Can I ever love again?
I'm overcompetitive, I fear- dying = losing for me, even if I get back up.
Fire/Elec/Elec, maybe? You'll (eventually) have the ability to AOE down +1 minions without touching BU or Aim, almost nothing is significantly fire resistant, you have Havoc Punch/Charged Brawl/Blaze for the tough guys, and your only real problem is that death comes quickly and often to both sides of the fight.
... oh, you DON'T want "nothing but attacks." That's much harder for me to answer. Good luck!
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Ice/Electric or Sonic/Em = blaster on easy mode.
Very different than your AoE oriented AR blaster, but so chock full of controls that it isn't funny. Both play like single target ranged scrappers with a healthy helping of controller thrown in.
An AoE melee centric Ice/Fire may be to your liking as you can slot the primary for slows. You have 2 holds that you can quickly stack on a boss and Ice Storm + Frost breath + Hot Feet + Combustion + Fire Sword Circle will clear the field leaving a heavily damaged boss that will be made short work of by Bitter Ice Blast and Fire Sword.
If that isn't enough AoE for you I'd reccomend a Rad/Fire with enough defense set bonuses to give you around 25 - 30% defense to ranged. You can slot the AoEs in your primary with Achille's heel procs and slot Hot Feet for ED capped slow (I like 3 HO Nuc and 3 HO Micro in Hot feet) this will keep the mobs at range but still within the area of your PBAoEs. You'll shred the mobs while cackling with glee.
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
The build has huge AoE damage, tons of utility, and matched perfectly with my utter lack of respect for any enemies in the game. |
I am currently playing an Archery/Energy/Fire. Its the funnest blaster I've ever played (havent played AR yet). I slotted for pure Recharge and have Rain of Arrows up about every 17 seconds. The Energy is nice for when things get close. I only took 4 powers from it though, Powerthrust, Bonesmasher, Buildup, and Conserve power. I could have done without Conserve power but oh well.
I'm a Mac user, no Mid's for me

I have to second Arch/Mental or Fire/Ice.
An AR/Ice/Force was my first blaster to 50 and is still one of my all time favorite combos in the game and like you I thought I could never find love again! After hitting 50 and pacing the streets for awhile in my AR/Ice glory I leveled up an Archery/Mental which played similar with the no crash nuke and hopping in and out of spawns for the DP/PSW instead of Ice patch. The Archer/mental substituted a little more quick aoe damage for the control that the ice patch gave.
I'm currently playing and really enjoying a Fire/Ice. Like the AR/Ice it has the ability to create a ton of mitigation while dealing significant aoe damage. If you're not bored of /Ice Fire/Ice has the same blastroller feel.
I've just started (lvl 18 atm) and am loving my Ice/Mental. It seems like it will have very good utility, frost breath and ice storm slotted for damage and slows + Snow Storm, holds and drain psyche, I'm going with the Cold Epic to cap s/l defense, hoarfrost, hibernate, and snowstorm. Seems like a good pairing and not something I've seen alot of.
Active 50s:
Zero Defex: DP/MM//Mace Blaster
Mutant X-7: Fire/MM//Mace Blaster
Running my Kin/EA gloriously
Come on I21!!!
Sure, the devs are supposed to listen to their customers, mister business 101 out there. And if I decide to start suggesting that the devs change the game from being about superheroes and supervillains to being about clowns that is my right as well, and technically Paragon Studios is supposed to pay attention to me. But I hope strongly that they assume a meth-head somehow managed to hack into my forum account and make paper airplanes out of my posts, because I hope they recognize stupid when they see it. I assume they will recognize futile just as accurately.
Sonic/Mental/Elec. You'll have:
- Plenty of Cone attacks
- A Cone Sleep
- A Cone Knockback
- 3 ST ranged attacks
- Drain Psyche
- 2 PBAoE Stuns (one is the nuke)
- ST Stuns, a Confuse Aura (mostly good for keeping enemies from hitting you, rather than mezzing)
- THREE different types of damage (Energy, Smashing, and Psychic)
- Almost all of your attacks other than the ones from the Elec Epic will either have a -Res or a -Recharge debuff.
- Both Aim and Build Up, which I think you'll like.
You never run out of endurance unless you nuke because of Drain Psyche. The Cone Sleep is a huge boon to your survival, since it lets you take all of the minions and Lieutenants in a mob out of the fight and focus on one enemy at a time with your ST attacks. Like to herd? Cone KB! Lots of AoE to throw around, as well. My blaster has a 3 Cone attack chain to which I mix in the Cone Sleep and Cone KB when solo to take care of nearly anything without taking a punch. It's an extremely versatile, customizable Primary/Secondary/Epic combination.
Too many alts to list.
my en/dev is very position and movement oriented. focus on ranged and AOE defense, let KB+caltrops+web nades+movement take care of melee. can also be made to work with fire, but no KB makes it a little less user friendly.
I'd like to suggest Fire/Mental/Elec. I've played a ton of blasters and that combo is by far my favorite. It can out-damage pretty much any other AoE blaster with rain of fire, fireball, fire breath, Psychic scream, and static discharge. Mitigation is just enough to keep you walking the razor's edge between glory and disaster.
Try Arch/ICE all the fun and forepower of AR and , in MY opinion only, one of the most accurate Blaster attack powet sets in game. I tend to ignore enhancing until level 12 when I can get DOs and even at low levels the amount of hits to misses amazed me. With most powersets I normally take enhance with 2 accuracies an 1 rechage.. With Archery I have 1 Accracy and 2 recharge so her attacks come back even faster. Another advantage I like, and by the way I have both an AR/DEV and ARCH/ICE at level 50, is the difference between Full Auto and Rain of Arrows. Both are great but Full Auto required you to pick a target and then anything around it gets hit as well. Problem is if anything break up the mob and your target runs there are instances where the only thing that gets hit is that one villain. Rain of Arrows is a AOE and you select a spot to hit... sure someone could still scatter the mob but, again only my opinion, you get a lot more villains consistantly with ROA than with FA. I soled with my Arch/Ice anytime I couldn't find a team and she was very effective.
If you love AR I think you will LOVE Archery too
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
I mostly like to shoot stuff and not worry about the consequences too much. What I am looking for is another Blaster build idea. I like having some complexity for sure. All the positioning, control, utility made me much happier than having nothing but attacks would. Anyone have a fun idea for my style?
Electric/Fire is the most suicidal blaster Ive tried. By level 10 you have 4 AoEs (3 of which are PBAoE) - its very much kill or be killed!
It probably does lack some of the utility you enjoy although it does get one immobilise, one hold and Hot Feet as a mitigation tool. You can also dip into the APPs for a bit of extra utility.
Ahhhh. AR/Ice. Love indeed. I went AR/Ice/Munitions for the BU+LRM+FA+M30 Bunker-buster opening with My Cold Dead Hands. AR/En gets a lot of press with how Boost Range enhances the cones, but I think the availability and relative cheapness of Dam/Range HOs can enhance the range of the cones very effectively and really, do you want/need to be that far back? Shiver for blasters is ridiculous individual and more importantly team mitigation. Ice Patch is a terrific midgame tank assist, and works great with Ignite.
My AR/Ice was my 2nd 50 blaster.
My first was Pocahostess, an Arch/Ice/Electric. Why give up on the /awesomeness of /ice and why give up on a 60s rech. crashless nuke (which can now shoot over walls and around corners and that has Aim to go with BU!)? Do Arch/ice.
It took me a long time to actually get attached to a Blaster. When I finally did, with my AR/Ice/Fire, it pretty much made all my other similar level characters disappear. The build has huge AoE damage, tons of utility, and matched perfectly with my utter lack of respect for any enemies in the game.
Full Auto, Flamethrower, M30, Buckshot kills weak guys in bunches. Shiver + Bonefire, Ice Patch, and knockdown was overkill on control. Rise of the Phoenix + Resuscitate made for some incredible stupid combos. All this without the need to Stamina. If I got low on endurance, I would go die and get endurance from RotP. Did I forget to mention Vengeance?
I mostly like to shoot stuff and not worry about the consequences too much. What I am looking for is another Blaster build idea. I like having some complexity for sure. All the positioning, control, utility made me much happier than having nothing but attacks would. Anyone have a fun idea for my style?