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  1. That's where I went

    There's a thread on their forums for CoH Refugees:

    VelvetDevil- Illuminati on Grim
  2. Sorry I couldn't make it. RL was intruding. Hope it went well!
  3. The challenge was heaps of fun. I used stuff I never even knew existed

    Are the tours Zwill is doing next week the disaster bases?
  4. I'll happily go-- Michael C Warshade.
  5. @Dr. Boston also wants to come along w/Dasiy (scrapper).
  6. I'd like to go w/ Michael C Warshade.
  7. Coolness, I never finished a DD. Please add Michael C Warshade, and I'll drag along my scrapper friend Dasiy.
  8. Awesome. Please add Michael C Warshade and Dasiy (scrapper) for Saturday.
  9. blh120

    MacBook Air?

    Thanks for the info. My ASUS actually booted this morning after it dried out so I guess I'm off the hook
  10. blh120

    MacBook Air?

    Only 1.5lbs more? That's amazing. Sounds like the way to go then.
  11. blh120

    MacBook Air?

    I know this is a bit like comparing apples to oranges, but I am wondering how the latest MacBook Air would stack up against my current ASUS laptop. The ASUS had a wee accident this morning (involving a full mug of hot coffee and a very bad cat) and I would love to replace it with the Air, but only if I can still play City, and without too much of a performance hit.

    The Mac:

    1.7GHz dual-core Intel Core i5
    4GB memory
    Intel HD Graphics 3000

    My current ASUS:

    2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    8GB memory
    Nvidia 9800M

    (I also have a 1st generation MacBook Air with City installed, but it can only handle marketing and costume stuff.)

    Thanks much-
  12. I was one of the non-crashers on Despair. I noticed some weirdness though-- my husband was sitting next to me & his team was attacking Woe. On his screen Woe was taking damage, but to everyone on my team it looked like Woe wasn't being attacked.
  13. I'll go w/ Michael C Warshade and will talk Dasiy (regen scrap) into coming along too.
    We both have shivians & nukes.

    I didn't realize you have to choose to take the Power Liberator badge, so I need to do it again. Grr.
  14. Sorry I couldn't make it. I hope it went well.
  15. Coolness. Please add Michael C Warshade & Dasiy. (50 ws & scrap)
  16. Can you also add my friend PPD Galvanized (peacebringer) to team 2? Thanks.
  17. Sounds fun. Add Operative Louis (47 soldier) please.
  18. My valentine was returned to me this morning by USPS saying "attempted, not known." The address looks correct though.

    Anyone else have this problem?
  19. That sounds really fun. Please sign up the Scions of Minerva on blueside. I can be around any time after 6:30 pm est on Friday. @blh120