Make me a !!!




Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
Good point. I just find it hard to believe that people really enjoy making ridiculously specific IO builds for people they don't know. If they do, well, then as you said, it's all good. I am just not one of those people.

I am one of those folks who tries really hard not to worry about enhancements very much, I slot common lvl 35 IOs at 32... just so I don't have to worry about changing them out much on the ride to 50.

And to me, managing your enhancments are a interical part of the game. I'm not a major numbers cruncher, but i'm very intrested in making the most of what i have. I tend to frankenslot ALOT as a result.

As for the OP, i can't say it bothers me if someone asked for a build to a concept they have.

" I want to make a Superman kind of guy, how would i do that?" Or, " If you were going to make an X, how would you do it? " I love weighting in on questions like that.

What kind of gets me is when someones like, "What's the best build to play this game with? " Or, "I want to kick butt at PvP, what should i make?" (well, honestly, the pvp one i can kind of understand.) It's like, you don't even have an idea in mind for your heros at all?? That kind of baffles me. Of course, i always have hero idea bouncing around in my head...

But, it doesn't really "bother" me as much as confuse me. I have a hard time relating. I tend to ask questions like, "what kind of hero do you want to be?" to try and draw out a concept i can work with. heh.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



My favorites are the "Peeps! Make me an uber build!" types who return to the thread an hour later to complain it hasn't yet been done for them.

I thought about posting a longer and more detailed rant about that, but I can't be bothered. Would one of you do a really good writeup of why that's annoying, and post it here, so I can cut and paste it?

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



While i wouldn't do it, i don't have a problem to seeing people ask for builds. I enjoy making builds and playing around with the numbers, but i know a lot of my friends who doesn't. Even a vet-ier friend then me often ask me to do is character in LARPs.

What i hate is those who "ask" rudely for a build. Or those that totally forget to give any details. "Make me the best pvp build!" without saying wich sets he wants.... or "make me the best elec/WP!" without mention what he's planning to do with it. (solo/team, PvE/PvP, etc)

If you want someone to work for you, you could at least be bothered to work on your demand so it's clear what you want.

Another thing that i hate, while it's not totally related to the "build question", is when people ask for advice in a negative way. "why does X sets sucks" when the person admit in his post not knowing anything about the set.

P.S. All those who attack the OP about him being too serious about a game.... that's exactly what you're doing. Except that you take it far more seriously then he ever did. =P

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



Does it hurt anyone to help some n00b? Even if they say "price is no object" they are usually looking for the end of the road, not the journey. I find it rude that people act like gaming should be just like it was back in the good ol days of AD&D. When you guarded your character sheet with your life. You were the best cause you kept all the secrets to your self.

I have many times asked for a build. Usually its to see what people would do, but it almost always gives me ideas. Makes me think about WHY they may have picked power A over power B. I may not use it, but it helps me as a player find better ways of playing. If you dont like that people ask, then dont read. I dont like knockback or empathetic. I love ele/ blasters. I join those convos, i read the discussions, i debate. You don't have to read my words. You dont have to read my posts. You can skip them all.

The only types of post i got tired of was: MA/AE is ruining the game, and SSK is ruining the game. I got tired of those cause nothing new came up with them after a while..... it was all the same doommongering.

So feel free to debate if people should or shouldnt ask for help, but if you are against helping others, I'd hope you NOT ever ask for help from anyone.

And I'll agree, rude demanding posts are a pain.



There's nothing wrong with it. Some people like to just make builds. I'm one of them. Sometimes I'll work up a build for someone, sometimes I don't feel like it. If you don't like people asking for builds, just ignore them.



Thanks everyone for coming and posting comments- it is refreshing to hear what other people think about the subject. For the record, I wouldn't go into a thread where someone is asking for a complete build be made for them and start a ruckus. I suppose that is the point of discussing the matter here- we can discuss and I don't have to worry about griefing anyone about something I don't personally subscribe to doing.

Words to the wise aren't necessary- it's the stupid ones that need them.

"You're right...I forgot...being constantly at or the near the damage cap is a big turn off. Definitely not worth it."
- Vitality



I can see people wanting everything handed to them, particularly new players who may not have a good understanding of the game. Typically I offer suggestions though instead of an outright build. I will frequently provide a framework, such as my first 20 levels of Invulnerability guide but it's rare that I'll do everything for someone.

Things like "You'll want power X, Y & Z as soon as possible and you'll want power W sometime but it's lower priority than power A." or "Power B is generally skippable because ________" That approach gives them the information they really need to avoid gimping themselves while helping them figure things out. Giving them a complete 1-50 build complete with slotting doesn't help them nearly as much.

I've pretty much given up trying to suggest things to PuG players with absolutely terrible builds; generally even something like "You'll have an easier time if you take Unyielding on your tanker" frequently aren't well received. I actually mentioned that to a tanker playing a level 40 ish Invuln on a PuG awhile back and was told that HE was an uber veteran and knew everything there was to know about tanking and Unyielding was a crap power. Obviously I couldn't know anything about Invuln, he was the tank; I was only playing a dark defender. Ah well, I just had to go ahead and handle the tanking myself... as a dark/dark defender.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



Originally Posted by DrMike2000 View Post
Some of us are born number crunchers and find it fun
Here Here Brother, I play with mids almost as much as I play the game. Character building is half the game to me, so I don't see why anyone would want to shortcut a build to begin with.

I think it's lazy to get others to build for you.



Originally Posted by magikwand View Post
Am I the only person that sees something wrong with players coming to the forums and asking for other people to make them a build? No, I am not talking about people who post up their own builds and ask for a review or assistance or comments. I am talking about people who just come and flat out ask for someone to make a build for them that is "Godly". It comes across as many things, but lazy is pretty much at the top of the list.
What are your thoughts?
Personally, I enjoy making my own toons and builds the way I like. Sure, I peruse the guides found here online and take advice from friends, but I can honestly say I have never just copied and pasted an entire build from someone else into creation. Part of the fun for me is picking powersets, picking costumes, and enhancing the toon the way I like. Does anyone else feel like that?
I don't see anything wrong with utilising the experience and knowledge of other players.

Unless you really, REALLY mess it up a characters build is only 50% of their effectiveness. The rest is skill and experience. Which only comes with playtime.

Plus there's nothing stopping a person from looking at the build, and taking what looks good and doing the rest their way.

Personally I'll look at other builds people have posted on the forums, read slotting advice, etc, but in the end I make the build myself.
Doesn't mean everyone else has to do the same.

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Personally, I craft my own builds and design them to do what I want. I don't generally share them unless asked, because I have a lot of personal rules that I don't feel like explaining and justifying every time. For instance, I'm not going to change travel powers, underslot High Pain Tolerance, or skip Grant Cover. I generally cringe seeing builds anyone else made, because they always skimp a ton in certain areas to achieve things, and that drives me nuts.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.