Official Roster: Used 2 Be Good
is u2bg having swine flu?
nobody showin up.
Actual Roster
Leader: Professor Vindizzle @Vince
Leader: Silit @Detective Silit
Lt: The h0j @h0j
Lt: Klesk @Klesk
Justin @Inspector Justin
March Rain @Ethical Inquiry @Elite F0rce @OG Elite Force
Peril @PerilX @PerilXX
P. Spiner @Infamous Zampf @Infamous Zampf2
Sneaky @Sneaky Prophet @Stalwart Prophet
Tox @Kifflom
Vert @Insaiyan
Z @Z.
@Reaver Dirge
@An Epsilon
@PF @PF2
@Lord Seethe
@Ghost of Capt.
@MAH @MostAmazing
@frostigy @feo
@J R
@Schatten der Herzen
@Statesguard, @Skydoc
Leader: Silit @Detective Silit <--- tryhardbiggaybigbeingperilsize
Lt: The h0j @h0j <--- storessalvageindabank
Lt: Klesk @Klesk <--- noucantplaystalker
Justin @Inspector Justin <---toooooooooomuch
March Rain @Ethical Inquiry @Elite F0rce @OG Elite Force <--- lolwutnoubir
Peril @PerilX @PerilXX <---- \______________________________________/
P. Spiner @Infamous Zampf @Infamous Zampf2 <--- lolnoubspinner
Sneaky @Sneaky Prophet @Stalwart Prophet <--- gingerbread cookie
Tox @Kifflom <--- bestplayerincohbutnotrlymorelikeworst
Vert @Insaiyan <---- diesmorethenpennywhistle
Z @Z. <------- yo
@Reaver Dirge
@An Epsilon
@PF @PF2
@Lord Seethe
@Ghost of Capt.
@MAH @MostAmazing
@frostigy @feo
@J R
@Schatten der Herzen
Updating roster.
Leader: Professor Vindizzle @Vince
Leader: Silit @Detective Silit
Lt: The h0j @h0j
Lt: Klesk @Klesk
Justin @Inspector Justin
March Rain @Ethical Inquiry @Elite F0rce @OG Elite Force
Peril @PerilX @PerilXX
P. Spiner @Infamous Zampf @Infamous Zampf2
Sneaky @Sneaky Prophet @Stalwart Prophet
Tox @Kifflom
Vert @Insaiyan
Z @Z.
@Reaver Dirge
@An Epsilon
@PF @PF2
@Lord Seethe
@Ghost of Capt.
@MAH @MostAmazing
@frostigy @feo
@J R
@Schatten der Herzen
@Statesguard, @Skydoc
This group is looking better by the second, good luck guys.
kick that bad christian @reaver dirge, guy would probably be too busy cybering with Queenie to practice with you guys anyways
Updating roster.
Leader: Professor Vindizzle @Vince
Leader: Silit @Detective Silit
Lt: The h0j @h0j
Lt: Klesk @Klesk
Justin @Inspector Justin
March Rain @Ethical Inquiry @Elite F0rce @OG Elite Force
Peril @PerilX @PerilXX
P. Spiner @Infamous Zampf @Infamous Zampf2
Sneaky @Sneaky Prophet @Stalwart Prophet
Tox @Kifflom
Vert @Insaiyan
Z @Z.
@Reaver Dirge
@An Epsilon
@PF @PF2
@Lord Seethe
@Ghost of Capt.
@MAH @MostAmazing
@frostigy @feo
@J R
@Schatten der Herzen
@You Got Map Served
@Statesguard, @Skydoc
Note: @KGB FTW was traded for @You Got Map Served
Updating roster.
Leader: The h0j @h0j
Leader: Silit @Detective Silit
Lt: Professor Vindizzle @Vince
Lt: Klesk @Klesk
Justin @Inspector Justin
March Rain @Ethical Inquiry @Elite F0rce @OG Elite Force
Peril @PerilX @PerilXX
P. Spiner @Infamous Zampf @Infamous Zampf2
Sneaky @Sneaky Prophet @Stalwart Prophet
Tox @Kifflom
Vert @Insaiyan
Z @Z.
@Reaver Dirge
@An Epsilon
@PF @PF2
@Lord Seethe
@Ghost of Capt.
@MAH @MostAmazing
@frostigy @feo
@J R
@Schatten der Herzen
@You Got Map Served
@Statesguard, @Skydoc
The h0j made came out with a bang (not to be confused with @Bhang) in his first captains meeting. Creating Darth Slaxder aswell as the quick solution to a problem we would have no doubt debated for another good hour. Cheers on your promotion.
The h0j made came out with a bang (not to be confused with @Bhang) in his first captains meeting. Creating Darth Slaxder aswell as the quick solution to a problem we would have no doubt debated for another good hour. Cheers on your promotion.
That being said, h0j's moment was so funny, it almost made it worth the last 20 minutes of that meeting.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
lol You can blame me for part of that, Slax. h0j and I were chatting while everyone else was talking, and he asked me who the heavy breather was. I told him that I thought it was you-that you darth vadered like that sometimes and that you were also like 6'8" and might have a lightsaber too. So then he said something about expecting to hear the darth vader song (he made fun of me for not knowing immediately what it was-emperial march or something like that), so I was like "you should totally find that and play it on vent and say it's for Slax in your comment thing." It was all in good fun, though, so don't get mad and yell at me; I had really bad lag and should've rebooted.
They made a movie out of that video game? lol
Back when Jean-Claude Van Damme made movies that weren't straight to DVD.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
For the record, JCVD was a good movie.
The great wall of text, built to keep the barbarians out of the PvP
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
Hehe lots of laughs seeing the animated version of Street Fighter; I especially never expected the Mack truck driven by M. Bison at the end. I think someone donated a copy of Street Fighter on VHS tape to me years ago, imploring that I watch it. I don't think I have any way of watching that these days, heh.
Edit, also funny was that our local Uni still has coin-operated arcade machines (I thought those were long since gone to the Old Game Heaven) and the X-Men vs. Street Fighter one still draws a huge crowd of people.
Haha, the silly things people spend money on while "learning".
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
Leader: Silit @Detective Silit
Leader:The h0j @h0j
Leader:Vert @Insaiyan
Sneaky @Sneaky Prophet @Stalwart Prophet
Justin @Inspector Justin
Klesk @Klesk
March Rain @Ethical Inquiry @Elite F0rce @OG Elite Force
Peril @PerilX @PerilXX
P. Spiner @Infamous Zampf @Infamous Zampf2
Tox @Kifflom
Z @Z.
@Reaver Dirge
@An Epsilon
@PF @PF2
@Lord Seethe
@Ghost of Capt.
@MAH @MostAmazing
@frostigy @feo
@J R
@Schatten der Herzen
Updated Updated Roster by attendance:
Leader:The h0j @h0j
Leader:Vert @Insaiyan
Klesk @Klesk
March Rain @Ethical Inquiry @Elite F0rce @OG Elite Force
Peril @PerilX @PerilXX
P. Spiner @Infamous Zampf @Infamous Zampf2
Z @Z.
@PF @PF2
@Lord Seethe
@Ghost of Capt.