MacBook Air?
It's memory and graphics are fine (though I personally prefer Nvidia). The most likely issue will be the slower processor. You would most likely have to run nothing else but the game to even get close to what your ASUS was offering. (I am sorry to hear that, btw. This is why I love dogs...)
If I may ask though, are you someone who is constantly on the go and therefore needs the Macbook Air? If not, I strongly suggest the Macbook Pro. Judging by your posted specs, you are looking at the more expensive 13" Macbook Air. The most basic, default 13" Macbook Pro comes with the same amount of memory and the same graphics card, double the amount of hard drive space, and a faster processor. And hell, at 1.54 lbs. heavier than the Macbook Air, there really is very little reason not to.
@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.

I am a blaster first, and an alt-oholic second.

Only 1.5lbs more? That's amazing. Sounds like the way to go then.
@Queen of Eels
Intel HD Graphics 3000, is barely "fine" it is about the bare minimum to get the game to load properly, and will be a HUGE downgrade from your ASUS's 9800m. Most video settings will have to be set as low as possible to get any reasonable framerate. If you want to stick with a mac, I'd suggest the 15" 2.2 GHz.. It has a HD 3000 + a AMD 6750M with 512 MB vRAM, but at $1,799 that's pretty steep.
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The important question you should ask yourself is, what ELSE will you be using it for? The Macbook Air is a great compromise laptop because it's so lightweight, yet it can still do just about everything you want it to. The Asus performance would be better though if you intend only on using it as a gaming PC desktop substitute.
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Thanks for the info. My ASUS actually booted this morning after it dried out so I guess I'm off the hook
@Queen of Eels
I know this is a bit like comparing apples to oranges, but I am wondering how the latest MacBook Air would stack up against my current ASUS laptop. The ASUS had a wee accident this morning (involving a full mug of hot coffee and a very bad cat) and I would love to replace it with the Air, but only if I can still play City, and without too much of a performance hit.
The Mac:
1.7GHz dual-core Intel Core i5
4GB memory
Intel HD Graphics 3000
My current ASUS:
2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
8GB memory
Nvidia 9800M
(I also have a 1st generation MacBook Air with City installed, but it can only handle marketing and costume stuff.)
Thanks much-
@Queen of Eels