Serious discussion about server migrations
I only intend to maybe move a few I don't play as much to make room for GR stuff. Beyond that, if friends on other servers want to set something up to play together regularly, I may move another few. But I'm not bailing Pinn by any stretch.
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I don't plan on moving anyone unless a friend of mine asks me to move a my two alt-50s to Guardian.
Be well, people of CoH.

im staying....movin a couple less played toons jsut to make space
moved my main and 2 alts so far, to Freedom. Pinn, unfortunately, is extremely dead. I have not been able to find a task force for weeks, a respec trial for months, and's about time they did this.
good luck to those who are staying.
Young American
(now Young-American)
moved my main and 2 alts so far, to Freedom. Pinn, unfortunately, is extremely dead. I have not been able to find a task force for weeks, a respec trial for months, and's about time they did this.
good luck to those who are staying. Young American (now Young-American) |
As one who recently did three TFs in one day on this server (yes it's true), I thank you for your well wishes. But we make our own luck.
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I'm moving a few characters to make room, but I'm not leaving Pinnacle.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
moved my main and 2 alts so far, to Freedom. Pinn, unfortunately, is extremely dead. I have not been able to find a task force for weeks, a respec trial for months, and's about time they did this.
good luck to those who are staying. Young American (now Young-American) |
Does ANYONE ever stop to think that if they moved characters FROM Freedom instead of moving them there that the other servers wouldn't be so "dead"?
Of course not, because that would require effort, and we can't have that you know.
(Nothing personal Padre, I'm not bashing you specifically, just responding to a prevailing attitude I don't like)
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Well my real life mates and I are moving to Virtue. I'll be going to overnights soon anyways so a higher population will do me good till I get star trek online for a distraction for awhile.
i understand the passionate responses, and i can appreciate the sentiment behind them.
what i dont understand, is the snarkiness behind DarkEther's response. i guess thats just who that person is, and if that's a testament to a percentage of people who are left on this server, than i feel i made the right decision to leave.
Claws, i get what you're saying, and i understand you meant nothing personal by it, so here's my take on your questions;
'"This is exactly WHY the smaller servers are the smaller servers. As soon as someone starts having trouble finding something to do (usually through failure to properly look, spamming broadcast doesn't work, sorry to say) they move to Freedom."'
your assumption is "as soon as." - i clearly stated i have been looking for respec teams for MONTHS. in fact, i have offered to log in my wife's account and let it door sit as one of the 4 toons required, in liue of looking for a 4th person. my main is capable of soloing the Terra Volta reactor trial (freaks), with a properly built "spot healer". yet it requires 3 other people, and i can't find 2 who want to do it on any given day. now, i dont know you, or your toons, nor do i "know" many people...BUT...everyone needs to respec now and then, right? i guess everyone left on this server has so much luck they find respec tokens? or maybe they have oodles of cash and can buy respecs? or maybe they have oodles of influence and buy them off the AH? im not sure. but, yes, i could not find anyone willing to do a respec after using team search, spamming broadcast announcements, etc. all of the channels except forum chit chat...and if the game is relegated to building teams from forum talk hours or days in advance, i really need to spell that out for you? im not being an a$$hat here, thats a SERIOUS issue.
'"You don't need more than 7 other people to do anything in this game, why do you require thousands to choose from?"'
i don't require thousands of people to choose from. likewise, im sure that many people who are leaving Pinnacle dont require thousands to choose from, either. but boy, what a refreshing outlook those thousands put on the game. ive been playing online games since 1999 and can tell you from experience that some of the people left on Pinnacle are soloists, some are very close-knit, and some are not very social. not everyone, and certinly many do not fit all 3 categories or even 2 of those categories. but with such a small population, any one of those characteristics makes it very difficult to accomplish my personal goals. please see paragraph 1 for that explanation. im not bagging on the people of Pinnacle. i played here since the game went live. sure, ive left and come back (twice), but that doesnt mean i count less than people who've never left, and i like pinnacle, and the people ive met. but im also a realist. there just isnt the population left here to support my goals as a player, and so to stay playing, i've moved several of my toons, main included.
'"Or is it that you just can't be bothered to be proactive and want to wait until someone asks you if you want in on something."'
do you really want me to comment on that? i mean, i know you said you weren't being personal, but....dude, im 43 and play this game for "downtime" fun. i don't need to be asked to be in on something, i make my own fun most of the time. its the times when id like to do something and cant find likeminded individuals, which frustrates me. i dont have hours and hours to sit at the keyboard and while away "LFT"....ive got a house, bills, a wife, and kids. a game is the last thing i want complicating my already complex life. if making the move can eliminate "downtime during the downtime" than i am ALL FOR THAT. perhaps if i were in a large SG (which im not) id have stayed. i mean, its not like my main isnt brilliantly built, can't solo AV's orPL with his eyes closed (he can do all that and make bread and chips to go). it's just...Iive never been invited AWAY from the current SG im in. and trust me, there's times when i was in groups made up of 7 members from a single SG ans wished they would invite me. im not pushy, and im not gonna barge in on anyones fun, but i know im a good enough player to warrant invites. its just...NO ONE DOES IT. they see that tag, and stop there. which is fine. its the exact same thing as "why are you leaving pinnacle" but on a smaller scale. no one steals people into their SG, but meanwhile their server is tanking because of some unspoken rules about not "stealing other SG's members" i sure hope you're getting this sentiment, because it's the main point im trying to make. sorry for the run-on paragraph.
'"Does ANYONE ever stop to think that if they moved characters FROM Freedom instead of moving them there that the other servers wouldn't be so "dead"? Of course not, because that would require effort, and we can't have that you know."'
see paragraph response directly above.
and again, no offense taken. please don't take any from the things i said. again, i wish those staying the best of luck, but there's the reasons in full detail for why im out the door. good luck!
Also I'm still keeping alot of old toons back in Pinn, but really my main focus is properly spec'ing my mains to be like Pie-Ro and other pup'd out fools. I'll still be in pinn badges and if my left behind alts happen to need a TF for announcement in Pinn badges, I'd be glad to join, but all 35+'s are coming to virtue.
I currently have one active player in my VG. I also have one active player in my SG.
Once upon a time, my SG was in the top 10 on Pinnacle.
As Statesman once said, "it's an MMO, people come and people go."
If I wasn't such an asocial person, I would probably have jumped to a higher population server a long time ago. Luckily for me, I'm am asocial. Ignore the 25000+ posts. That just means I have a job with a lot of downtime.
You have nothing to explain to anyone. I hop on teams when some yells in PinnBadges that something is forming up and I'm not busy with something else. The times I've needed to start something, 90% of the time, PinnBadges was there to help me out.
I may have missed it, but it's entirely possible that you didn't know about that channel. It happens. If you think that your gaming experience will be bettered by moving, you Should Do It. It's a game. It's supposed to be fun. Don't let anyone tell you anything different.
As for the respec trial, I have 54 months of vet rewards. By the time I need to hit up the trial for more, I'm speced to solo it. Like you, I have access to another account for padding. When that time comes, I *KNOW* that two of the people on PinnBadges will take the time out to pad for me to get it started.
And I continue to thank them all for that and will continue to pad for them when they make the call.
If you find, either here or on whatever server you head to, that certain individuals in a channel annoy you, gignore is your friend. Use it freely. There's no reason not to. But find that channel's main channel and make use of it.
Good luck.
Be well, people of CoH.

I have been playing on pinnacle since 05 and all my good friends have left the game, but I still have good friends on Pinnacle. I also think it is respectable for anyone who wants to leave. I created 1 toon on freedom and honestly, only for PvP. My SG C.O.R.E is DEAD!!! but I will never leave that sg. I may sound foolish to many but I have too many good memories on this server, and even when today, I get on a team, I have 10x more fun on that team than I would on any other server. Pinnacle just has that "feeling" of casualness.
If I'm transferring any toons it would be transferring a toon to pinnacle, not the other way around. Pinnacle may be very in active, but there are still people online every day, and my friends list still has 5 people online everyday on pinnacle. Yeah that may look bad since my list is full, but that's still 5 people. If any of you guys are looking for a good time on pinnacle and need a team im always in need of a team. Reach me @desitre. That's no joke I'm being completely honest, I'll even remove some of my inactive friends(inactive as have not played the game since ED)
There is some hope though, I mean once Rogue comes out we will have an increase, may be small, or it could be big. The world may never know lol
MAIN: Desi Boy> Level 51 Fire/Fire Tank
Super Group: C.O.R.E.
Tanking since 05'
I won't be moving anyone anywhere.
As for TFs, well, the heroside respec trial sucks. That's just the way it is. Finding the people necessary for the more popular TFs like the Cimeroran one is as easy as going to the zone where it takes place and waiting for someone to broadcast about it.
I'll be moving one or more 50s that I no longer play off server, but I am by no means abandoning Pinnacle. I am perfectly comfortable staying on Pinnacle, it's where I started and where I will end my gaming in City of X.
So with that said, why the move? Running out of slots and I need space. Besides, I'm only planning on moving characters that I have little to no interest in playing.
@Skye McCloud

Besides, I'm only planning on moving characters that I have little to no interest in playing. |
Be well, people of CoH.

I've been on Pinnacle since my first day in CoH, right when I1 went Live. I inherited a friends account when they left for another game a year later, so I have two accounts, with about 25 characters between them.
I, too, like to see lots of people on, if nothing but for atmosphere; but I just can't bring myself to leave my home server because, well, it's home. In fact, I'm going to be hunting through the other servers, and any Heroes and Villains I find worth saving, I'm going to transfer back to Pinnacle.
Bubba quoted it best, "People come and go." I've made a pact with myself to always be visible, and, if I have the time, to always say "Yes!" to proper invites.
If there is an end on the way for old Pinn, then I'll be there, toasting it's good health.
Question for everyone on this statement: Why not just strip and delete?
6 months from now I don't want to be saying "Man, a Spines/Fire scrapper sounds like fun right now, I wish I hadn't deleted the one I had at level 40."
I still like the characters in question, I just lost interest in them for the moment.
Edit: Padre, all the "you"s in my post were intended as general yous, like someone would use in an instructional video where they do not know who will be watching.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
I've got 8 people confirmed moving to virtue, and intend on starting a SG/VG. PST To @juggalo if you intend on moving there to join our Pinnacle based G/VG's.
i understand the passionate responses, and i can appreciate the sentiment behind them.
what i dont understand, is the snarkiness behind DarkEther's response. i guess thats just who that person is, and if that's a testament to a percentage of people who are left on this server, than i feel i made the right decision to leave. |
Snarky because I've heard all this over and over for the past several years. Snarky because Pinnacle is *not* "Extremely dead", as you say. Were that the case, there would not be around 100 people on a chat channel each of the last several times I looked this week. Were that the case, I could not have had 8 people to do a TF, let alone a different set of people to do a second one....and more to do the third one.
Granted, it's of lower population than several others, but it's been that way for quite a while, and some people prefer it to one where you may not be able to log in during special events.
I think that people who want to find a team on any server can do so, so I rejected your statement. Those who form their own teams make their own luck, thus the other part of my post. 'Nuf said.
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Pinnacle -- Titans of Paragon
Blue 50s: 4 controllers, 3 defenders, 2 blasters, 2 scrappers, 1 tanker
Red 50s: 4 corruptors, 2 brutes, 1 dominator, 1 VEAT
Arc ID# 1427: High School Reunion
Arc ID#: 1671: Positron Revisited
Nah, I ain't moving anything. I was thinking of moving a toon or two to another server to free up some space (too many 50's).... but meh, I'm just gonna buy some slots. And I just dont' have the heart to delete my 50 toons (It took me a while to get them to 50 and tweek them out!).
Oh, and to those guys that are having a hard time finding TFs and Respecs.... myself and a team mate of mines runs 2 - 3 TFs, SFs or Respecs every night. But this is for the reeeeeaaaally late night crew. So, if you are a late night player look me up for an invite.
And to those TOTALLY leaving the server, hey, if it ain't a good fit for you, go to a server that perhaps you can find teams on better. Pinnacle is a lower population server, and I will admit that we are all a tight knit group because of it. So, newer players that chose Pinnacle as a home may not get the teaming opportunities that they would have gotten on another server. Can't blame 'em really for switching. I personally don't have the problem of finding teams (but I'm a soloist as well so I'm good either way), so I'm sure for someone that is new and can't find people to form a team or don't know the ins and outs of a server (such as finding team on pinnbadges, alliance x, looneybin, cosmics playground, etc) it can be rather frustrating. Only thing I ask though is that you don't do the whole "Pinnacle is so dead you guys suck" thing. Because really, it's childish and it creates a negative response where we are all going to naturally say "Well, you suck because you can't find a team" or "learn to solo or take the initiative and make friends" or "learn to play then people will team with you... enjoy freedumb" and so on and so forth.
So, to all of you leaving for one reason or another... Good luck to you at whatever server you move to.

Don't worry guys, I'll always be here!

Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.
I've officially transferred my MA/regen to freedom. Up next are going to be my thugs/dark MM, my Sonic/NRG blaster, my rad/nrg blaster and NRG/NRG stalker.
I'm probably going to re roll a brand new farm toon for there. With all that, it's mainly for PvP. THe rest of my toons are staying put here. Pinnacle is home. Freedom is for PvP.
Who intends to leave, where do you plan on going, and who intends to stay?
I love this community but the population drop too has made me consider moving to another server.
I'm not 100% sure, speaking this over with the 3 RL friends that still play
I'm just curious if others plan on making the leap to a specific server, cause you're all great people