All troller MoSTF




Congratulations! You earned the Master of Statesman's Task Force badge.
We pawned it, and no one got into the red.



How did you handle Lord Recluse? Nearly everytime I have a go at the STF he one shots someone with his energy gun. The rest of it I could see being overrun fairly easy, but he's the one thing that would cause a lot of trouble I think.

Oh, and what server was this on? I would have loved to been a part, but I never heard about it.



pics or it didnt happen lol



I'm not saying you didn't do it, but I agree with Necrotech...screenshots would be nice.




Tanking recluse was real easy with 3 illusion controllers and perma phantom army



Originally Posted by ketch View Post
How did you handle Lord Recluse? Nearly everytime I have a go at the STF he one shots someone with his energy gun. The rest of it I could see being overrun fairly easy, but he's the one thing that would cause a lot of trouble I think.

Oh, and what server was this on? I would have loved to been a part, but I never heard about it.
We had 3 Ill/ trollers with Perma phantom army agroeing him, and it was on justice, I do not have a screen shot of it but Kehla dose



Ah, that makes sense then. Good job.





I had the impression that you couldn't tank STF Recluse with PA because the PAs needed to land hits in order to taunt him, and with the yellow tower up they can't hit him. Did you guys cage the yellow tower? Or could the PA hold aggro without being able to hit Recluse.



I run All Controller Task Forces on Guardian. It's been a while since we ran a Statesman, but if I remember correctly we almost got a MoSTF once and missed by like 3 deaths on the last mission. We used a heavy Illusion team as well.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
I run All Controller Task Forces on Guardian. It's been a while since we ran a Statesman, but if I remember correctly we almost got a MoSTF once and missed by like 3 deaths on the last mission. We used a heavy Illusion team as well.
Yep, MM on her Ill/Therm and me on my Ill/Rad kept LR busy while the others took down the towers. The toggle debuffs kept him from spawning his buddies for most of the time. And while I wasn't paying close attention to what everyone else was doing, I don't think anyone used Intangibility on any of the Towers.

Mental's All Controller TFs are a heck of a lot of fun. On that MoSTF run we did, I think the first death was with Dr. Aeon, but the group was great in not being unpleasent -- one of the essential MM rules is "No Drama."

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post

I had the impression that you couldn't tank STF Recluse with PA because the PAs needed to land hits in order to taunt him, and with the yellow tower up they can't hit him. Did you guys cage the yellow tower? Or could the PA hold aggro without being able to hit Recluse.
It was the first tower we took down, yellow, blue, red, finally green then kicked the snot out of LR.



Gratz on the All-Troller MoSTF!!! I ran an all troller STF recently and it was a lot of fun. It was sweet revenge perma-holding GW and LR was cake. We had 2 Ill trollers to tank LR, and with about 3 Radiation Infection toggles on, even if there was a break in aggro, he wasn't likely to hit someone.

Great job!


Phantom Flight / Villainous Llewthorous



Originally Posted by LSK View Post
Congratulations! You earned the Master of Statesman's Task Force badge.
We pawned it, and no one got into the red.
Gratz, I'd take a pew at suggesting that every AT is capable of this but I am still short on how Blasters and Kheldians will achieve it exactly. Also getting the staff is almost an even bigger milestone on some servers.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.