The Best Bases Tour

Ad Astra



On the weekend of Feb 12-14 2010, AHH A MONSTER will be hosting the Infinity Events Guild Best Bases Tour. Prizes are:

Best Overall Base ---> 500 Mil
Second Overall Base
---> 300 Mil
Third Overall Base ---> 150 Mil

CATEGORIES for top 5 ROOMS are:
100 Mil Best Entry Room
100 Mil Best Command Center
100 Mil Best Secret Room
100 Mil Best Entertainment (bar, dance floor, lounge, game room, etc)
100 Mil Best USE of space OR Best USELESS space (these are ONE category ONE prize)

PLEASE only enter your own work!

Things to look into: Creativity, Unique use of items, Attention to detail

The most prestige put in is NOT neccessarily a winner!!

Send in Game emails to AHH A MONSTER for signup, or post here. You MUST be available sometime on the weekend of 2/12-2/14 for judging.



Sounds cool.

Signing up "Circle Of Villains"

@Grelle is our base architect



I'm not interested in signing up, but I am interested in taking notes from some of these bases. I'll throw in some prizes redside from my personal stash if I'm particularly impressed by someone. (if you don't mind me tagging along)

You'll see me on AE Anon, or hit my global. I'm not exactly sure what my schedule looks like that weekend yet.

Sounds fun.



Outta curiosity is this only blueside or can villans participate?
Only ask since the base I'd enter would be redside and any prizes would either have to wait till GR is up or Id have to get a hero to take

Now we aren't ready quite yet to let the catgirls out of the bag.... (quote from ex libris)



Yeah I tell my leader I think he would like it very much he's tried so hard on the base!
Its the Dragonians btw!



i'd like to sign up "The Order of Bastet" base.

I would also like to put in The "Nomad Alliance" base if i can its my home base.

my global is @FixR and i'm usually available anytime after 4pm est friday
s or just about anytime on sat or sunday just send me a pm

If your gonna play follow the leader just make sure the leader is taking you where you want to go.



I am signing up the League of Extrodinarily Indebted Heros....our main base designer is away from game for an undetermined length of time...@Nikkila is the acting as base designer in her absence



I am signing up "Deaths Shadows"

Our base architect is me @Succulent Abyss



Sign up "Paragon Arcanum" blueside!

I'm the main contact, @AdAstra, on AE Anon & Infinity Badges.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Originally Posted by Head_Kracker View Post
Outta curiosity is this only blueside or can villans participate?
Only ask since the base I'd enter would be redside and any prizes would either have to wait till GR is up or Id have to get a hero to take
The Event is both Red and Blue. Evil is good here.



Nice to see all the activity, if you could also include availablity during the judging days (feb 12-14) that would be great, ill try and contact people in game.

The awards will be handed out Feb 15th after the AEA rikti raid



Then sign me up for Paths Of Glory and I am the architect @Head Kracker

Now we aren't ready quite yet to let the catgirls out of the bag.... (quote from ex libris)



Is there a time set for the tour? I would not mind spending the time to give tours of the Criminal Intent base, just to show off Soul Restorer's work. Nor would I mind going on a tour of other bases. I just need to know what time such a tour would be. As it would be on Valentine's Day weekend it may be difficult to find a window that will work for everyone that wouldn't mind giving tours.



Originally Posted by GuiltTrip View Post
Is there a time set for the tour? I would not mind spending the time to give tours of the Criminal Intent base, just to show off Soul Restorer's work. Nor would I mind going on a tour of other bases. I just need to know what time such a tour would be. As it would be on Valentine's Day weekend it may be difficult to find a window that will work for everyone that wouldn't mind giving tours.
thats why it has 3 days set to make availablity easier for all, its a contest for base design, if you wanted to enter your base we can definantly put it on the list, we would just need an availability from your designer, which i will be trying to get in game closer to the judging days

also a note if you know your availability please put it in with your entry and add which side your on blue/red thanks



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I suggest making up some kind of graphics flyer and sending a PM to Niviene and/or Avatea. They'll post the flyer and get some added attention to the contest, which is always good publicity.
definantly sounds like a good idea, ill see what can be done



Sounds fun! I enter the Krusaders base on blueside Infinity. @Todogut, @Star-bolt, or @Zenobi can give a tour. At least one of us should be available during the event.

If possible, I would like to tour the other bases in the contest -- I love seeing the base designs that others have created.

Thanks for sponsoring the contest!




Originally Posted by AHH A MONSTER View Post
thats why it has 3 days set to make availablity easier for all, its a contest for base design, if you wanted to enter your base we can definantly put it on the list, we would just need an availability from your designer, which i will be trying to get in game closer to the judging days

also a note if you know your availability please put it in with your entry and add which side your on blue/red thanks
I'd like to enter Shenanigans, Inc. on the hero side. Contact is @xXxquisite and the available date would be Friday, February 12th after 330 pm pacific time.

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



looks like the judging panel is going to have a very busy weekend on 2/12-2/14.



That sounds really fun. Please sign up the Scions of Minerva on blueside. I can be around any time after 6:30 pm est on Friday. @blh120

@Queen of Eels



Any news on when the Awards Ceremony will be?

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



The Awards ceremony has had to be postponed for a couple days due to real life



the judging panel is up to it's seared eyeballs in screenies to go over. literally thousands. apologies that winners have not yet been announced, but be assured that we are astonished at the patience, novelty, attention to detail and creativity that exists in the Infin base-building community. you ALL deserve prizes.



Its looking like should have everything organized for after the sunday ship raid.

Heres a list of the Bases that got toured:
Nomad Alliance @FixR –
The Order of Bastet @FixR --
Deaths Shadows @Succulent Abyss --Blueside--
Krusaders @Zenobi --
Paragon Citys Saviors @Dark Bladed --Blueside
Havon @DOOM SAINT – Redside –
Shenanigans, Inc. @xXxquisite --
Scions of Minerva @blh120 --Blueside--
Circle Of Villains @Grelle -- Redside--
Paragon Shields of Justice @Headcutter
League of Extrodinarily Indebted Heros @Nikkila –Blueside--
Paths Of Glory @Head Kracker
Dragonians @Wolf-ire – Blueside--
War Front @War Base –Redside –