Discussion: Beckett Massive Online Gamer Reader's Choice Awards




Voted even did a couple write ins.



Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
I was surprised to see Marvel Universe Online listed in the Most Anticipated category. I was under the impression that one had died, and that parts of the corpse were used to make CO.
But wouldn't that mean that CO would be a shambling, un-natural and repulsive monster?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I'll try to get as many of my dead computers to connect to the site as possible then.
That's the spirit! but seriously get to every IP address you can get your hands on. My cousin is having a card game tomorrow night and I am going to have to "look something up" real quick on his computer when I get there. If stuffing the ballot box works for Baseball's All-star team it can work for us too =]

The Revenants and Vengeance Imperium-Triumph, Champion & now flavoring Justice!

Tanker Tuesdays & Brutal Thursdays. If you like fun, look'em up!

Shhh! Rangle is plotting.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But wouldn't that mean that CO would be a shambling, un-natural and repulsive monster?
I did vote CO over CoH, simple fact they have noticiable progression in the game-development, currently i see CoH dead in its tracks (apart from some game mechanic stuff like superSK and such).

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
I did vote CO over CoH, simple fact they have noticiable progression in the game-development
From "abject" to a "little-bit-less-abject"?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
I did vote CO over CoH, simple fact they have noticiable progression in the game-development, currently i see CoH dead in its tracks (apart from some game mechanic stuff like superSK and such).
It's easy to improve something when it's a steaming pile of excreta.

It's less easy to improve something that's already pretty decent.

That might explain why CO has seen more improvement than CoH.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Heroes and Villains, mobilize for that one opportunity you have every year to make your voice count!

Vote for City of Heroes in the Best Sci-Fi/Superhero MMO of 2009 category of Beckett Massive Online Gamer Reader's Choice Awards.

Aion and Guild Wars 2 are also present in other categories so here's your chance to support NCsoft games.

Make us proud and vote away!
I made sure to vote for City of Heroes :: Issue 14 - The Architect as an expansion as well. Sure it was free, but The Architect was/is a great strive forward in MMORPGs even if it as been abused by some.



Originally Posted by SinergyX_EU View Post
I did vote CO over CoH, simple fact they have noticiable progression in the game-development, currently i see CoH dead in its tracks (apart from some game mechanic stuff like superSK and such).
I'm not sure why you are here posting then.

If you didn't see the Architect and Power Customization as strives forward over the last year then I have to ask how nerfing powers at release was noticeable progress for Champions Online.
You must be referring to Champions Online requiring their life-time subscribers to pay for the new content - but that would be for 2010 and not 2009.

I think Champions Online is going to win the "bait-and-switch" award hands down.



Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
I was surprised to see Marvel Universe Online listed in the Most Anticipated category. I was under the impression that one had died, and that parts of the corpse were used to make CO.
For Most Anticipated, I wrote in Carbine Studio's 'As Yet to Be Named, Top Secret MMO", for new MMO I voted Aion, and everything else was CoX.



Here's how NCSoft fared in the results (according tto the issue that arrived in the mail today....)

CoH and Aion both made decent showing in the Best MMO of 2009, losing out to World of Warcraft (big shock).

Aion won best MMo Release of 2009.

Best Sci-Fi/Superhero MMo of 2009: CoH!!!!!!!