When does bots/dark pickup?




I am currently lvl 26 and even with AB killing seems just soooo slow. I consider myself a pseudo dark defender on teams.



Originally Posted by Reddi35 View Post
I am currently lvl 26 and even with AB killing seems just soooo slow. I consider myself a pseudo dark defender on teams.
At 26, you haven't been able to slot the Assbot for damage and accuracy, which will make a big difference.

Once you hit 32, you'll rip through everything. The upgrade adds AoE an attack to every robot, and several to the Assbot. The burn patches have great synergy with tar patch. At that time, I suggest you change your difficulty to +0/x8, and ramp up from there as you feel comfortable.

Where to now?
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



What he said, ^ , but more of it, stick it out to 32, slot 2 def enhancers in your protbot, and work some more def in with IO sets, and then you can laugh at anything the game throws at you.

last night, doing BnY missions with my tanker, we ran into a issue with a nictus crystal, right in the first room of the cave. It was ugly. everyone died, multiple times. eventualy I logged on my Dark/Bot, told everyone to stay in the tunnel and I proceeded to wipe out the whole room with the loss of only 2 bots. A good well build Dark/Bots or Trap/bots is scary good.

I have problems with mids, so I cant post a build but my MM, with reasonably priced IO's is sitting at

60.41 S/L
42.91 range
39.16 melee
36.66 fire
51.35 energy
36.98 Ne
20.07 psi
39.48 AoE
with 1 prot bubble

+ darkest night +fluffy with his own controls/heals and -to hit debuffs. I find I don't really even use bodyguard mode unless fighting a nasty EB, or AV or Gm solo.



Originally Posted by PettyTheftz View Post
What he said, ^ , but more of it, stick it out to 32, slot 2 def enhancers in your protbot, and work some more def in with IO sets, and then you can laugh at anything the game throws at you.

last night, doing BnY missions with my tanker, we ran into a issue with a nictus crystal, right in the first room of the cave. It was ugly. everyone died, multiple times. eventualy I logged on my Dark/Bot, told everyone to stay in the tunnel and I proceeded to wipe out the whole room with the loss of only 2 bots. A good well build Dark/Bots or Trap/bots is scary good.

I have problems with mids, so I cant post a build but my MM, with reasonably priced IO's is sitting at

60.41 S/L
42.91 range
39.16 melee
36.66 fire
51.35 energy
36.98 Ne
20.07 psi
39.48 AoE
with 1 prot bubble

+ darkest night +fluffy with his own controls/heals and -to hit debuffs. I find I don't really even use bodyguard mode unless fighting a nasty EB, or AV or Gm solo.
I'm pretty curious about your build. I'm about 8 points off all of your positional defenses, I'm curious to see where in the build you slotted sets for that.



Hehe I was thinkin the same question as you. Mine us at 26 as well. I shelved him because I got bored. I'll prolly pick him up sometime since everyone thinks the combo is really good

" I don't let me kids play on the Freedom Server" -Oya



Its worth noting that most MMs lack single target damage overall. Even ninja's don't on their own hit scrapper or blaster levels of DPS. Bots in particular are actually somewhat weak single target, their strength is that they can do their same max dps to one target or fifteen, so by the time you've got just bosses left they've probably got half health or less left.

Things will get better when you hit 32, but you'll still take a while to kill an AV or Hero. My bots/traps the other day faced off against a hero and it took almost 10 minutes to kill her. She couldn't move, she spent a while choking, and I had double stacked acid mortars on her alot, but the bots single target DPS just isn't that high.

Also, if I have figured this correctly, bots only drop multiple burn patches when there are multiple targets to hit within the AoE radius. So when down to one hard target, the boss bot's aoe missiles aren't nearly as great because they only spawn one burn patch per use, which doesn't do nearly the damage of 10 mobs each in 10 burn patches does.



Still cant get mids to work on my new cpu, but I can try and give you my slotting

Drones, 6 slot blood mandate
equip robot 1 end redux
Protector bots 1 acc, 2 damage, 1 end redux, 2 def io's
Assault bot , 6 slot, sovereign right
Photon grenade, 6 slot Stupefy
Upgrade 1 end redux
repair , 1 rech

Twilight grasp, 1 touch of the nictus, 2 acc 2 heal 1 rech (will equip all touch in this when I get around to it)
Tar Patch, 6 slot impeded swiftness
Darkest night, 6 slot siphon insight
Shadow fall, 6 slot red fortune
Dark servant, 3 rech red

swift, 1 runspeed
health, 1 heal
stamina, 4 performance shifter, 2 unsloted, will get 2 more perf when I get around to it for 3.13 AoE def, and 1.565 fire and cold def

Boxing, unsloted
Tough, 3 slot steadfast protections
weave, 6 sloted, 5 red fortunes, will slot 1 more red fortune for 2.5 range and 1.25 energy/neg energy def,

Manuvers, 6 slot red fortunes
Tactics, 1 end red
assault, 1 end red

Provoke, 3 slot, annoyance

Scorpion shield, 6 slot, 4 slot red fortune, will slot 2 more red fortune for 2.5 range 1.25 energy/neg energy def

Web envelope 2 slot, 1 acc 1 rech

I have no hasten, tried it and found it did not add enough as the things I would have to give up to keep it, also I use jet packs, and ninja run for my travel power.

My end stats should be

S/L 60.41
Fire 38.22
Cold 38.22
Energy 53.85
NE 39.48
Psi 20.07

Range 47.91
Melee 39.16

Most expensive IO in build, steadfast protection res/def, but I just ran AE missions, and did 20-24 bronze rolls till I got one, did not take long at all, Pretty much 4 hour hours of running AE mission got me all the IO's I needed or paid for the ones I got on the market, with some cash left over from selling things I did not need.

"Things will get better when you hit 32, but you'll still take a while to kill an AV or Hero. My bots/traps the other day faced off against a hero and it took almost 10 minutes to kill her. She couldn't move, she spent a while choking, and I had double stacked acid mortars on her alot, but the bots single target DPS just isn't that high."

This is why I prefer dark over traps, Bots DPS is pretty good, but the thing that makes it a AV and GM soloer, is not DPS, its all the - regen you put out with dark, I soloed a WL in Cap last night, using a mark 3 analizer, I watched his HP regen, was mostly at 0.00% for a brief split second it would pop up to 136%. took 9 min to kill it, thanks to it being vulnerable to fire and energy. It would have taken allot longer without the ability to floor regen. AV fights are ussualy in the 5-6 min range.

Assault Bot Plasma Blast 30% chance for -500% regen for 30 seconds
Twilight grasp -50.00% regen for 20 seconds
Dark servant Twilight grasp -50.00% regen for 20 seconds

You can take howling twilight as well for additional - regen, its a rez, focused on the target enemy, but has a pretty hefty - regen to it, and you can use it while solo

also you reduce damage output by 30% and - tohit with darkest night, and -30% damage resist with tar patch

Fluffy also gets darkest night, that stacks with yours., with 2 prot bot bubbles, my fluffy is usually just fine surrounded by 12+ enemy on its own

Hope this helps, I can be reached in game @ petty theftz



wow what server? I'd love to see your build in action!



Originally Posted by PettyTheftz View Post
Still cant get mids to work on my new cpu, but I can try and give you my slotting

Drones, 6 slot blood mandate
equip robot 1 end redux
Protector bots 1 acc, 2 damage, 1 end redux, 2 def io's
Assault bot , 6 slot, sovereign right
Photon grenade, 6 slot Stupefy
Upgrade 1 end redux
repair , 1 rech

Twilight grasp, 1 touch of the nictus, 2 acc 2 heal 1 rech (will equip all touch in this when I get around to it)
Tar Patch, 6 slot impeded swiftness
Darkest night, 6 slot siphon insight
Shadow fall, 6 slot red fortune
Dark servant, 3 rech red

swift, 1 runspeed
health, 1 heal
stamina, 4 performance shifter, 2 unsloted, will get 2 more perf when I get around to it for 3.13 AoE def, and 1.565 fire and cold def

Boxing, unsloted
Tough, 3 slot steadfast protections
weave, 6 sloted, 5 red fortunes, will slot 1 more red fortune for 2.5 range and 1.25 energy/neg energy def,

Manuvers, 6 slot red fortunes
Tactics, 1 end red
assault, 1 end red

Provoke, 3 slot, annoyance

Scorpion shield, 6 slot, 4 slot red fortune, will slot 2 more red fortune for 2.5 range 1.25 energy/neg energy def

Web envelope 2 slot, 1 acc 1 rech

I have no hasten, tried it and found it did not add enough as the things I would have to give up to keep it, also I use jet packs, and ninja run for my travel power.

My end stats should be

S/L 60.41
Fire 38.22
Cold 38.22
Energy 53.85
NE 39.48
Psi 20.07

Range 47.91
Melee 39.16

Most expensive IO in build, steadfast protection res/def, but I just ran AE missions, and did 20-24 bronze rolls till I got one, did not take long at all, Pretty much 4 hour hours of running AE mission got me all the IO's I needed or paid for the ones I got on the market, with some cash left over from selling things I did not need.

"Things will get better when you hit 32, but you'll still take a while to kill an AV or Hero. My bots/traps the other day faced off against a hero and it took almost 10 minutes to kill her. She couldn't move, she spent a while choking, and I had double stacked acid mortars on her alot, but the bots single target DPS just isn't that high."

This is why I prefer dark over traps, Bots DPS is pretty good, but the thing that makes it a AV and GM soloer, is not DPS, its all the - regen you put out with dark, I soloed a WL in Cap last night, using a mark 3 analizer, I watched his HP regen, was mostly at 0.00% for a brief split second it would pop up to 136%. took 9 min to kill it, thanks to it being vulnerable to fire and energy. It would have taken allot longer without the ability to floor regen. AV fights are ussualy in the 5-6 min range.

Assault Bot Plasma Blast 30% chance for -500% regen for 30 seconds
Twilight grasp -50.00% regen for 20 seconds
Dark servant Twilight grasp -50.00% regen for 20 seconds

You can take howling twilight as well for additional - regen, its a rez, focused on the target enemy, but has a pretty hefty - regen to it, and you can use it while solo

also you reduce damage output by 30% and - tohit with darkest night, and -30% damage resist with tar patch

Fluffy also gets darkest night, that stacks with yours., with 2 prot bot bubbles, my fluffy is usually just fine surrounded by 12+ enemy on its own

Hope this helps, I can be reached in game @ petty theftz
Traps does far more debuff than dark does, dark's strength is the healing. Bots/Traps actually does a fair bit more DPS than bots/dark.

Acid mortar x2 is -40% res and -60% def and with the 20 second duration on the actual debuff I can maintain that permanently on one target. -15% tohit and -40% damage from seeker drones, -1000% regen from PG trap (with lockdown It can also stack 4 mag hold, enough to hold a boss for about 7 seconds) and trip mines give me an extra 400 or so damage on an AV every 10 seconds.

The funny thing is, with traps if I spend 3 minutes laying trip mines I can take off 2/3 of its health and finish it in about 2-3 minutes from there. There are 4 stacked PG traps by that time, so when the AV walks into them regen is completely floored and the AV gets up to 16 mag hold applied instantly. Throw on some -kb immobilizes and thats one suffering NPC.

I see where you differed on spec. You dropped procs out of your bots and went for personal survivability over bots survivability, and you pretty much ignored your immob (not that I can blame you with web envelope's lack of knockback mitigation)

This is mine, and its pretty much finished at this point.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
I went Mu, but managed to keep the defenses relatively high. Took acrobatics because I figured I'd probably end up taunting and taking alot of aggro, I actually found one thing I like doing that I've never seen anyone else do, I pulled some slots out and dropped absolute amazement five slots into Howling Twlight. I love HT-> Fences, and with the slotting of the epic set the stun lasts 30 seconds. Drop seekers on top of the mobs and get lucky with your protectors and you've got alot of drunken staggering going on around you. When facing a double group of 8 player spawns close together, that plus fearsome stare keep you pretty safe.



I had the same problem with my bots/dark at that level, but at 35ish is really sped up --been 50 for years now -- hang in there!



With my current build, I don't use my heal but once in a blue moon, dark does have some decent healing, but even with my better than bot survivability, I rarely heal em, with stacked to hit -debuffs. I usually run a bobcat mish set to +0x8, and aggro 3-4 groups at once

I recently reworked my build, took fearsome stare, dropped the mace web, and picked up HT, the fear when stacked works better than the web cocoon for large groups.

I play on Virtue, previously Freedom as Tinkerman



Level 26 is still not tweaked out, but it's far better than the playstyle at level 23 for instance. Hang in there and don't try Calystix until you get at least 3 SOs in the Assault Bot.

Triumphant Defenders Forever
Psylenz FF/Psi, ArticQuark Storm/Rad, Symon BarSisyphus Bots/psn, Max VanSydow Thugs/Dk, Cyclone Symon Bots/stm, Blue Loki Ice/Cd, Widow 46526
HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.



Originally Posted by Reddi35 View Post
I am currently lvl 26 and even with AB killing seems just soooo slow. I consider myself a pseudo dark defender on teams.
You just got your big bot. But he isn't slotted. Give him some slotting. Then at 32, the whole team gets a damage upgrade. I'd say that'll be when you really see a major difference.

On a side note, i've often found that, at least in MY case, i HATE soloing my MM's. Micro managing the minions got boring, essepecailly as they got more and more powerful. (less and less to do.) But when you add in 7 teammates and your minions to micro manage, then it gets intresting. Juggling the responsiblity of managing 7 teammates and ordering around my troops was much more intresting and satisfifing.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



MMs tend to play like rollercoasters, they're great, they're slow, they're great, they're slow, etc. The 20s before you get the big bot are slow. Once you get him it's still not amazing until you slot him up and get that second upgrade - then it's all smooth sailing.