Fastest way to get merits with a duo?




What would you recommend is a faster way to get merits? My girlfriend and I mainly duo and do not have time for taskforces, and we would like to get some of the higher level recipes and not have to pay an arm and a leg and buy them through merits.



Positron TF can easily be done in 90-120 mins with a duo after a litrle practice, and it doesn't have to be done all in one sitting. I have broken it into 1-2 mission chunks over the course of a wekk before.

You would need a 3rd warm body to help you start and then they quit the team

Other than that running arcs in flashback would award merits to all the team members, so both of you if you duo. Take the chnace and see content you haven't previously done.

Story arcs inclduing flashbacks award 60% of the merit reward that task forces do (based on median completion times)

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Well, you could run missions in AE and get tickets, using them to buy random rolls. Then, of course anything you got you couldn't use, you could sell on Wentworth's/ Black Market and use the money to buy what you wanted.

And as long as you can get fillers to start the TF, you don't have to complete it in one session.

My fiance and I often take a day or two to complete one if work, or something else intervenes with out gaming time.



We ran a couple flashback arcs, had the time set to 1 hour and only got like 4-6 merits . We completed it in 30-45 minutes.



The Data Mined Median Merits/time for.

TF is 20 merits/hour
Story arc is 12 merits/hour (4-6 in half an hours is a little under par to spot on the median)

To maximise returns (if you are interested in doing so), make sure you focus on the 'task in hand'. If its a defeat boss and guards, even if you aren't stealthing to the end room, try to take a direct path and avoid dead ends with groups that aren't needed.

What I do when trying to eanr merits is basically find arcs I have fun with, and not worry about optomising a return. After a few arcs, you would be amazed at how fast the merits can add up.

For efficient use of merits, random rolls generally beats direct buy, unless there is a pressing reason to direct buy (like a level 50 wanting a level 15 stealth IO)

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
The Data Mined Median Merits/time for.
For efficient use of merits, random rolls generally beats direct buy, unless there is a pressing reason to direct buy (like a level 50 wanting a level 15 stealth IO)

Can you give me a brief rundown as to why? How do I know which random roll to go for if I am aiming for a specific one?(AE rolls as well)

Why do people say go for lvl 35 bronze rolls in the AE?



Take for example a 240 merit direct buy option.

That would be 12 rolls, especially with the weighting that was added the odds are you are going to have 2 or more than you can usefully use.

So you get at least twice the recipes that direct buying would provide and then you sell the remaining 10 for inf.

The exception is if you are wanting a just one or a few IOs. The chances of getting that one by rolling are much redcued and a direct buy becomes more reasonable.

The random rolls on average and over time exceed spending a large amount of a direct bought high seller like the LoTG or miracle. There is a risk involved, but the more you roll the closer to the 'average expected' perforance you will be.
lists what in a brozne roll. There are links to silver and gold on that page
(gold rolls are the same as merit rolls)

Bronze is by far and away the cheapest in terms of tickets, and that makes it more profitable (but more effort to manage) in terms of inf/ticket.

Bronze rolls provide recipes that drop in Pool A (uncommon and rare).
35-39 is recommended as its a level where you can get most of the very good sets without too many poor sellers (A lot of the 10-30 sets just aren't used much)

The cap at 35 sets of kinetic combat especially and entropic chaos are both good profitable recipes to sell, which is why you dont generally go for 40-44.

30-34 rolls are about the same in profitability (last time it was checked in detail anyway), but vastly more variable. the regen tissue +regen being the huge caps at 30 recipe added.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Ok now not sure if this is what your looking for but here goes.

Basically put difficulty down to heroic, flashback to the dreams of peace and acts of war story arc and presto!

1st mish = click glowie & defeat boss (took 2 minutes)
2nd mish = rescue hostage. On this one look for the soldier and rescue him first, then lead him to a mob and let him die. Mission will fail but arc will continue.
3rd mish = defend base (either this 1 or the portal corp mission). Defeat 3 bosses, nice and easy.
4th mish = portal corp mish (or the 3rd mish ), the spawns/hostages and always in same location so once you memorize the location of each it takes roughly 5 minutes to finish.
5th mish = 2 bosses
6th mish = 2 bosses
7th mish = 1 EB

Now again solo it took me 20 minutes roughly but i know with practice it can be down to roughly 10 - 15 minutes since on heroic all boss classes are now lieuts. Just a matter of speed then. Happy merit farming!

The above i copied and pasted from a message i sent a friend of mine almost a year ago but if anything it'ld be even easier with the new difficulty settings, so in theory it could get to below 10 minutes. What i used was a fire/dark scrapper. By using a combo of both stealth + tp friend, it is simple for a duo. Hope i was some help.

[well thats my personal method of getting merits fast if i need something desperately and want to solo]

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Thanks everyone



If you have Energy damage the Freaklympics and Freakshow War arcs give good rewards. (Freakshow are weak against energy damage, so the defeats go a little faster)

Freaklympics is 34 merits, Freakshow War is 33 merits. If you get good at running them they are doable in an hour.

Posi is your best bet for duoing. I suggest using some form of Rad and a Fire blaster.

Rad because it's debuffs come early in the set, so you should have the 3 important ones at Posi level. (other debuff sets have better debuffs, but none come as early) I'd say Fire/Rad controller would be a good bet, as it has more damage at low levels than most control sets. Plant would be a good choice as well.

Fire blasters get their AoE attacks early and have a solid single target chain by level 20 (you get to use powers picked up to level 20 now with SSK on a Posi)

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



My wife and I could duo a Posi in about 90 minutes on average. She would stay at Posi or run around doing house work and she would join in toward the end. I used a fire/energy blaster and she had a plant/rad troller I think this was the best combo going before the newest change.

We tried it recently with my fire/energy blaster and her fire/kin and it was a little faster on my part but I think a plant/kin would be better seeds is just that good helping the mobs die faster.

If you’re looking to max merits it helps to just pick a TF or flashback arc and use a second build to max out the best slotting. That can get boring so we just choose good arcs we haven’t done and run through them as well.

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