Infected in Atlas?




Sadly I didn't think until it was too late to get a screeny, but on a new toon with a buddy we encountered a brace of Infected, a Blighted and Stricken Scavenger.

This was significant because it was in Atlas Park, down by the warehouses near the Perez Park entrance. I've never sene it before and it looks like it was just the two... but there are serious ramifications to this... are the Heroes losing the fight? Has Arachnos gotten the formula into Atlas and turning people into Infected?

Is it simply a bug? I can't see how it could be. Had a scoot around and couldn't see any more... but it's worrying.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
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Originally Posted by DarkEther View Post
They've been there for a while now. They aren't very widespread at all, and unfortunately do not count for the Isolator badge.

never seen them before but thanks for the info.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by DarkEther View Post
They've been there for a while now. They aren't very widespread at all, and unfortunately do not count for the Isolator badge.

There are a few Infected in Atlas, (and Galaxy according to Wiki) and they do not count towards Isolator, which is for killing Contaminated, a similar, yet different group. The foes you see on Mercy Isle are also Infected, not Contaminated.



I noticed this for the first time last weekend, as well

Thank you, Champion.



Infected have spawned in both Atlas Park and Galaxy City since at least August, 2007, when I first started looking at updating VidiotMaps. They're only in a couple neighborhoods, and probably only spawn at night, which is why they're not noticed much.

Blondeshell (1381 badges) - My other badge hunters
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Originally Posted by Blondeshell View Post
Infected have spawned in both Atlas Park and Galaxy City since at least August, 2007, when I first started looking at updating VidiotMaps. They're only in a couple neighborhoods, and probably only spawn at night, which is why they're not noticed much.

This was definitely day time

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by DarkEther View Post
They've been there for a while now. They aren't very widespread at all, and unfortunately do not count for the Isolator badge.
Of course, that is pretty much a nonissue nowadays. Heroes can take down all the Contaminated they need during the Ouroboros Initiation to get Isolator. And Villains simply can't get Isolator no matter how many times they take down the one Contaminated in RV anyway.



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
This was definitely day time
I've seen them in the southwest corner of Atlas in daytime as well.



They came in with the Longbow in the mini-revamp of Issue 8.

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Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
This was definitely day time
Yes, but if they spawn at night, they can stay spawned and still be present during day cycle (this can be seen with other "night spawn only" enemies, such as Vampyri in Striga).

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