Next Event- What do you want to see?
What do you mean by an Olympic event?
TF races in game sound kind of fun. I probably wouldn't be able to make it (unless the event matched when I can get in game, heh), but it seems like it would be pretty fun to do.
I wouldn't mind some more fiction events, either. I'm obviously keen on that because of my own personal interests, but the last two have shown that us Victoryites can do some decent writing, and I'd like to see some more. Even though I'm still waiting on the prize from the previous contest.
If we did a costume event, I wonder if we could do a forum related one? People always hate how subjective it seems with just a few judges online, and I'd be interested to see how it pans out here. I suppose it would lend itself to favoritism, but we don't seem to lean too much that way. I would think you could do an anonymous voting system using Google docs or something, too.
That's all I can think of for now, I'll toss out more if they come to me.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
You can do impartial voting on Wordpress too. Just set up a Victory PERC blog account, and BAM, instant polls.
At least, that's what popped into my head when I read it...
*Imagines half the forumites attempting to sing through the game's chat channels*

You could always just do my PvPEC vs PERC idea. 3 events: A pvp arena event (PvP), a Quiz type of event (PvE), and a tf/sf race (most likely a ITF or LGTF).
You can form teams with 7 spots (the 1st spot would be either from PvPEC or PERC and that would designate the team as PvP or PvE). I have no idea how many reps there are now on Victory. Scooter (PERC), Peril (PvPEC), Zamuel (PvPEC), Capt. (PvPEC), FMP (Both). I would force the TFs to be run with "master settings" so no outside temps could come into play and so you can monitor the number of deaths. Maybe add 20 secs per death to the TF time as an additional challenge.
DC had volunteered to be the host of the quiz show and would be a good choice to run that portion. You would need to contact him to see if he would still be willing/interested in doing so.
This is an event that I had hoped to run, I think it would be alot of fun.
Another idea that I was planning with a few of the Victory regulars was a "Victory PvP TF" we spoke about this at length as well FMP. You would need to develop a story line (or use the ones I had outlined before) that would involve a leader (someone from PvPEC or PERC) forming a team to run this TF they would get clues and the mission objectives from contacts (Reps acting as NPC contacts) "Go to Warburg and escort the lost scientist to the hero base". Then have Scooter dressed as a scientist standing under the globe, the TF team has x time to move scooter to the Hero base, while other reps act as the oppossing force and attempt to kill the escort team (clearly they can't kill scooter or he could just hospital). If they succed they get a good clue to where their next mission is, if they fail the get a poorly worded clue. "Meet the double agent at the Talos Ruby Arena Kiosks" vs "XXXXX said they would meet you at the fight club in Talos".
The team that runs the PvP tf the fastest wins. So the better you complete the missions the better your clues are to where your next mission is.
I'm sure Legion of Valor would be happy to assist you in setting up and/or running these events. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help.
I appreciate the ideas Masque and they definitely fall under the "something I would like to do" category. But I can't use the PERC bank for a PvPEC/PERC joined event, it wouldn't be fair. Will have to get someone to start a PvPEC bankroll over here, hehe.
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Not sure if this would be considered a PvPEC/PERC combo or not, but I'd like to see a RV event to get the badges for defeating the Heros/Villains...I've tried at least a half dozen times to get these badges on my main Hero/Villain with no luck. Not really an event that would need prizes/inf, just an organized get together since my attempts have all failed
Or how about auctioning more spots on a MoSTF team?
Unexplained Investigations Supergroup on VICTORY!
UI Cards
Snuph's Hero Helpers
i liked the auction event that went on. it was quite entertaining to see people blow so much money on that.

Hmm, I am not so sure I agree with that, I would think that a pve vs pvp type of thing woulddefinitely fall under PERC's role. I believe you just need to get approval from a PvPEC rep on the server (which you are so just say Hey do I approve, why yes i do). As far as the PvP TF you would just be using the PvP zones as the missions, so again I think you just need approval from a PvPEC rep.
The issue about having someone from PvPEC start a bankroll for events is:
1) I kind of doubt that the mods and players would be as supportive of being auctioned off (again).
2)PvPEC has always been sort of the red headed step child as far as prizes, I mean compare the last two events: Mr and Mrs Vs this New Years pvp thing. PERC got 4 costume codes per server +4 more for the winner, while PvPEC is only giving out 2 per server.
So, I guess I don't see the harm in offering small prizes for these types of events because as you stated they would be something you would want to run. Heck if its an issue I will still run it and you can just offer up the prizes.
If you still feel these events are do not fall under PERC, I would suggest maybe some: TF race events but do a TF that people don't speed or run typically (so in other words, No ITF, LGTF, Hess, Etc).
I was talking to Blitz and he had this idea about using AE to showcase players creativity by making a two (maybe 3) mission story arc that would explore the idea of your character going rogue. I could see that being a good idea.
How about changing the PvP TF idea to make it purely PvE. It would be part scavenger hunt, part how well do you know paragon city/rogue islands.
This would be stealing an idea from RIBO, but what about a "Whats My Line" type of event. To showcase victory's ability to ad lib, you guys give a line and the player who comes up with the best punchline to the statement would get a point, top point score wins.
Screen shot contest. Take a picture of your character in CoX then make a RL costume and take a picture of yourself as the character in a scene that replicates the screen shot. (Yeah, I know its been done, but honestly, I'd love to see some of the Victory Regulars dressed up as themselves). "Hey why is that guy dressed up like a cat putting dynamite in that building and running around saying 'ambush, meow' and 'mezzed'".
Different Screen shot contest. You post a unique screen shot, and we have to come up with a caption for it.
How about a non-prize event. Do that lame high school thing of voting people the "most popular", "Most likely to be involved with a nemisis plot", "Most likely to have a CoX tatoo", "Mostly likely to look like teddy ruxpin" etc. Hey at least people could have fun with sigs again.
Thats all I got for now.
You know, Masque, an AE contest is a great idea. I rather wonder how many people try for the gamewide contests, and would love a smaller one that we could try out and be more "community-ish" with it. That and fiction would be fun.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
I appreciate what you said Masque, but trust me, I am the Second Chair of PERC, I know which events and I can use the bankroll for and which not. I also can't have you host something and provide prizes for it- sorry! I can totally run those events, but the bank has to be used for PERC stuff only.
] If you still feel these events are do not fall under PERC, I would suggest maybe some: TF race events but do a TF that people don't speed or run typically (so in other words, No ITF, LGTF, Hess, Etc). |
Absolutely a good idea! Only downside is that it is not heroes and villains, but it just means that it would have to be held on both sides, which is no problem.
I was talking to Blitz and he had this idea about using AE to showcase players creativity by making a two (maybe 3) mission story arc that would explore the idea of your character going rogue. I could see that being a good idea. |
How about changing the PvP TF idea to make it purely PvE. It would be part scavenger hunt, part how well do you know paragon city/rogue islands. |

This would be stealing an idea from RIBO, but what about a "Whats My Line" type of event. To showcase victory's ability to ad lib, you guys give a line and the player who comes up with the best punchline to the statement would get a point, top point score wins. |
Screen shot contest. Take a picture of your character in CoX then make a RL costume and take a picture of yourself as the character in a scene that replicates the screen shot. (Yeah, I know its been done, but honestly, I'd love to see some of the Victory Regulars dressed up as themselves). "Hey why is that guy dressed up like a cat putting dynamite in that building and running around saying 'ambush, meow' and 'mezzed'". |

Different Screen shot contest. You post a unique screen shot, and we have to come up with a caption for it. |
How about a non-prize event. Do that lame high school thing of voting people the "most popular", "Most likely to be involved with a nemisis plot", "Most likely to have a CoX tatoo", "Mostly likely to look like teddy ruxpin" etc. Hey at least people could have fun with sigs again. |
Victory superlatives! This is something I told you about

Thanks for all the ideas Masque and everyone else, keep them coming!
I also have on the books (just a tease not telling you all of them)- a base contest, a play, and fashion show.
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
Another idea that I was planning with a few of the Victory regulars was a "Victory PvP TF" we spoke about this at length as well FMP. You would need to develop a story line (or use the ones I had outlined before) that would involve a leader (someone from PvPEC or PERC) forming a team to run this TF they would get clues and the mission objectives from contacts (Reps acting as NPC contacts) "Go to Warburg and escort the lost scientist to the hero base". Then have Scooter dressed as a scientist standing under the globe, the TF team has x time to move scooter to the Hero base, while other reps act as the oppossing force and attempt to kill the escort team (clearly they can't kill scooter or he could just hospital). If they succed they get a good clue to where their next mission is, if they fail the get a poorly worded clue. "Meet the double agent at the Talos Ruby Arena Kiosks" vs "XXXXX said they would meet you at the fight club in Talos".
The team that runs the PvP tf the fastest wins. So the better you complete the missions the better your clues are to where your next mission is. |
So, with the PERC Auction, I banked up a lot of influence and infamy for Victory to use for events. I want to know what types of events you would like to see! The inf can be used as a "cash" type prize or to purchase in game items that would be prizes.
So two questions:
1. What events would you like to participate in? (tf races, olympic style event, forum events, internet events, costume based events, unique events, etc. to give a few examples)
2. What types of prizes would you be most interested in?
Please note: Hami raids are something I would like to do, but not for this. PvP events are something I would more likely run through PvPEC. Also not saying that these are the only prizes available, I may be able to cook up some other things, but lets work with the bank for now.
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon