments for THAT post.

I could give a rat's a** about the reputation numbers or levels themselves, as the mods have publicly stated that it's just "a forum game", but I MISS seeing the comments!

And anyone that spends any time on the forums knows that I post enough inane, stupid, and pointless one-line replies that trying to actually go through all of the posts I make daily JUST to see the comments is a huge waste of time.

So, I've decided to try to resolve the issues, at least partially, FOR MYSELF. Now just think if all those whiny wussies would have resolved their issues with the rep comments FOR THEMSELVES by NOT LOOKING THERE, then they wouldn't have had to go whine to someone else because they had the power to take care of it for themselves! Anyways...

If you wish to comment about something that I've posted, I request that you place your comment either in this thread or rep THIS post and add your comment there.

Since you cannot rep a post more than once, if you feel the need to rep me again for something else stupid or smart that I've said, just submit a request for a new post to rep in THIS thread, and I'll respond with a new post that you can rep, be it positive or negative. I don't care, I just want them all in one place!

That way they will be all in one place and I'll be able to see my comments again! If you really hate me, or you love me, or you're indifferent, then let it be known HERE. Because otherwise I WILL NOT SEE IT.

Why? Because I refuse to waste my time going through all of my old posts to see any comments. My time is more valuable to me than that.

I will be watching this thread and only this thread for rep comments. So have at it, and have fun!



"Is infamous around these parts"? *chuckle*



I haven't come to a decision on you, Westley, which is unusual for me. I usually pretty consistently either like people, loathe them, or feel entirely indifferent, and all of these are represented on the forums. Most of the ones I really dislike have gone, thankfully, not naming names.

But you I waffle on. Some posts have me rolling my eyes, others have me seeing your point or at least entertained. Sure, even other posters I usually like have made the occasional facepalm post, and people I don't like have suddenly made brief sense before jamming their hat firmly back into its familiar orifice, but to yo-yo so consistently is something special. You're not quite a unique snowflake, there are others like that, but this thread isn't about them.

My point here? Hell, I don't know. What color do you get from green and red? It occurs to me that I'm apparently allergic to poinsettias, which surely is a coincidence and not at all drenched in the subtle symbolism of an English 101 paper written by an IT major.



Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
Damn dude, what did you do to get your fat green bars turned red?
Just me being me I suppose.

It doesn't matter anyways, it's just a game. But ironically I'll bet you'd have the exact same answer if you were to reverse the question.



Promise it wasn't my fault. I don't red-rep anybody anymore, and barely bother with the green.



i usually dont rep at all, unless i felt the person was really helpful (or just being idiotic)

but i do agree with him that the new system that they have for this is extremely nonsensical. i wouldnt waste my time going through the 400 some posts i already have to look at comments (if there are any), and i could understand this even more for the poeple that have many more posts than i do (how would you like looking through say, 1000 posts?, 5000 posts?, 10000+ posts? just to see IF you have any comments (good or bad))



Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
Damn dude, what did you do to get your fat green bars turned red?
To Westley: Same question, but follow up: Was it intentional?



LOL, good one, dude.

I enjoy your posts, and when I'm scrolling through a thread, not reading it before I post a reply as is my style , if I see your name in there I back up a bit. There's a couple of regulars that I do for that when I see them actually. I bet everyone has their own list like that.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
To Westley: Same question, but follow up: Was it intentional?
Do you REALLY expect me to reveal all my secrets so easily?



I have never neg repped you but i will be honest in saying that my opinion of you isnt that high. Well certainly nowhere near as to what you feel like it should be.

One minute your praising the reputation system, the next your saying you couldnt care less about it and now you've made yourself your very own thread for people to comment on your posts? No offence like but this is a waste of thread and to me personally, it looks like your just trying to satisfy your own ego.

Yes we all got ego, i got a HUGE one and more often than not i do cross the line, but my own personal viewpoint is just well . . . how to put it into words [and honestly since you said you want honest and not to hold back] . . . . . . well i dont know how to put it into words. I'll use my example to explain myself.

When the forums first joined together i commented on one of your posts in a light hearted humour manner saying you was "busted", then spent a few replies explaining it and that it was purely a joke of mine from the EU forums. Your response of "umm who are you?" made me personally feel like you thought you was above some people.

Could be wrong, could be right. That was just my initial reaction to you and now this thread makes me think "wow he has such an ego to feed . . . . . ."

Well you wanted the harsh honest truth

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by beyeajus74018 View Post
LOL, good one, dude.

I enjoy your posts, and when I'm scrolling through a thread, not reading it before I post a reply as is my style , if I see your name in there I back up a bit. There's a couple of regulars that I do for that when I see them actually. I bet everyone has their own list like that.

I agree on this bit, i do think that some of your posts and guides are informative and helpfull for the new players/members to the forums, but i do think that your other posts of "egoness" [in my eyes anyway] negate it. So i dont know. Good and bad things about your posts i suppose in my view.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Well certainly nowhere near as to what you feel like it should be.
My ego is actually pretty low. I hold quite a low opinion of myself which I feel reflects reality.

One minute your praising the reputation system, the next your saying you couldnt care less about it and now you've made yourself your very own thread for people to comment on your posts?
Isn't it funny how that works? Like a big circle, isn't it?

Your response of "umm who are you?" made me personally feel like you thought you was above some people.
I didn't intend to offend you, I honestly didn't know who you were. I'd never been to the EU boards before for anything. And this concept of "busting" was strange and new to me. I am the type of person that likes to analyze every new "system" that I come across, learn the ins and outs of it and find the borders. So my questioning was precisely that, learning and trying to gain information about this busting "system". And that's pretty much how I look at everything, as a series of systems. I'd probably make a good hacker if I had the patience and discipline to actually stick with it for more than 30 seconds.

now this thread makes me think "wow he has such an ego to feed . . . . . ."

Well you wanted the harsh honest truth
Yes I do want the harsh and honest truth. But also keep in mind that I don't see the internet as the same as real life, and I am of the opinion that words are words... and that words don't hurt. Take that if you will to try to frame my actions in the most accurate light.

In summation, I've got one of the LOWEST egos of anyone else I know, but you could never tell it from my posts, could you? That's because I try to "test" things to "learn the edges". You don't learn anything by taking the middle path, by not disturbing the leaves, so to speak.



Ah see now that post makes me think of you as a humble person Hard one to work out you are!

But have never given you a neg rep as i said before just thought i'ld give my two pennies [cents? ]

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Besides, this whole thread's purpose has nothing to do with ego... it's just an attempt to reproduce a "feature" of the boards that's been disabled. Namely, being able to see the rep comments all in one place.



I could care less about rep. But sometimes it is funny to go back to a thread that you know you've been a D-bag on and lol at the rep comments you got. That's all it's got going for it for me. I leave it disabled though.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Do you REALLY expect me to reveal all my secrets so easily?
No, but I can ask.



lol, oh my....



That's not funny dude, I just had my first wisdom tooth pulled out Thursday, still hurts like hell.



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Gut reaction to this thread: A very LAME attempt to garner attention.
If someone didn't want attention... they wouldn't post. I see that you are posting... hmmm.



Q: What kind of food can't make up its mind?
A: A waffle!

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Whoah... holy crap what the hell just happened to my rep bar?



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
If someone didn't want attention... they wouldn't post. I see that you are posting... hmmm.
You appear to be assuming that attention is a sole motivating factor for posting.

Some people just want to be helpful, and care little or not at all about the attention they may receive.



Originally Posted by Korith View Post
You appear to be assuming that attention is a sole motivating factor for posting.

Some people just want to be helpful, and care little or not at all about the attention they may receive.
Yeah Impish Kat's post was SUPER helpful.

Paragon Unleashed, Unleash Yourself!