Hello Virtue!




I don't know how to begin an introduction post. Or any post for that matter, so let me begin with a little about myself

I've been with CoX since I was but a wee lad in middle school as older friends introduced me to the game during its beta phases. Cause of school I couldn't continue playing all year round, but I've been active an average of around 5-6 months/year. Now I'm in college and I'll be active until next summer, so I figure this is a great opportunity for me to get involved with some of the online community :]

I first started out on Guardian with all my real life friends, and it was a great time. However, 5 years later I'm left as the only one still attached to this awesome game.. and I find myself in need of some company!!! When I renewed after the release of I16, I logged onto Guardian and saw 19 people online using the search function.. figured it was time for a move (yeah, im sure there were some on hide.. but compare that to Virtue's frequent 500+). Actually, I had played on virtue a couple years ago and found a nice, small SG, however that too has gone inactive :[

SOOOOO Currently I have three mains: Blueside - Corundumite (50 Tank Shield//Super Strength) and Winterglow (50 Defender Cold//Ice). Redside: Chronicold (50 Corruptor Ice//Cold)

SG's, friends, people that want to reminisce about the good 'ol Powerlevel clickie missions (the ones that get you 1-20 in 2 minutes :P) whatevs. Usually can catch me online after school on weekdays (after 6PM Pacific standard time) and weekends (Any time really..)

Lookin' forward to hearing from some of y'alls!!!





Several folks from the Screenshots and Fan Creation section of the forums recently moved to Virtue and started both a hero and villain group. We've been pretty active. Feel free to join in on our Global Channel called Forum 606 and say hello.



Welcome to Virtue!



Hey and welcome! Just thought I would mention some of Virtue's wonderful channels dedicated to teaming, badging and taskforces (and one that is pretty much pure shenanigans most of the time).

Virtue LFG Alpha: This channel is your go-to, LFT or LFM channel. Advertise anything you want in here. Mission teams, task or strike forces, if it's teamed it's welcome here.

Virtue TFs: Surprisingly enough, a channel dedicated to task and strike forces

Virtuebadges09: If it awards a badge, this is the place. Mainly used for task/strike forces, but also general badging, with some chatter tossed in.

VU2010: Virtue Unlimited's latest incarnation. General tomfoolery, chitchat, and the odd heated argument, but good people all round. Also good for finding decent teammates.

Once again glad to have you here and I hope you enjoy your time!



And please don't forget Virtue's finest player-run radio station, The Cape!

Part of Sister Flame's Clickey-Clack Posse

The English language is an intricate high-speed precision tool.Stop using it to bang open coconuts. ~Tokamak
Dark_Respite's Video page



Welcome. Hope you enjoy your stay, watch the piranhas.



Welcome to Virtue, Corundumite. I hope you enjoy everything this community has to offer, especially redside! Virtue is like my homestate of Texas; even the villains are mighty friendly!!! :P

We're probably the best server for villain teams so if you moved over Chronicold, one of our bonding rituals is the infamous redside Hamidon raiding. I hear from folks on other servers who visit just to get that notch on their belt.

We'll see you around. <leaves the obligatory shiny toaster>

"Whose vertue can not be exprest, but by an Angels quill." - Sir Walter Raleigh, Knight Lo.[rd]

Made: Exotica � Phobia l Heroes of the City: Alt � American Anthem � Dakota � Freeze Frame � Noa � Una



Welcome! Silas Gray will be glad to fight at your side!

You pay to play. Having fun is ok. Kill Skuls or kill Crey. Hunt at night or in the day. Black or white or shades of grey. Play it your way. We have no say.

Silas' official theme song: Word Up!



If you want more random silliness, hit the Rookery. channel (the . is part of the name, btw)

Welcome to the neighborhood, btw!

Global is @Mellissandria
I don't have that much art, but I do write stories and I do collect art on
my DA account



Watch the Fish with teeth?

You must be new to Virtue Jade, Watch out for the Cat Girls, try not to feed em.

Also if your looking for someone to XP like a fiend with, I uh..would normally suggest me, but Im bit busy in Borderlands A.T.M., But feel free to send a tell to @Darkmire, Im sure by end of the month, I'll be all burnt on on Borderlands...maybe...we'll see...oooh new gun! -is distracted-


I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.



Originally Posted by Exotica View Post
Welcome to Virtue, Corundumite. I hope you enjoy everything this community has to offer, especially redside! Virtue is like my homestate of Texas; even the villains are mighty friendly!!! :P
On the forums, maybe. In the D, they all just act like broody douchebags because they think it makes them look deep or ominous or something.

Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.