A Kheld friendly server?




What is the most kheld friendly server iyho?
I'm looking to transfer servers I think, and might wanna check one or two out.

Snixnix - Humanform Warshade
Various others.



I've found that some servers have anti-kheld factions.
wondering if the opposite were true elsewhere

Snixnix - Humanform Warshade
Various others.



Originally Posted by Debtlover View Post
I've found that some servers have anti-kheld factions.
wondering if the opposite were true elsewhere
I'm no expert on this matter, but I'm pretty sure there's groups of people who dislike/hate every archtype (individually, not as a whole, though I'm sure those exist, too) and people who like/love every archtype on every server.

Pick whichever server you, personally, like best, and just ignore anyone who's acting like that; they'd probably be no fun to play with, anyways.



You probably just had some bad luck.

I've only ever run into one nasty piece of work who felt the need to "educate" their teammates during the game about the shortcomings of khelds. I left the team after that mission finished, put that person on global ignore, and haven't looked back.

That incident was clearly about a particular person not having the grace or humility to let others have different opinions. It had nothing to do with the AT.

Put people like that on global ignore and move on to have fun with others. Those kinds of people are, fortunately, very few in number.



I'd say it's pretty Kheld-friendly on Freedom.... There's a lot of people I know and talk to every day that like to joke with me about "lolKhelds," but in actuality, they don't hesitate for a second to team up with me when I'm forming a Task Force...

If the person is being truly hateful, then yes, definitely ignore the person and move on. Otherwise, chalk it up to some friendly Kheld-ribbing and play along... They may want to team with you more if you show you have a bit of a sense of humor, since you play a Kheld....

I also know that Infinity has an all-Kheld SG that's led by LordXenite, so that server is most likely Kheld-friendly as well... Not sure about others.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

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I know that Virtue seems pretty friendly when it comes to Kheldians since my WS had no problems teaming at any point durring her time from 33 to 50 (she was a transfer from Infinity long before AE or the recent free server transfer event.)



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I also know that Infinity has an all-Kheld SG that's led by LordXenite, so that server is most likely Kheld-friendly as well...
As far as I've seen, Infinity is quite friendly towards Kheldians. I mean, on ITF's even most Villains respect our Kheldian awesomeness.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

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I've played Khelds a good bit on Pinnacle, Infinity, and Virtue, and never had any real issues. There are going to be goobers on every server that don't get it, but I've been on relatively low level groups and had a Cyst spawn, and everyone just set to work and didn't raise a stink.

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The higher level you get, the less problem Cysts, voids, and quantums are.

I've taken out Cysts solo as a human-form Peacebringer. I've dropped Void bosses, and quantums, after about level 20 or so, are just a speedbump.