Largest Prize Money for Costume Contest?




I'm just wondering what is the largest sum of prize money ever awarded in a single costume contest on the Freedom server, or any server for that matter?

Whatever it happens to be, I plan to beat it... Eventually.



The largest possible prize is 2 Billion, as that is the maximum amount of influence any toon can carry.

Unless you plan on splitting the reward to several toons... and/or including recipes/enhancements in the value of your prize... that's about as high as it gets.

As far as how many prizes you give out per contest.. the sum can certainly vary depending on how many different categories you have, how many rounds you have and how many winners you pick for each category/round.

Historically, I don't keep track of what's going on contest-wise, so I don't really have the answer to your question.



on the champion server, a person gave out the reward of 2 bil along with 10 of any enhancements as a prize for first place 500 mil and 5 of any enhancements for 2nd and 250 mil and 1 of any enhancement for 3rd place. all out of his own pocket, all rewarded in time. this was about 2 years ago.

the price of enhancements alone here probably way more then the actual money prize. so I would say imagine you would have to spend ALOT of money to surpass that specific contest, especially with market prices as they are.



Check out my sig. Total value given out was about 10B, give or take. Justice. It went down last week.



See sig. I think RO had first dibs on the 10 Billion in prizes thing



Originally Posted by Altoholic_Monkey View Post
See sig. I think RO had first dibs on the 10 Billion in prizes thing
Not meaning any offense, but weren't those prizes given out over the 4 days for various events?

Mine was a single day/event and all from my personal (individual) coffers.



Originally Posted by Altoholic_Monkey View Post
See sig. I think RO had first dibs on the 10 Billion in prizes thing
Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
Not meaning any offense, but weren't those prizes given out over the 4 days for various events?

Mine was a single day/event and all from my personal (individual) coffers.
I don't see why it matters... is somebody giving away another reward for being the first or giving away the most? Why split hairs? lol



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
I don't see why it matters... is somebody giving away another reward for being the first or giving away the most? Why split hairs? lol
The OP was asking for a single costume contest. And if his intention is to match or beat it like he says, it's nice to know that a single person can get up to that level of income, as opposed to multiple groups combining. Nothing to detract from what RO has done, but the OP was just asking.



so when will the OP be hosting it?

EDIT: cause I have a really really sexy bad *** stalker that I want to enter in the competition.

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Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
Not meaning any offense, but weren't those prizes given out over the 4 days for various events?

Mine was a single day/event and all from my personal (individual) coffers.
It was 15 days, 8 billion in inf and 2 billion in high value set IOs. Donated by RO members.

My silly comment was just about the amount of the prize, 10 billion. I believe RO tossed that chip on the table first, no matter how you slice the pizza.

Doesn't take away your kudos for earning all those merits/inf for your contest...that's still awesome. You still have the chip for the largest prize for a costume contest...I don't think I ever refuted that. Overall, its stuff given away to players so everyone wins!



When I retired back in.... uh I don't even remember which issue I retired the first time, well sometime pre-IOs, I held a costume contest thing in which I gave out 127 HOs. Since at the time influence meant pretty much nothing, it was no small fortune. I would like to think it ranks up there in terms of Freedom prize events, but its really impossible to compare to now where 8 billion influence builds are not uncommon.

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